Erin Dehon, PhD

Erin Dehon, PhD


SOM-Emergency Medicine


Work Phone:
(601) 815-7953


Dr. Dehon is a native of New Orleans, LA. After losing her family home to Hurricane Katrina, she relocated to Jackson, MS and pursued a PhD in clinical psychology. After receiving her Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Jackson State University she went on to complete a psychology residency at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and a fellowship in HIV and Hepatitis C at the VA Medical Center in Jackson, MS. She has specific training and expertise in evidence-based treatments for mental health conditions, behavioral and psychological assessments, and quantitative and qualitative research using social-psychological variables. Her research and professional interests include faculty development, wellness, program and performance evaluations.


G. V. (Sonny) Montgomery VA Medical Center, Fellowship, HIV, Hepatitis C, and Primary Care Psychology2013
Jackson State University, PhD, Clinical Psychology2012
University of Alabama at Birmingham, Clinical Psychology2011
Millsaps College, BS, Psychology2005

Specialty Certification Licensure

Certification, Fellow, Medical Education Grant Academy by Hanover Research, Office of Medical Education in School of Medicine06/2021 - Present
Certification, Diversity and Inclusion Champion Professional Development and Certificate Program, UMMC06/2019 - Present
Certification, AAMC Medical Education Research Training (MERC), UMMC10/2016 - Present
Licensure, Licensed Psychologist08/2013 - Present

Current Positions

Vice Chair, School of Medicine07/2021 - Present
Associate Professor, School of Graduate School in the Health Sciences10/2017 - Present
Director, School of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine04/2016 - Present
Director, School of Medicine02/2015 - Present
Director, School of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine08/2013 - Present
Adjunct Professor07/2015 - Present
The University of Mississippi Medical Center
Jackson, Mississippi 39216

Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments

Associate Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine07/2017 - 06/2022
Assistant Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine08/2013 - 06/2017

Sponsored Program Funding

Extramural, Mississippi Violence Injury Prevention (VIP) Program, NIH11/2022 - 11/2027
Extramural, Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and Interpersonal Violence (IPV) among Mississippi’s Moms: Initiative to Prevent and Treat (SIMM Initiative), Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, Office on Women's Health10/2022 - 10/2025
Extramural, Improving Indoor Air Quality for Childcare Centers (IIAQCC) at Early Head Start Facilities in Mississippi, Environmental Protection Agency03/2022 - 02/2024
Extramural, Student Centered Outcomes Research Experience (SCORE), NIHScience Education Partnership Award (R25)07/2021 - 06/2025
Extramural, Effects of Sponsorship, Mentorship, and Networking on Career Outcomes for Men and Women in Academic Emergency Medicine, Academy for Women in Academic Emergency Medicine (AWAEM)02/2021 - 12/2021
Extramural, Prevalence and Predictors of Psychological Distress Among Emergency Medicine Physicians During the COVID-19 Pandemic, National Foundation of Emergency Medicine07/2020 - 06/2021
Extramural, Scholar Mentor Program, National Foundation for Emergency Medicine01/2020 - 12/2022
Intramural, Development of a Physician Delivered Adherence and Depression Intervention in the Emergency Department, UMMC-MSRP Program06/2019 - 02/2021
Intramural, Student-Centered Outcomes Research Experience (SCORE), UMMC/Ole Miss Community Wellbeing Constellation Grant09/2018 - 08/2019
Extramural, The Development of a Clinical Teaching Evaluation and Feedback Tool for Faculty, Society for Academic Emergency Medicine07/2016 - 06/2017
Extramural, Science Teaching Excites Medical Interest (STEMI), NIH07/2016 - 05/2021
Intramural, Improving Patient Perceived Physician Empathy to Decrease Unnecessary CT scans, UMMC-MSRP Program06/2016 - 09/2016


Published Interview

Kusterbeck S Data Reveal Pediatric EDs’ Biases, Both Implicit and Explicit ED Management. 2021; 33: 112-1132021
Dehon, E. Patient Safety/risk management implications of ED providers’ implicit bias (in press) ED Legal Letter

Journal Article

Pettit K, Messman A, Scott N, Puskarich M, Wang H, Alanis N, Dehon E, Konrath S, Welch R, Kline J Multi-institutional intervention to improve patient perception of physician empathy in emergency care Emergency Medicine Journal. 2022; 39: 420-4262022
Dehon E, Zachrison K, Peltzer-Jones J, Tabatabai R, Clair E, Puskarich M, Ondeyka A, Walter L, Situ-LaCasse E, Fix M Sources of Psychological Distress and Coping Opportunities Among Emergency Medicine Physicians During COVID-19 Western Journal of Emergency Medicine (in press)2021
Stehman C, Williamson K, Dehon E, Alvarez A, Garg M, & Lall M (in press). Ideas to Action: Using Curriculum Design to Develop a “Roadmap to Wellness” Curriculum Journal of Wellness2021
Klender S, Notebeart A, Dehon, E Fear of Death and Exam Performance in a Medical Gross Anatomy Course with Cadaveric Dissection Anatomical Sciences Education. 2021; Advance online publication.
Gordy J, Notebaert A, Sparkmon W, Imeri H, Barnard M, Compretta C, Dehon E, Taylor J, Stray S, Sullivan D, & Rockhold R. Science Teaching Excites Medical Interest: A Qualitative Inquiry of Science Education during the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic Journal of Science Education and Technology. 2021; 11 (4), 148.
Barnard M, Dehon E, Compretta C, Notebaert A, Sparkmon WP, Meyer E, Stray S, Taylor J, Sullivan D,
Rockhold R Development of a competency model and tailored assessment method for high school
science teachers utilizing a flipped learning approach
Educational Technology Research and
Development. 2020; 68, 2595–2614.
Picket J, Calderone HM, Fix M, Tabatabai R, Carrick A, Robertson J, Barnes A, Ondeyka A, Brown M J, Edwards A, & Dehon, E Training in the management of psycho-behavioral conditions: A needs assessment survey of emergency medicine residents Academic Emergency Medicine Education and Training2019
Lin, M., Probst, M., Puskarich, M., Dehon, E., Kuehl, D., Wang, R., Hess, E., Butler, K., Runyon, M., Wang, H. Hobgood, C. Courtney, M., Hall, C., & Kline, J. Perception of Physician Empathy Varies with Educational Level and Gender of Patients Undergoing Low Yield Computerized Tomographic Imaging. Journal of Patient Experience2019
Lall MD, Gaeta TJ, Chung AS, Dehon E, Malcolm W, Ross A, Way DP, Weichenthal L, Himelfarb NT Assessment of Physician Well-being, Part One: Burnout and Other Negative States. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine .2019
Dehon E, Robertson E, Barnard M, Gunalda J, Puskarich M The Development of a Clinical Teaching Evaluation and Feedback Tool for Emergency Medicine Faculty western journal of emergency medicine; 20: 50-572019
Notebaert, A., Barnard, M., Meyer, E., Dehon, E., Compretta, C., Allen, D. Stray, S., Taylor, J., Sullivan, D., & Rockhold, R. Science Teaching Excites Medical Interest: A Teacher Professional Development Program in Mississippi. Journal of STEM Outreach, 1, 1-8.2018
Lin MP, Probst MA, Puskarich MA, Dehon E,
Kuehl DR, Wang RC, Hess EP, Butler K, Runyon MS, Wang H, Courtney DM, Muckley B, Hobgood CD, Hall CL, Kline JA Improving perceptions of empathy in patients undergoing low-yield computerized tomographic imaging in the emergency department Patient Education and Counseling;101(4):717-722
Gottlieb M, Dehon E, Jordan J, Bentley S, Ranney M, Lee S, Khandelwal S & Santen S Getting Published in Medical Education: Overcoming Barriers to Scholarly Production Western Journal of Emergency Medicine; 19: 1-62017
Moriarity R, Dehon E Improving resident wellness using a moderated faculty panel Medical Education2017
Dehon E, Weiss N, Jones J, Faulkoner W, & Sterling S A systematic review of the relationship between physician implicit (unconscious) racial bias and clinical decision making Academic Emergency Medicine2017
Dehon E, Dawson B, Cruse MH, Jackson-Williams Mentoring During Medical School and Match Outcome Among Emergency Medicine Residents Western Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2015; 16:927-9302015
Dehon E, Simpson K, Fowler D, Jones A Development of a 360 Degree Evaluation for Faculty (Faculty 360) MedEdPORTAL (Peer-reviewed educational material)Available from:
Dehon E, Jones J, Puskarich M, Sandifer JP, & Sikes K Using emergency medicine milestones as items on end-of-shift evaluations results in overestimates of residents' proficiency level Journal of Graduate Medical Education. 2015; 7:192-1962015
Dehon E, Gaughf N, Fowler D Development of an Annual Program Evaluation Tool for Residencies (PET-R) MedEdPORTAL (Peer Reviewed Educational Material)2015
Dehon E, McLemore G, & McKenzie K The impact of trainees on length of stay in the emergency department at an academic medical center Southern Medical Journal. 2015; 108: 245-248.2015
Chartier M, Blais R, Steinberg T, Catella, S, Dehon E, Kivlahan D, Ross D, & Zeiss R. Psychology postdoctoral fellowship in integrated HIV and Hepatitis C clinical care: Rationale, progress and future directions. Training and Education in Professional Psychology. doi: 10.1037/tep00000382014
Weiss NH, Tull MT, Davis LT, Dehon EE, Fulton JJ, Gratz KL Examining the association between emotion regulation difficulties and probable posttraumatic stress disorder within a sample of African Americans. Cognitive behaviour therapy. 2012; 41:5-142012
Nevels RM, Dehon EE, Alexander K, Gontkovsky ST Psychopharmacology of aggression in children and adolescents with primary neuropsychiatric disorders: a review of current and potentially promising treatment options Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology. 2010; 18:182-2012010
Dehon E, Gontkovsky ST, Nakase-Richardson R & Spielberger CD Initial validation of the State-Trait Personality Inventory (STPI) depression scales in traumatic brain injury Journal of Cognitive Rehabilitation. 2010; 28: 11-18.2010
Dehon E & Gontkovsky ST Advances in the evaluation and treatment of pain in persons with spinal cord injury and disease: An overview of recent research findings. SCI Psychosocial Process; 2007, 19.2007
Lin, M., Probst, M., Puskarich, M., Dehon, E., Kuehl, D., Wang, R., Hess, E., Butler, K., Runyon, M., Wang, H. Hobgood, C. Courtney, M., Hall, C., & Kline, J Perception of Physician Empathy Varies with Educational Level and Gender of Patients Undergoing Low Yield Computerized Tomographic Imaging. Journal of Patient Experience. 2019; 7: 386-394
Clair E, Treadway B, Martin L & Dehon E (under review). A Study of the Emotional Experiences of Emergency Department Physicians During COVID and their Impact on Clinical Decision (under review)
Pettit K, Messman A, Scott N, Puskarich M, Wang H, Alanis N, Dehon E, Konrath S, Welch R & Kline J (recommended revisions submitted) Multi-Institutional Intervention to Improve Patient Perception of Physician Empathy in Emergency Care Emergency Medicine Journal
Dixon-Gordon K, Waite E, Denning D, Isbell L, Schoenfeld E, Soares W, Dehon E, Kalmakis K. Examining Emergency Department Provider Attitudes towards Psychiatric Conditions: Predictors and Effects on Care in Hypothetical Vignettes (under review)
Dehon E, Baden R Should parents “redshirt” their kindergartener? Sparks News2012
Spotlight: An interview with C. Gerald O’Brien, Ph.D. past MPA president, future MPA president, forensic psychologist extraordinaire The Mississippi Psychologist. 2006; 31:6-92006


Clair E, Shaw J, Dehon E Impact of Emergency Department Physician Emotions on Clinical Decision Making During COVID-19 Academic Emergency Medicine, 28, S2922021
Clair E, Shaw J, Dehon E Barriers and Facilitators to Implementing a Brief Physician Delivered Intervention in the Emergency Department Abstract presented at the National Update on Behavioral Emergencies Conference, Virtual Conference2020
Manchester L, McParlane J, Dehon E Improving Burnout through Resident Shift Adjustments: A Wellness Innovation Western Journal of Emergency Medicine: Integrating Emergency Care with Population Health2020
Roth A, Notebaert A, Dehon E, Robertson E Using a Modified Delphi Method in the Creation of an Anatomy Readiness Assessment Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, 34, S12020
Klender S, Notebaert A, Dehon E Medical Students’ Fear of Death in a Gross Anatomy Course with Cadaveric Dissection Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, 34, S12020
Klender S, Ferriby A, Dehon E, Notebaert A The Effect of Negatively Worded Stems on Item Difficulty and Discrimination Presented at the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society Annual Meeting, Portland, OR.2019
Klender S, Notebaert A, Dehon E Fear of Death and Performance in a Dental Gross Anatomy Course with Cadaveric Dissection FASEBJ, 33 (1), Supplement 606.192019
Meyer E, McKone K, Barnard M, Compretta C, Dehon E, Gordy X, Notebaert A, Stray S, Taylor J, Thompson S, Sullivan D, Rockhold R Active Learning Neuroscience Lesson Improves Students’ Knowledge of Health Disparities Regarding Memory Loss and Stroke JMAS 61(1):1382019
Dehon E, Robertson E, Barnard M, Puskarich M Teaching the Emergency Medicine Competencies During a Clinical Shift: Effective and Ineffective Strategies Used by Faculty Oral presentation at the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Annual Convention, Orlando, FL.2017
Dehon E, Sterling S, Faulconer W, Walchak L, Jones J A systematic review of the relationship between physician implicit (unconscious) racial bias and clinical decision making Academic Emergency Medicine, 23, S6602016
Dehon E, Dawson B, Cruise H, Jackson L An examination of the relationship between mentoring during medical school and match outcome. Academic Emergency Medicine. 2015; 22: S2672015
Dehon, E, McLemore G, & McKenzie K The impact of rotating students and residents on length of stay in the emergency department at an academic medical center Academic Emergency Medicine. 2014; 21: S2292014
Dehon, E, Jones, J, & Sikes K Emergency medicine milestone shift evaluations overestimate residents’ proficiency level Academic Emergency Medicine. 2014; 21: S1692014
Dehon E, & Jones, J Frequency of agreement among standardized letter of recommendation (SLOR) writers: Does the writer matter? Academic Emergency Medicine. 2014; 21: S1702014
Dehon, E, & Jones, J The use of a standardized letter of recommendation (SLOR) composite score and its relationship to rank order list position Academic Emergency Medicine. 2014; 21: S1702014
Dehon E, Karlson,CW, Smith M, Leist S & Elkin TD Caregiver reported adherence in pediatric cancer Annals of Behavioral Emergency Medicine, 41, S80.2011
Rockhold R, Barnard M, Compretta C, Dehon E, Gordy XZ, Iverson C, Meyer E, Notebaert A, Stray S, Taylor J, Thompson , Sullivan D, Elasri M A New Collaborative Resource to Aid Innovative Curriculum Development by STEM Teachers. JMAS 64(1):135.


Dehon E Psychosocial Risks and Benefits of Personalized Patient Websites for Caregivers of Children with Cancer. Jackson State University. 2012

Book Chapter

Cropsey K, Clark B, Dehon E HIV Prevention and African Americans; In Encyclopedia of AIDS Encyclopedia of AIDS: Springer, New York, 20152015

Editorial Commentary

Nasruddin S, Johnson T. Presley M, Wade B, Whalen Q,
Gordineer E, Compretta C, Dehon E, Ford-Wade A, Godfrey M, Barnard M Overcoming barriers to training the next generation of public health professionals American Journal of Public Health (in press)

Letter to the Editor

Dehon E, Weiss N, Sterling S In Reply: Clinical vignettes inadequate to assess impact of implicit bias: concerning limitations of a systematic
Academic Emergency Medicine. 2017;


Poster Presentation, Improving MCAT Exam Preparedness in Students from Underrepresented Communities in Mississippi., Mississippi Rural Medicine Symposium, Jackson MS02/2023
Poster Presentation, Student-Centered Outcomes Research Experience): A student-developed research agenda., NIH SciEd Annual Conference, Washington DC06/2022
Poster Presentation, Project SCORE: Student-Centered Outcomes Research Experience, NIH SciEd Annual Conference, Washington DC05/2021
Platform Presentations, Prevalence and Predictors of Distress Among Emergency Medicine Physicians During COVID-19, Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, Virtual05/2021
Poster Presentation, Impact of Emergency Department Physician Emotions on Clinical Decision Making During COVID-19, Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, Virtual05/2021
Invited Symposia, So you want to start a wellness curriculum?”: Guide to creating your individualized wellness curriculum, Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors (CORD) Virtual Conference, virtual04/2021
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Gender Diversity, UMMC Department of Psychiatry's Diversity Day, virtual12/2020
Poster Presentation, Barriers and Facilitators to Implementing a Brief Physician Delivered Intervention in the Emergency Department, National Update on Behavioral Emergencies, virtual12/2020
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Step Out of Your Silo: The Value of Creating a Network of Mentors, Experts, Sponsors, and Supportive Colleagues Within and Outside Your Discipline, UMMC Group on Women in Medicine's Ignite Symposium, virtual11/2020
Poster Presentation, Faculty Ultrasound Teaching through Skills Reinforcements, UMMC Improving Learning Outcomes in the Classroom CE Event11/2020
Poster Presentation, Using a Modified Delphi Method in the Creation of an Anatomy Readiness Assessment, American Association for Anatomy Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA04/2020
Poster Presentation, The Effect of Negatively Worded Stems on Item Difficulty and Discrimination, Human Anatomy and Physiology Society Annual Meeting, Portland Coregon10/2019
Poster Presentation, Project SCORE (Student-Centered Outcomes Research Experience), NIH SciEd, Washington DC04/2019
Poster Presentation, Professional Competency Assessment of Flipped STEM Educators, NIH SciEd, DC05/2018
Poster Presentation, Evaluating Flipped Teaching in STEM: A Rubric, Experimental Biology, San Diego04/2018
Poster Presentation, An examination of perceived barriers to medical school among African American undergraduate students., Southern Group on Educational Affairs Annual Conference., Jackson, MS04/2018
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Community collaboration for STEM education in Mississippi: SEPA, STEMI and INBRE, INBRE, Jackson, MS07/2017
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Community formation: Science Teaching Excites Medical Interest (STEMI), Delta Regional Forum: Population Health, Development, and Entrepreneurial Problem Solving, Clarksdale, MS07/2017
Poster Presentation, Identifying, Assessing, and Visualizing Competencies for Teaching Science in a Flipped Learning Environment- the STEMI Competency Model, NIH SciEd, Rockville, MD05/2017
Poster Presentation, Patient Perceptions of Physician Empathy among ED Patients Undergoing CT Imaging, Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Annual Convention, Orlando, FL05/2017
Platform Presentations, Developing a Medical Education Research Question, Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, Orlando, FL05/2017
Platform Presentations, Teaching the Emergency Medicine Competencies During a Clinical Shift: Effective and Ineffective Strategies Used by Faculty, Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Annual Convention, Orlando, FL05/2017
Poster Presentation, Using Behavioral Based Interviewing to Improve Resident Selection, National Resident Matching Program Annual Convention, New Orleans02/2017
Poster Presentation, Science Teaching Excites Medical Interest, NIH SciEd, Rockville, MD05/2016
Poster Presentation, A systematic review of the relationship between physician implicit (unconscious) racial bias and clinical decision making, Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, New Orleans, LA05/2016
Poster Presentation, An examination of the relationship between mentoring during medical school and residency match outcome, Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM), San Diego, CA05/2015
Poster Presentation, An examination of the relationship between mentoring during medical school and residency match outcome, Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors (CORD), Phoenix, AZ04/2015
Platform Presentations, The impact of rotating students and residents on length of stay in the emergency department at an academic medical center, Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, Dallas, TX05/2014
Poster Presentation, Emergency medicine milestone shift evaluations overestimate residents’ proficiency level, Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, Dallas, TX05/2014
Poster Presentation, Frequency of agreement among standardized letter of recommendation (SLOR) writers: Does the writer matter, Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, Dallas, TX05/2014
Poster Presentation, The use of a standardized letter of recommendation (SLOR) composite score and its relationship to rank order list position, Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, Dallas, TX05/2014
Platform Presentations, Emergency medicine milestone shift evaluations overestimate residents’ proficiency level, Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors, New Orleans, LA04/2014
Poster Presentation, Frequency of agreement among standardized letter of recommendation (SLOR) writers: Does the writer matter, Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors, New Orleans, LA03/2014
Poster Presentation, The use of a standardized letter of recommendation (SLOR) composite score and its relationship to rank order list position, Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors, New Orleans, LA03/2014
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Problem solving: Teaching effective problem solving skills including reducing physical and emotional arousal and thought overload, HIV/AIDS Support Group, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS06/2013
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Living a valued life: Identifying values and making decisions that allow you to pursue valued activities even in the face of pain, illness, distress, and discomfort., HIV/AIDS Support Group, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS04/2013
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Coping with chronic pain, Spinal Cord Injury Support Group, G. V. (Sonny) Montgomery VA Medical Center, Jackson, MS02/2013
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Understanding the role of mental health in Chronic Medical Illnesses, HIV/AIDS Support Group, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS02/2013
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Navigating the challenges of graduate school and the internship process, Jackon State University, Jackson, MS01/2013
Symposium, Pediatric aggression, brain circuitry models and DSM-V: General and diversity implications, Association for Psychological Science 24th Annual Convention, Chicago, IL05/2012
Research Presentation, Prevalence, correlates of depression, and mental health service utilization among Hispanics in Mississippi, Mental Health Research Conference: Southern Institute for Mental Health Advocacy, Research and Training, Choctaw, MS.08/2011
Poster Presentation, Prevalence of substance use among undergraduates attending an HBCU., Mississippi School for Addiction Professionals, Hattiesburg, MS04/2011
Poster Presentation, Emotion regulation as a protective factor for posttraumatic stress symptoms among African Americans, Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, San Francisco, CA11/2010
Poster Presentation, Examining peri-trauma variables among African Americans: Does type of trauma predict PTSS symptomatology?, Mississippi Psychological Association, Biloxi, MS.09/2010
Poster Presentation, Perceived social support as a protective factor for the development of PTSD among African Americans, Mississippi Psychological Association, Biloxi, MS09/2010
Poster Presentation, Positive and negative affect of parents of children with cancer, World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Boston, MA06/2010
Poster Presentation, Risks and benefits of social networking sites for parents of children with cancer, World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Boston, MA.06/2010
Poster Presentation, The first African American president: A means to change traditional African American beliefs on same-sex marriage, civil unions and gay hate crimes?, World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Boston, MA06/2010
Poster Presentation, Caregiver-reported medication adherence in pediatric cancer, Society for Behavioral Medicine, Washington, DC03/2010
Symposium, The future of psychology through the eyes of doctoral students, Mississippi Psychological Association, Gulfport, MS09/2009
Poster Presentation, Education and African American students' attitudes toward mental health treatment, American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada08/2009
Symposium, Understanding and Managing Defiant and Sexually Aggressive Children and Adolescents, Tunica, MS, Mississippi Psychological Association09/2008
Poster Presentation, Injury-related and Demographic Influences on Emotional and Personality Functioning Post-TBI, American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA08/2007
Poster Presentation, State-Trait Personality Inventory: A Validation Study of Depression in Traumatic Brain Injury, Association for Psychological Science, Washington, DC05/2007
Poster Presentation, Science Teaching Excites Medical Interest, UM/UMMC Research Day, Oxford, MS

Honors, Awards, and Recognition

Emergency Medicine Department Awarded Esprit De Corps Award, UMMC 2022 Pillars: Recognition of Service & Inclusive Excellence Diversity and Inclusion, UMMC2022
Member of the inaugural School of Medicine Grant Academy, School of Medicine2021
Honorable Mention for the Beacon Award; Recognition of Service & Inclusive Excellence, Office of Diversity and Inclusion2021
GWIMS Awarded Honorable Mention under my Presidency, Esprit De Corps Award, UMMC 2021 Pillars: Recognition of Service & Inclusive Excellence Diversity and Inclusion, UMMC2021
Honorable Mention for the Beacon Award; Recognition of Service & Inclusive Excellence, Office of Diversity and Inlcusion2019
Star of the Quarter for Contributions in Education and Faculty Development, UMMC-Dept of Emergency Medicine2018
Systematic Review Article Selected as Editor in Chief’s Pick of the Month, Academic Emergency Medicine Journal2017
UMMC Representative for Leadership Greater Jackson, Leadership Greater Jackson2015
$1500 Scholarship to attend American Conference for the Treatment of HIV, Veterans Administration2013
Certificate of Academic Excellence, Jackson State University2006
Member of Alpha Epsilon Lambda National Honor Society, Jackson State University2006
Member of Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society, Millsaps College2005
Cum Laude, Millsaps College2005

Professional Membership and Service

National Foundation of Emergency Medicine, Member of the Membership Committee2021 - Present
Society for Academic Emergency Medicine's Behavioral and Psychological Interest Group, Member2020 - Present
Association of Psychologists in Academic Health Centers (APAHC), Member of Research Committee2020 - Present
American Association of Emergency Psychiatry, Member2019 - Present
GWIMS, Officer-President2019 - 2022
American Association of Emergency Psychiatry, Member2018 - Present
GWIMS, Mentorship Chair2018 - 2019
Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors, Officer, Other Officer2018 - 2020
Southern Group on Educational Affairs Professionalism and Professional Health and Wellness Special Interest Group, Member2017 - 2019
Association of Psychologists in Academic Health Centers-Diversity Committee, Member2017 - 2019
Society for Academic Emergency Medicine: Research in Medical Education Curriculum Development Task Force, Member2016 - 2017
Society for Academic Emergency Medicine: Faculty Development Committee, Member2016 - Present
Southern Group on Educational Affairs-Arts and Humanities Healthcare Education Special Interest Group, Member2016 - 2018
Southern Group on Educational Affairs, Member2016 - Present
Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors Resilience Committee, Member2016 - Present
Mississippi Psychological Association, Member2015 - Present
Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, Member2014 - Present
Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors, Member2014 - Present
Association of Psychologists in Academic Health Centers, Member2013 - Present

Committee Service

Faculty well-being task force: Working with a 7 person team to develop a Faculty Well-Being Curriculum for UMMC, Task Force Member2020 - Present
Program Evaluation Committee, Chair2018 - Present
Faculty Advisor for Resident Wellness Committee2018 - Present
Diversity Council Department of Emergency Medicine, Member2017 - Present
Disparities Research Review Group, Member2017 - 2018
Provider Engagement and Burnout Prevention Task Force, Member2016 - Present
Mentoring Interest Group, Member2016 - Present
Next GenEd, Member2015 - 2019
Promotions and Tenure, Department of Emergency Medicine, Member2015 - Present
Program Evaluation Committee, Member2014 - Present
Emergency Medicine Resident Selection Committee, Member2013 - Present
Clinical Comptency Committee, Member2013 - Present
Pain Management, Member2005 - 2006

Community Service

EversCare Volunteer-distribute food to families in need, volunteer06/2023 - 06/2023
Habitat for Humanity, volunteer11/2021 - 11/2021
Toy Drive Organizer, Good Samaritan Center, Organizer10/2020 - 12/2021
Leadership Greater Jackson, Member09/2015 - 08/2016
Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, Volunteer (Big Sister)09/2014 - 08/2017
Our Fondren Neighborhood Association (OFNA), Volunteer2014 - Present
Good Samaritan Center, Volunteer07/2010 - Present
Jackson Friends of the Animal Shelter, Volunteer05/2009 - Present

Other Service

Guest Editor Visual Journal of Emergency Medicine Special Issue Rashes in Persons of Color: Addressing Disparities in Dermatology Educational Resources04/2022 - 10/2022
Faculty Mentor, serve as a mentor for Elena Dent (faculty member in preventive medicine)04/2021 - Present
Faculty Mentor, serve as a mentor for Emily Booth (faculty member in pediatrics)04/2021 - Present
Faculty Mentor, serve as a mentor for Praise Montemavi (faculty member in surgery)02/2021 - Present
Faculty Mentor for Faculty Mentor for the National Foundation of Emergency Medicine, Faculty Mentor for Utsav Nandi2021 - Present
Teaching and Learning in Medicine02/2020 - Present
Faculty Mentor for the National Foundation of Emergency Medicine, serve as a mentor for Elizabeth Clair (faculty member in emergency medicine)2020 - Present
Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings07/2019 - Present
Behavioral Emergencies Section Editor Western Journal of Emergency Medicine03/2019 - Present
Faculty mentor, serve as a mentor for Linda Schmidt (faculty member in pediatrics)02/2019 - 12/2019
Academic Medicine02/2019 - Present
Faculty Mentor, serve as a mentor for Tanja Bisesi (faculty member in radiology)01/2019 - 09/2020
Faculty Mentor, Mentor to Jonah Gunalda (faculty member in emergency medicine)10/2018 - Present
AAMC Group on Educational Affairs (GEA)02/2018 - Present
Academic Emergency Medicine Education and Training07/2016 - Present
Faculty Development: Department of Emergency Medicine, Coordinator. Coordination of a burnout screening tool for faculty06/2016 - Present
Resident Development: Department of Emergency Medicine-Education Division, Developer/Coordinator: Development and coordination of a mental health screening tool for residents02/2016 - Present
Program Development: Department of Emergency Medicine-Education Division, Developer and Coordinator. Edited the existing Annual Program Evaluation Tool for the Emergency Medicine Residency Program. A new Program Evaluation Tool was developed to reflect changes in the residency program.2016 - Present
Journal of Graduate Medical Education, Peer Reviewer03/2015 - Present
Faculty Development: Department Emergency Medicine, Director of Faculty Development. Developed and implemented a Faculty Development and Mentoring Program for the Department of Emergency Medicine. This included designing and coordinating monthly educational seminars for faculty, developing a departmental mentoring program for assistant and associate level professors, and helping assistant and associate level professors put together career development plans.01/2015 - Present
Program Development: Department of Emergency Medicine-Education Division, Developer and Coordinator. Redesigned the Annual Program Evaluation Tool for the Emergency Medicine Residency Program. A new Program Evaluation Tool was developed specifically for Faculty to complete (including designing and testing the individual items, administering a web-based survey instrument, and analyzing and presenting results)2015 - Present
MeEdPORTAL Publications, Peer Reviewer12/2014 - Present
Resident Development: Department of Emergency Medicine-Education Division, Designed and implemented a new lecture format for residents11/2014 - Present
Resident Selection: Department of Emergency Medicine-Education Division, Trained faculty and residents in performing behaviorally based interviews10/2014 - Present
Journal of Patient Experience, Peer Reviewer10/2014 - Present
Resident Selection: Department of Emergency Medicine-Education Division, Redesigned the interview process by developing behaviorally based interviews for resident selection09/2014 - Present
Program Development: Department of Emergency Medicine-Education Division, Developer. Developed a real-time lecture evaluation tool which was incorporated into our residency program's app08/2014 - Present
Program Development: Department of Emergency Medicine-Education Division, Designer/Coordinator. Redesigned and implemented a new resident electronic shift evaluation based on the Emergency Medicine milestones07/2014 - Present
Faculty Development: Department of Emergency Medicine, Developer/Coordinator. Development and coordination of a Faculty 360 Degree Evaluation. I designed and tested a new evaluation tool for faculty to be evaluated by peers, nurses, consultants and residents.06/2014 - Present
Program Development: Department of Emergency Medicine-Education Division, Developer/Coordinator. Development and coordination of the Annual Residency Program Evaluation (including designing and testing the individual items, administering a web-based survey instrument, and analyzing and presenting results)04/2014 - Present
Supervisor: Department of Emergency Medicine-Education Division, Supervision and training of residency education administrator2014 - Present
Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, Abstract Reviewer12/2013 - Present
Staff Selection: Department of Emergency Medicine-Education Division, Staff Selection Committee, Reviewed applications and interviewed applicants for the residency program's education administrator position12/2013 - Present
Academic Emergency Medicine, Peer Reviewer11/2013 - Present
Program Development: Department of Emergency Medicine-Education Division, Facilitate the residency program's transition to the Next Accreditation System (ensuring that the program meets the new guidelines set forth by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education)09/2013 - Present
Quality Improvement: Department of Emergency Medicine, Director of Resident Quality Initiatives. Work with the chair and department division director to design and put into practice resident quality improvement projects. Encourage and facilitate quality improvement projects from residents and faculty

Teaching Experience

Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Introduction to Survey Based Research (Small Group)Spring 2023
Medicine, Lecture, Facilitator, Faculty Focus Panel The Uncertainties of the Research Process (Moderator)Fall 2023 - 2023
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Turning Your Regular Work into Scholarly Activity (Faculty Development session)Summer 2023
Medicine, Small Group, Lecturer, Strategic Planning for Resident Wellness Program (4hr session)Summer 2023 - 2023
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Resident WellnessSummer 2022
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Living Intentionally According to Your ValuesSummer 2021
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Intern Orientation to the Emergency Medicine Department’s Wellness and Diversity ProgramsSummer 2021
Medicine, Lecture, Facilitator, What Apps do you use for wellness? (organizer and moderator of panel)Spring 2021
Medicine, Facilitator, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategic Planning Session for the Department of Emergency MedicineFall 2020
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Gender DiversityWinter 2020
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Sleep Hygiene in Emergency Medicine (designer and facilitator of faculty panel)Spring 2020
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, An Introduction to the Emergency Medicine Wellness ProgramSummer 2020
Facilitator, GWIMS Connect Share Advance Session on Promotion and TenureSpring 2019
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Creating an Individualized Wellness PlanSummer 2019
Medicine, Lecture, Facilitator, Financial Wellness (designer and facilitator of faculty panel)Winter 2019
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, An Introduction to the Emergency Medicine Wellness ProgramSummer 2019
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, GWIMS Connect Share Advance: Interview Do's and Dont'sSpring 2018 - 2018
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Medical Neuroscience and Behavior CourseSpring 2018
Medicine, Small Group, Facilitator, Medical Neuroscience and BehaviorSpring 2018
Medicine, Lecture, Facilitator, Wellness M & MSummer 2018 - 2018
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Overview of Emergency Medicine Wellness ProgramSummer 2018 - 2018
Medicine, Small Group, Preceptor, Patient Experience Academy-Communication SkillsFall 2018
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Developing a Wellness and Resilience Program for UMMC EM ResidentsWinter 2017
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Faculty Wellness Panel on Work-Life Balance and Coping with Stressful Situations (Facilitator)Winter 2017
High School Teachers participating in Science Teaching Excites Medical Interest, Lecture, Lecturer, An Introduction to Health LiteracySpring 2017 - 2017
Medicine, Lecture, Facilitator, Sleep Hygiene in Emergency MedicineSummer 2017
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Schwartz Center Rounds: Strengthening Provider-Patient Relationships by Spotting and Addressing Burnout (Co-Presenter)Winter 2017
Medicine, Small Group, Guest Presenter, Ed Talks Presenter on Faculty Works in ProgressWinter 2016
Medicine, Small Group, Course Director, Writing a Good Research Question (facilitator)Winter 2016
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Resident Wellness and Results of the 2016 Mental Health SurveySpring 2016 - 2016
Graduate, Small Group, Guest Presenter, Intro to Problems in clinical AnatomySpring 2016 - 2016
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Wellness and Sleep for the New Emergency Medicine ResidentSummer 2016
Medicine, Lecture, Course Director, Who Said Clinicians and Educators Can't Produce Scholarly Work? (presenter)Winter 2015
Medicine, Lecture, Course Director, The Promotion and Tenure Process and How to Prepare (facilitator)Winter 2015
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, The Effect of Sleepiness and Fatigue on Physician Functioning and Strategies to Reduce its ImpactSpring 2015
Medicine, Lecture, Course Director, The Impact of the Hidden Curriculum on Graduate Medical Education (facilitator)Spring 2015 - 2015
Medicine, Lecture, Course Director, Designing an Effective Interview to Hire the Best Candidate (presented 2x's)Summer 2015
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Surviving Residency without Getting Kicked Out or Burned Out (Intern Orientation)Summer 2015
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Unconscious Bias and the Implicit Association Test (Intern Orientation)Summer 2015
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Eliminate Burnout and Reach Your Full Potential by Applying the Happiness AdvantageSummer 2015
Medical Education, Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Medical Education Scholarship Faculty Development Series (co-presenter)Summer 2015 - 2015
Medicine, Lecture, Course Director, Writing and Interpreting Letters of RecommendationFall 2015
Medicine, Small Group, small group discussion leader, Evidence Based MedicineWinter 2014 - 2014
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, A Taste of Motivational InterviewingWinter 2014 - 2014
Medicine, Lecture, Course Director, Delivering an effective lecture for today's students (presented 2x's)Spring 2014
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Burnout and Wellness for the Resident PhysicianSpring 2014
Medicine, Course Director, Faculty Development Seminar Series for Emergency Medicine 2014
Medicine, Lecture, Course Director, The Role of the Resident Advisor and Mentor (presented 2x's)Summer 2014
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Sleep and Fatigue in Residency (OPEM)Summer 2014
Medicine, Lecture, Course Director, Evaluating Resident CompetenciesFall 2014
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Resident Wellness: Substance Use and AbuseFall 2014 - 2014
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Delivering an Interesting and Effective LectureWinter 2014 - 2014
Medicine, Lecture, Course Director, Strategies to Improve Providing Feedback to EM Residents (presented 2x's)Winter 2014
Medicine, Lecture, Course Director, Overview of the Emergency Medicine Milestones (presented 2x's)Spring 2014
Medicine, Lecture, Course Director, Remediation Plans for the Problem ResidentWinter 2014
Medicine, Small Group, Small group discussion leader, Evidence Based MedicineFall 2013 - 2013
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Burnout and Wellness for the Emergency Medicine PhysicianWinter 2013 - 2013
Medicine, Lecture, Course Director, Faculty Development Seminar Series for Emergency Medicine 2013
Course, Course Director, Clinical Psychology 2011
Course, Course Director, Behavioral Neuroscience 2010
Course, Course Director, Abnormal Psychology 2010
Course, Course Director, General Psychology 2007
Teaching Assistant, Experimental Psychology 2005
Medicine, Course, Course Director, Social Emergency Medicine ElectiveAnnual
Medicine, Course, Course Director, Wellness Curriculum for Emergency Medicine ResidentsAnnual
Medicine, Course, Course Director, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Curriculum for Emergency MedicineAnnual
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Intern Orientation to the Emergency Medicine Department’s Wellness and Diversity ProgramsSummer

Directed Student Learning

Research Advisor, Food Insecurity and linkage to resources among patients presenting to the pediatric emergency department
Advised: Jonathan Zhu
2023 - Present
Supervised Research, Empowering Students through Education and Effective Mentorship (ESTEEM)
Advised: Kaia Horne
2023 - Present
Dissertation Committee Member, Identifying the role of self-directed learning readiness in mental well-being and academic performance among preclinical medical students
Advised: Oheneba Boadum
2022 - Present
Research Advisor, Empowering Students through Education and Effective Mentorship (ESTEEM)
Advised: Libby Kalbachia
2022 - Present
Dissertation Committee Member, Stimulant Use Among First Year Medical and Dental Students
Advised: Kayla Pavlick
2021 - Present
Dissertation Committee Member, Benefits and Challenges of Implementing a Prosection Based Anatomy Course
Advised: Shannon Curran
2021 - Present
Research Advisor, Empathy To Reduce Anticipated Negative CT Scanning: ETRACT
Advised: Ariel Childs
2018 - Present
Supervised Research, Empathy To Reduce Anticipated Negative CT Scanning: ETRACT
Advised: Jazmyn Shaw
2018 - Present
Supervised Research, Empathy To Reduce Anticipated Negative CT Scanning: ETRACT
Advised: Adam Cummins
2018 - Present
Supervised Research, Empathy To Reduce Anticipated Negative CT Scanning: ETRACT
Advised: William Salaum
2018 - Present
Dissertation Committee Chair, The Inlfuence of Death Anxiety, Self-Efficacy and Level of Preparation on Gross Anatomy Performance Among Medical Students
Advised: Sara Klender
2018 - Present
Dissertation Committee Member, The Benefits of Prior Anatomy Coursework: Student Perspectives and Performance Outcomes in the Health Professions
Advised: Ellen Robertson
2017 - Present
Dissertation Committee Member, The Implications of 3D Virtual Stereoscopic Models of Normal & Abnormal Middle and Inner Ear Anatomy for Medical Student and Resident Learning and Retention
Advised: Edgar Meyer
2017 - Present
Clinical Competency Committee Member, A Case Conceptualization: Persistent Depressive Disorder
Advised: Aziza Felton
2017 - 2017
Supervised Research, Development of an Evaluation and Feedback Tool for Faculty
Advised: Ellen Robertson
2016 - Present
Supervised Research, Empathy To Reduce Anticipated Negative CT Scanning: ETRACT
Advised: Hannah Miller
2016 - Present
Dissertation Committee Member, The Impact of Internalized Transphobia and Resiliency on Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Individuals
Advised: Kaitlin Portz
2016 - Present
Mentor, Advised: Melvin Dawkins2014 - Present
Advisor, Advised: Katherine Hall2013 - Present

Residency Training

Emergency Medicine Residency Program, Research Advisor2021 - Present
Emergency Medicine Residency Program, Research Advisor2021 - Present
Emergency Medicine Residency Program, Research Advisor2020 - Present
Clinical Anatomy Graduate Program, Research Advisor2020 - Present
Emergency Medicine Residency Program, Research Advisor2017 - Present
Emergency Medicine Residency Program, Research Advisor2017 - Present
Emergency Medicine Residency Program, Research Advisor2017 - Present
Emergency Medicine Residency Program, Research Advisor2017 - Present
Emergency Medicine Residency Program, Research Advisor2017 - Present
Emergency Medicine Residency Program, Research Advisor2017 - Present
Emergency Medicine Residency Program, Research Advisor2017 - 07/2018
Emergency Medicine Residency Program, Research Advisor2015 - Present
Emergency Medicine Residency Program, Research Advisor2015 - Present
Anesthesia Residency Program, Subspecialty/Activity Director2015 - Present
Emergency Medicine Residency Program, Research Advisor2014 - Present
Emergency Medicine Residency Program, Training Faculty2014 - Present
Emergency Medicine Residency Program, Research Advisor2013 - Present
Emergency Medicine Residency Program, Training Faculty2013 - 02/2014
Emergency Medicine Residency Program, Research Advisor2013 - Present
Emergency Medicine Residency Program, Training Faculty