Jill S. Clayton, PhD

Jill S. Clayton, PhD


SON-Instruction School Nursing


Work Phone:
(601) 815-9477


Univerisity of MS Medical Center, PhD, Doctor of Philosophy2014
University Of MS Medical Center, MSN, Nursing2002
University Of MS Medical Center, BSN, nursing1996

Current Positions

Assistant Professor, School of Nursing08/2010 - Present
The University of Mississippi Medical Center
Jackson, Mississippi 39216

Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments

Clinical Specialist10/2006 - 08/2010
Instructor, UMMC SON, School of Nursing08/2002 - 10/2006
registered nurse, Central MS Medical Center, Department of PACU10/1997 - 08/2002
Registered Nurse, UMMC, Department of ortho/trauma unit08/1996 - 10/1997


Journal Article

MacSorley,R, White,J, Conerly,V, Walker,J, Lofton,S, Ragland,G, Davey,D, Robertson,A. Pain assessment and management strategies or elderly patients. Home Healthcare Nurse, 32(5)2014
White,J, Wilson,G, Tucci,M, & Benghuzzi The effects of sustained delivery of estrogen on bone strength and cardiovascular panels in osteoporotic female rats. Biomed Science Instrum: 336-3442014
Benghuzzi,H, Wilson,G, White,J, Cason,Z, Mohamed,A, Cameron,J. The effects of sustained delivery of estrogen and demineralized bone matrix proteins on bone in ovaiectomized female rats. Biomed Science Instrum, 49: 85-932013
White,J, Morton, V, Whittington, K, Wilson, G, Tucci,M, Benghuzzi,H. The effects of demineralized bone matrix proteins, estrogen, and an antagonist to neuropeptide y on osteoblast and osteoclast viability and function related to osteoporosis. Biomed Science Instrum, 48: 478-4842012
Walker,J, Martin,T, Haynie,L, Norwood,A, White,J, Grant,L. Preferences for teaching methods in a Baccalaureate Nursing Program: How second degree and traditional students differ. Nursing Education Perspectives 28(5): 246-2502007
Walker,J, artin,T, Elliot,R, Haynie,L, Norwood,A, White,J Generational (age) differences in nursing students' preferences for teaching methodology. Journal of Nursing Education 45(9): 371-3742006
Walker,J, Martin,T, White,J, Norwood,A, Haynie,L. Generational age differences impact the college classroom. Journal of Mississippi Academy Sciences2006


White,J. The effects of neuropeptide y and physiological estrogen on the cardiovascular and skeletal system of ovariectomized rats2014


Poster Presentation, The effects of sustained delivery of estrogen on bone strength and cardiovascular panels in osteoporotic female rats., 19th Annual SHRP Research Day, Jackson, MS04/2014
Poster Presentation, The effects of sustained delivery of estrogen on bone strength and cardiovascular panels in osteoporotic female rats., 51st Annual Rocky Mountain Bioengineering Symposium, Denver, colorado04/2014
Poster Presentation, A review of a practice year at a rural school-based health center., MNA Annual Convention, Biloxi, MS10/2013
Poster Presentation, The effects of demineralized bone matrix proteins, estrogen, and an antagonist to neuropeptide y on osteoblast and osteoclast viability and function related to osteoporosis., Oglevee PApers/Driskell Lecture and Sigma Theta Tau International, Jackson, MS04/2013
Poster Presentation, The effects of demineralized bone matrix proteins, estrogen, and an antagonist to neuropeptide y on osteoblast and osteoclast viability and function related to osteoporosis., UMMC School of Health Related Professions Seventeenth Annual SHRP Research Day, Jackson, MS04/2012
Poster Presentation, The effects of demineralized bone matrix proteins, estrogen, and an antagonist to neuropeptide y on osteoblast and osteoclast viability and function related to osteoporosis., 49th Annual Rocky Mountain Bioengineering Symposium, Blacksburg, Virginia03/2012
Poster Presentation, Use of TCPL ceramic implants to deliver estrogen in osteoporotic female rats., #30th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference, Biloxi, MS04/2011
Poster Presentation, Unique differences in second-degree nursing students' preferences of teaching methods international poster presentation., 17th Annual International Nurse Educator Conference in the Rockies07/2006
Poster Presentation, Generational Differences and Preferences for Teaching Methodologies., UMMC SHRP Research Day, Jackson, MS04/2006
Poster Presentation, Perceptions of effective critical thinking teaching methodologies among senior baccalaureate nursing students., Sigma Theta Tau 15th International Nursing Research, Dublin, Ireland07/2004
Poster Presentation, Students' generational differences and preferences for Teaching Methodologies, Sigma Theta Tau 15th International Nursing Research Congress, Dublin, Ireland07/2004

Professional Membership and Service

Mississippi Nurses Association, Member
Phi Kappa Phi, Member
Sigma Theta Tau, Committee Member, Faculty Counselor and Governance Chair

Committee Service


Community Service

Community Health Advocate, training (CHAT) in rural Pike county at Mt. Zion Church
Community Health Advocate, Train the Trainer, Trainer for Southern Remedy

Teaching Experience

N444, Nursing, Course, Course Director, Adult Health ISpring all
N322, Nursing, Course, Course Director, Strategies for SuccessSummer all
N460, Nursing, Course, Lecturer, Adult Health IIFall all
N302, Nursing, Lab, Grader, Health AssessmentSummer all