Jill S. Clayton, PhD
SON-Instruction School Nursing
Work Phone:
(601) 815-9477
Univerisity of MS Medical Center, PhD, Doctor of Philosophy | 2014 |
University Of MS Medical Center, MSN, Nursing | 2002 |
University Of MS Medical Center, BSN, nursing | 1996 |
Current Positions
Assistant Professor, School of Nursing | 08/2010 - Present |
The University of Mississippi Medical Center Jackson, Mississippi 39216 |
Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments
Clinical Specialist | 10/2006 - 08/2010 |
Instructor, UMMC SON, School of Nursing | 08/2002 - 10/2006 |
registered nurse, Central MS Medical Center, Department of PACU | 10/1997 - 08/2002 |
Registered Nurse, UMMC, Department of ortho/trauma unit | 08/1996 - 10/1997 |
Journal Article | |
MacSorley,R, White,J, Conerly,V, Walker,J, Lofton,S, Ragland,G, Davey,D, Robertson,A. Pain assessment and management strategies or elderly patients. Home Healthcare Nurse, 32(5) | 2014 |
White,J, Wilson,G, Tucci,M, & Benghuzzi The effects of sustained delivery of estrogen on bone strength and cardiovascular panels in osteoporotic female rats. Biomed Science Instrum: 336-344 | 2014 |
Benghuzzi,H, Wilson,G, White,J, Cason,Z, Mohamed,A, Cameron,J. The effects of sustained delivery of estrogen and demineralized bone matrix proteins on bone in ovaiectomized female rats. Biomed Science Instrum, 49: 85-93 | 2013 |
White,J, Morton, V, Whittington, K, Wilson, G, Tucci,M, Benghuzzi,H. The effects of demineralized bone matrix proteins, estrogen, and an antagonist to neuropeptide y on osteoblast and osteoclast viability and function related to osteoporosis. Biomed Science Instrum, 48: 478-484 | 2012 |
Walker,J, Martin,T, Haynie,L, Norwood,A, White,J, Grant,L. Preferences for teaching methods in a Baccalaureate Nursing Program: How second degree and traditional students differ. Nursing Education Perspectives 28(5): 246-250 | 2007 |
Walker,J, artin,T, Elliot,R, Haynie,L, Norwood,A, White,J Generational (age) differences in nursing students' preferences for teaching methodology. Journal of Nursing Education 45(9): 371-374 | 2006 |
Walker,J, Martin,T, White,J, Norwood,A, Haynie,L. Generational age differences impact the college classroom. Journal of Mississippi Academy Sciences | 2006 |
Dissertation | |
White,J. The effects of neuropeptide y and physiological estrogen on the cardiovascular and skeletal system of ovariectomized rats | 2014 |
Poster Presentation, The effects of sustained delivery of estrogen on bone strength and cardiovascular panels in osteoporotic female rats., 19th Annual SHRP Research Day, Jackson, MS | 04/2014 |
Poster Presentation, The effects of sustained delivery of estrogen on bone strength and cardiovascular panels in osteoporotic female rats., 51st Annual Rocky Mountain Bioengineering Symposium, Denver, colorado | 04/2014 |
Poster Presentation, A review of a practice year at a rural school-based health center., MNA Annual Convention, Biloxi, MS | 10/2013 |
Poster Presentation, The effects of demineralized bone matrix proteins, estrogen, and an antagonist to neuropeptide y on osteoblast and osteoclast viability and function related to osteoporosis., Oglevee PApers/Driskell Lecture and Sigma Theta Tau International, Jackson, MS | 04/2013 |
Poster Presentation, The effects of demineralized bone matrix proteins, estrogen, and an antagonist to neuropeptide y on osteoblast and osteoclast viability and function related to osteoporosis., UMMC School of Health Related Professions Seventeenth Annual SHRP Research Day, Jackson, MS | 04/2012 |
Poster Presentation, The effects of demineralized bone matrix proteins, estrogen, and an antagonist to neuropeptide y on osteoblast and osteoclast viability and function related to osteoporosis., 49th Annual Rocky Mountain Bioengineering Symposium, Blacksburg, Virginia | 03/2012 |
Poster Presentation, Use of TCPL ceramic implants to deliver estrogen in osteoporotic female rats., #30th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference, Biloxi, MS | 04/2011 |
Poster Presentation, Unique differences in second-degree nursing students' preferences of teaching methods international poster presentation., 17th Annual International Nurse Educator Conference in the Rockies | 07/2006 |
Poster Presentation, Generational Differences and Preferences for Teaching Methodologies., UMMC SHRP Research Day, Jackson, MS | 04/2006 |
Poster Presentation, Perceptions of effective critical thinking teaching methodologies among senior baccalaureate nursing students., Sigma Theta Tau 15th International Nursing Research, Dublin, Ireland | 07/2004 |
Poster Presentation, Students' generational differences and preferences for Teaching Methodologies, Sigma Theta Tau 15th International Nursing Research Congress, Dublin, Ireland | 07/2004 |
Professional Membership and Service
Mississippi Nurses Association, Member | |
Phi Kappa Phi, Member | |
Sigma Theta Tau, Committee Member, Faculty Counselor and Governance Chair |
Committee Service
Community Service
Community Health Advocate, training (CHAT) in rural Pike county at Mt. Zion Church | |
Community Health Advocate, Train the Trainer, Trainer for Southern Remedy |
Teaching Experience
N444, Nursing, Course, Course Director, Adult Health I | Spring all |
N322, Nursing, Course, Course Director, Strategies for Success | Summer all |
N460, Nursing, Course, Lecturer, Adult Health II | Fall all |
N302, Nursing, Lab, Grader, Health Assessment | Summer all |