Garth S. Campbell, MD
Associate Professor
Work Phone:
(601) 984-2908
I graduated from medical school in 2008 at the University of Mississippi School of Medicine and subsequently completed an internal medicine internship and diagnostic radiology residency at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in 2013. I completed a one-year interventional radiology fellowship at the University of Michigan Health System in 2014 and have since served on the faculty of the radiology department here at UMMC. I enjoy all aspects of interventional radiology, but have a particular interest in minimally invasive treatments for cancer, including embolization, selective internal radiotherapy (SIRT), ("radioembolization"), and percutaneous microwave and cryoablation. I have a professional interest in training the future practitioners of image-guided minimally invasive procedures including diagnostic and interventional radiology residents.
University of Michigan Health System, Fellowship, Interventional Radiology | 2014 |
University of Mississippi Medical Center, Residency, Diagnostic Radiology | 2013 |
University of Mississippi Medical Center, Internship, Internal Medicine | 2009 |
University of Mississippi School of Medicine, MD, Doctor of Medicine | 2008 |
Mississippi State University, BS, Mechanical Engineering | 2003 |
Mississippi State University, Graduate Studies Program, Biomedical Engineering |
Specialty Certification Licensure
NPI | |
DEA | 07/2022 - 08/2025 |
Licensure, Mississippi Medical License, Mississippi State Board of Medical Licensure | 07/2022 - 06/2023 |
Certification, Interventional Radiology/Diagnostic Radiology, American Board of Radiology | 10/2017 - Present |
Certification, Certificate of Added Qualification in Vascular and Interventional Radiology, American Board of Radiology | 05/2016 - Present |
Certification, Diagnostic Radiology Board Certificate, American Board of Radiology | 06/2013 - Present |
Current Positions
Associate Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Radiology | 07/2022 - Present |
Program Director, Interventional Radiology Residencies, School of Medicine | 2020 - Present |
The University of Mississippi Medical Center Jackson, Mississippi 39216 |
Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments
Assistant Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Radiology | 07/2014 - 06/2022 |
Journal Article | |
Campbell GS, Reed DK, Desai A, T Lirette S, Liver Tumor Enhancement at Hybrid Angio-CT and Comparison With Tumor and Hepatic Parenchymal Distribution of Yttrium-90 Microspheres by Positron Emission Tomography. Cureus, 2023 Dec;15(12):e49861 | 2023 |
Reed DK, Stewart WH, Banta T, Lirette ST, Campbell GS, Patel A. Repeated Transarterial Radioembolization Adverse Event and Hepatotoxicity Profile in Cirrhotic Patients With Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Single-Center Experience Cureus. 2022; 14(3): e23578. doi: 10.7759/cureus.23578 | 2022 |
Adcock CS, Puneky LV, Campbell GS, Favorable Response of Metastatic Hepatocellular Carcinoma to Treatment with Trans-arterial Radioembolization Followed by Sorafenib and Nivolumab. Cureus, 2019 Feb 16;11(2):e4083 | 2019 |
Tang SJ, Vilmann AS, Saftoiu A, Wang W, Streba CT, Fink PP, Griswold M, Wu R, Dietrich CF, Jenssen C, Hocke M, Kantowski M, Pohl J, Fockens P, Annema JT, van der Heijden EH, Havre RF, Pham KD, Kunda R, Deprez PH, Mariana J, Vazquez-Sequeiros E, Larghi A, Buscarini E, Fusaroli P, Lahav M, Puri R, Garg PK, Sharma M, Maluf-Filho F, Sahai A, Brugge WR, Lee LS, Aslanian HR, Wang AY, Shami VM, Markowitz A, Siddiqui AA, Mishra G, Scheiman JM, Isenberg G, Siddiqui UD, Shah RJ, Buxbaum J, Watson RR, Willingham FF, Bhutani MS, Levy MJ, Harris C, Wallace MB, Nolsøe CP, Lorentzen T, Bang N, Sørensen SM, Gilja OH, D'Onofrio M, Piscaglia F, Gritzmann N, Radzina M, Sparchez ZA, Sidhu PS, Freeman S, McCowan TC, de Araujo CR Jr, Patel A, Ali MA, Campbell G, Chen E, Vilmann P, EUS Needle Identification Comparison and Evaluation study (with videos). Gastrointestinal endoscopy, 2016 Sep;84(3):424-433.e2 | 2016 |
Campbell G, Milbourne S, Salman UA, Khan MA, Ocular silicone oil in the lateral cerebral ventricle. Journal of clinical neuroscience : official journal of the Neurosurgical Society of Australasia, 2013 Sep;20(9):1312-3 | 2013 |
Campbell GS, Lawrence TJ, Porter SE, Rezeanu L, Primary dedifferentiated liposarcoma of the axilla arising in a mixed, well-differentiated and myxoid liposarcoma. Journal of radiology case reports, 2012 Jan;6(1):9-16 | 2012 |
Electronic Publications | |
Becker B, Kim S, Campbell G, and Qureshi J. Cavernosal artery pseudoaneurysm; arteriocavernosal fistula ACR Case In Point Submission ID: S9085 https://www.acr.org/Lifelong-Learning-and-CME/Learning-Activities/CaseinPoint | 2023 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Varney E and Campbell G. Endovascular Treatment of High Flow Arteriovenous Malformation of the Foot., Jackson Angiography Club, Ridgeland, MS | 04/2024 |
Poster Presentation, Combined Y90 Radioembolization and Immunotherapy for the Treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Is it effective or harmful due to adverse effects?, RSNA, Chicago, IL | 11/2023 |
Poster Presentation, Varney E, Huy B, Desai A, Campbell G. Demystifying Y90 dosimetry for early career interventional radiologists. Oral and poster presentation at Society of Interventional Radiology Annual Meeting 2023., Society of Interventional Radiology, Phoenix, AZ | 03/2023 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Treatment of Unresectable Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Yttrium-90 Microspheres, Missisippi Society of Nuclear Medicine, Flowood,MS | 02/2020 |
Poster Presentation, Kelly B, Reed D, Kazimirko D, Saleh K, Campbell G, Ali M, Patel A. Transjugular intrahepatic shunt and recanalization of the portal venous system for variceal hemorrhage. Global Embolization Symposium Technologies (GEST) 2019 poster presentation., Global Embolization Symposium Technologies, New York, NY | 05/2019 |
Poster Presentation, Reed, D, Weatherly B, Kelly BM, Patel AM, Campbell GS. Percutaneous Liquid Embolization of a Visceral Arterial Aneurysm Secondary to Segmental Arterial Mediolysis Using Onyx®. Poster presented at Global Embolization Symposium Technologies (GEST) 2019 Conference., New York, NY | 05/2019 |
Poster Presentation, Hofstede D, Kazimirko D, Saleh K, Kelly B, Patel A, Campbell G. Catheter-directed thrombolysis for symptomatic iliocaval thrombosis. Synergy Meeting 2017 poster., Synergy, Miami, FL | 11/2017 |
Poster Presentation, Massive Rectus Sheath Hematoma due to Direct Intraoperative Damage to Vessels of the Anterior Abdominal Wall Brandon L Huddleston BS1, David Pitre MD1, Elliot Varney MD1, Garth Campbell MD1 1University of Mississippi Medical Center Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Jackson, MS, Southern Radiological Society |
Honors, Awards, and Recognition
Member, Alpha Omega Alpha | 2007 |
Scholarship, L.D. Webb Memorial Scholarship | 2004 |
Professional Membership and Service
Association of University Radiologists, Member | 2023 - Present |
Association of Program Directors in Interventional Radiology, Member | 2019 - Present |
Society of Interventional Radiology, Member | 2012 - Present |
Radiological Society of North America, Member | 2008 - Present |
American Roentgen Ray Society, Member | 2008 - Present |
Alpha Omega Alpha, Member | 2007 - Present |
Carl G. Evers Society, Member | 2005 - 2007 |
American Medical Association, Member | 2004 - Present |
Committee Service
SIR Comparative Effectiveness Research Committee, Member | 2023 - 2026 |
Society of Interventional Radiology Committee on Comparative Effectiveness Research, Member | 2023 - 2026 |
Radiology Department Promotion and Tenure Committee, Member | 2021 - Present |
Department of Radiology Clinical Service Committee, Member | 2020 - Present |
Interventional Radiology Program Evaluation Committee, Chair | 2020 - Present |
Interventional Radiology Clinical Competency Committee, Chair | 2020 - Present |
Diagnostic Radiology Program Evaluation Committee, Member | 2019 - Present |
Diagnostic Radiology Clinical Competency Committee, Member | 2019 - Present |
Radiology Education Committee, Member | 2019 - Present |
Association of Program Directors in Interventional Radiology, Member | 2019 - Present |
Other Service
UMC Interventional Radiology Standardized Approach for Assessment and Management of Periprocedural Bleeding Risk and Anticoagulant and Antiplatelet Agents, Author | 11/2019 - Present |
Teaching Experience
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Endocrinology Grand Rounds - Adrenal Vein Sampling | Fall 2023-2024 - 2023 |
Medicine, Small Group, see below, Procedural Sedation Patient Simulations for Radiology Residents | Annual 2022-2023 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Treatment of Unresectable Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Yttrium-90 Microspheres | Annual 2021-2022 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Endocrine IR | Annual 2021-2022 |
Small Group, Course Director, Contrast Reaction Simulation Lab for Radiology Residents | Annual 2020 |
Lecture, Lecturer, Procedural and Peri-Procedural Care in Interventional Radiology | 2020 |
Lecture, Lecturer, Vertebral Augmentation | 2019 |
Lecture, Lecturer, Percutaneous Cholecystostomy | 2019 |
Lecture, Guest Presenter, Percutaneous Ablation | 2018 |
Small Group, Course Director, Vascular Access Training for Radiology Residents | 2017 |
Lecture, Lecturer, Angiographic Anatomy - Arteries | 2017 |
Lecture, Lecturer, Angiographic Anatomy - Veins | 2017 |
Lecture, Lecturer, Image-Guided Biopsy | 2017 |
Lecture, Lecturer, Percutaneous Abscess Drainage | 2017 |
Lecture, Lecturer, Percutaneous Ablation | 2017 |
Lecture, Lecturer, Genitourinary Interventions | 2017 |
Lecture, Lecturer, Biliary Interventions | 2016 |
Lecture, Lecturer, Diagnostic In-Training Exam Review | 2016 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Introduction to Interventional Radiology | 2016 |
Lecture, Lecturer, Introduction to Venous Access | 2015 |
Lecture, Lecturer, Portal Hypertension and Portosystemic Shunts | 2014 |
Directed Student Learning
poster presentation, Advised: Brandon Huddleston | 2022 - 2023 |
poster presentations and shadowing, Advised: Bunchhin Huy | 2022 - Present |
Supervised Research, Advised: Charles Adcock | 2018 - 2019 |
Residency Training
Interventional Radiology Residency Programs, Program Director | 2020 - Present |
Diagnostic Radiology, Attending Physician | 2014 - Present |