Phillip T. Burch, MD

Phillip T. Burch, MD

Division Chief

SOM-Surgery-Ped & Cong Hrt



University of Utah School of Medicine, MD, Department of Pediatrics2013
University of Utah School of Medicine, MD, Congenital Cardiac Surgery2008
University of Florida College of Medicine, MD, Cardiothoracic Surgery2006
University of Louisville School of Medicine, MD, General Surgery2004
University of Louisville School of Medicine, MD, General Surgery2003
University of Louisville School of Medicine, MD, Sepsis2002
University of Louisville School of Medicine, MD, General Surgery1999
University of South Alabama School of Medicine, MD, Medicine1998
University of Alabama, BS, Chemistry1994

Current Positions

Division Chief, School of Medicine10/2021 - Present
The University of Mississippi Medical Center
Jackson, Mississippi 39216

Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments

Attending Surgeon, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Cook Children's Medical Center, School of Medicine11/2017 - 10/2021
Director, University of Utah/Primary Children's Hospital, School of Medicine03/2014 - 2016
Chief, Pediatric Section of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University of Utah/Primary Children's Hospital, School of Medicine03/2014 - 08/2017
Director, University of Utah/Primary Children's Hospital, School of Medicine2013 - 08/2017
Interim Chief, Pediatric Section of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University of Utah/Primary Children's Hospital, School of Medicine04/2009 - 06/2011
Attending Surgeon, Cardiothoracic Surgery, University of Utah, Primary Children's Hospital, School of Medicine07/2006 - 11/2017


Journal Article

Kaza AK, Burch PT, Hawkins JA The Stentless Porcine Aortic Root for Reconstruction of Right Ventricular Outflow Tract. Operat Tech Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 16(3), 179-190.
(Autumn 2011)
Das BB, Blackshear CT, Lirette ST, Slaughter MS, Ghaleb S, Moskowitz W, Ghanamah M, Burch PT, Impact of 2016 UNOS pediatric heart allocation policy changes on VAD utilization, waitlist, and post-transplant survival outcomes in children with CHD versus Non-CHD. Clinical transplantation, 2023 Mar;37(3):e148432023
McFarland CA, Truong DT, Pinto NM, Minich LL, Burch PT, Eckhauser AW, Lal AK, Molina KM, Ou Z, Presson AP, May LJ, Implications of Left Ventricular Dysfunction at Presentation for Infants with Coarctation of the Aorta. Pediatric cardiology, 2021 Jan;42(1):72-772021
Delgado-Corcoran C, Blaschke AJ, Ou Z, Presson AP, Burch PT, Pribble CG, Menon SC, Respiratory Testing and Hospital Outcomes in Asymptomatic Infants Undergoing Heart Surgery. Pediatric cardiology, 2019 Feb;40(2):339-3482019
Slieker MG, Meza JM, Devlin PJ, Burch PT, Karamlou T, DeCampli WM, McCrindle BW, Williams WG, Morgan CT, Fleishman CE, Mertens L, Pre-intervention morphologic and functional echocardiographic characteristics of neonates with critical left heart obstruction: a Congenital Heart Surgeons Society (CHSS) inception cohort study. European heart journal. Cardiovascular Imaging, 2019 Jun 1;20(6):658-6672019
Griffiths ER, Pinto NM, Eckhauser AW, Al-Dulaimi R, Presson AP, Bailly DK, Burch PT, Differences in clinical outcomes and cost between complex and simple arterial switches. Cardiology in the young, 2018 Jan;28(1):134-1412018
Sharma V, Griffiths ER, Eckhauser AW, Gray RG, Martin MH, Zhang C, Presson AP, Burch PT, Pulmonary Valve Replacement: A Single-Institution Comparison of Surgical and Transcatheter Valves. The Annals of thoracic surgery, 2018 Sep;106(3):807-8132018
Truong DT, Menon SC, Lambert LM, Burch PT, Sheng X, Minich LL, Williams RV, Digoxin Use in Infants with Single Ventricle Physiology: Secondary Analysis of the Pediatric Heart Network Infant Single Ventricle Trial Public Use Dataset. Pediatric cardiology, 2018 Aug;39(6):1200-12092018
Meza JM, Slieker M, Blackstone EH, Mertens L, DeCampli WM, Kirklin JK, Karimi M, Eghtesady P, Pourmoghadam K, Kim RW, Burch PT, Jacobs ML, Karamlou T, McCrindle BW, Congenital Heart Surgeons’ Society, A novel, data-driven conceptualization for critical left heart obstruction. Computer methods and programs in biomedicine, 2018 Oct;165:107-1162018
Pluchinotta FR, Piekarski BL, Milani V, Kretschmar O, Burch PT, Hakami L, Meyer DB, Jacques F, Ghez O, Trezzi M, Carotti A, Qureshi SA, Michel-Behnke I, Hammel JM, Chai P, McMullan D, Mettler B, Ferrer Q, Carminati M, Emani SM, Surgical Atrioventricular Valve Replacement With Melody Valve in Infants and Children. Circulation. Cardiovascular interventions, 2018 Nov;11(11):e0071452018
Burch PT, Ravishankar C, Newburger JW, Lambert LM, Pemberton VL, Granger S, Floh AA, Anderson JB, Hill GD, Hill KD, Oster ME, Lewis AB, Schumacher KR, Zyblewski SC, Davies RR, Jacobs JP, Lai WW, Minich LL, Pediatric Heart Network Investigators, Assessment of Growth 6 Years after the Norwood Procedure. The Journal of pediatrics, 2017 Jan;180:270-274.e62017
Nathan M, Jacobs ML, Gaynor JW, Newburger JW, Dunbar Masterson C, Lambert LM, Hollenbeck-Pringle D, Trachtenberg FL, White O, Anderson BR, Bell MC, Burch PT, Graham EM, Kaltman JR, Kanter KR, Mery CM, Pizarro C, Schamberger MS, Taylor MD, Jacobs JP, Pasquali SK, Pediatric Heart Network Investigators, Completeness and Accuracy of Local Clinical Registry Data for Children Undergoing Heart Surgery. The Annals of thoracic surgery, 2017 Feb;103(2):629-6362017
Truong DT, Johnson JT, Bailly DK, Clawson JR, Sheng X, Burch PT, Witte MK, LuAnn Minich L, Platelet Inhibition in Shunted Infants on Aspirin at Short and Midterm Follow-Up. Pediatric cardiology, 2017 Feb;38(2):401-4092017
Burch PT, Spigarelli MG, Lambert LM, Loftus PD, Sherwin CM, Linakis MW, Sheng X, LuAnn Minich L, Williams RV, Use of Oxandrolone to Promote Growth in Neonates following Surgery for Complex Congenital Heart Disease: An Open-Label Pilot Trial. Congenital heart disease, 2016 Dec;11(6):693-6992016
Chanana N, Day RW, McGough EC, Burch PT, Outcome following augmentation of superior cavopulmonary blood flow with an arteriovenous fistula. World journal for pediatric & congenital heart surgery, 2015 Apr;6(2):220-52015
McRae RO, Lambert LM, Williams RV, Martin MH, Burch PT, Modification of Hepatic Venous Conduit to Manage Pulmonary Arteriovenous Malformations. World journal for pediatric & congenital heart surgery, 2015 Jul;6(3):477-92015
Linakis MW, Stockmann C, Campbell SC, Williams RV, Burch PT, Lambert LM, Sherwin CM, Reilly CA, Spigarelli MG, Quantitative Assay Validation for Oxandrolone in Human Plasma Using LC-MS-MS. Journal of analytical toxicology, 2015 Sep;39(7):526-312015
Truong DT, Tani LY, Minich LL, Burch PT, Bardsley TR, Menon SC, Factors associated with recoarctation after surgical repair of coarctation of the aorta by way of thoracotomy in young infants. Pediatric cardiology, 2014 Jan;35(1):164-702014
Burch PT, Gerstenberger E, Ravishankar C, Hehir DA, Davies RR, Colan SD, Sleeper LA, Newburger JW, Clabby ML, Williams IA, Li JS, Uzark K, Cooper DS, Lambert LM, Pemberton VL, Pike NA, Anderson JB, Dunbar-Masterson C, Khaikin S, Zyblewski SC, Minich LL, Pediatric Heart Network Investigators, Longitudinal assessment of growth in hypoplastic left heart syndrome: results from the single ventricle reconstruction trial. Journal of the American Heart Association, 2014 Jun 23;3(3):e0000792014
Gray RG, Minich LL, Weng HY, Heywood MC, Burch PT, Cowley CG, Effect of endovascular stenting of right ventricle to pulmonary artery conduit stenosis in infants with hypoplastic left heart syndrome on stage II outcomes. The American journal of cardiology, 2012 Jul 1;110(1):118-232012
Menon SC, Keenan HT, Weng HY, Lambert LM, Burch PT, Edwards R, Spackman A, Korgenski KE, Tani LY, Outcome and resource utilization of infants born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome in the Intermountain West. The American journal of cardiology, 2012 Sep 1;110(5):720-72012
Kaza AK, Burch PT, Pinto N, Minich LL, Tani LY, Hawkins JA, Durability of truncal valve repair. The Annals of thoracic surgery, 2010 Oct;90(4):1307-12; discussion 13122010
Hawkins JA, Kaza AK, Burch PT, Lambert LM, Holubkov R, Witte MK, Simple versus complex truncus arteriosus: neutralization of risk but with increased resource utilization. World journal for pediatric & congenital heart surgery, 2010 Oct;1(3):285-912010
Burch PT, Kaza AK, Lambert LM, Holubkov R, Shaddy RE, Hawkins JA, Clinical performance of decellularized cryopreserved valved allografts compared with standard allografts in the right ventricular outflow tract. The Annals of thoracic surgery, 2010 Oct;90(4):1301-5; discussion 13062010
Hawkins JA, Sower CT, Lambert LM, Kouretas PC, Burch PT, Kaza AK, Puchalski MD, Yetman AT, Stentless porcine valves in the right ventricular outflow tract: improved durability? European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery : official journal of the European Association for Cardio-thoracic Surgery, 2009 Apr;35(4):600-4; discussion 604-52009
Burch PT, Cowley CG, Holubkov R, Null D, Lambert LM, Kouretas PC, Hawkins JA, Coarctation repair in neonates and young infants: is small size or low weight still a risk factor? The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery, 2009 Sep;138(3):547-522009
Burch PT, Scott MJ, Wortz GN, Peyton JC, Cheadle WG, Mortality in murine peritonitis correlates with increased Escherichia coli adherence to the intestinal mucosa. The American surgeon, 2004 Apr;70(4):333-412004
Godshall CJ, Scott MJ, Burch PT, Peyton JC, Cheadle WG, Natural killer cells participate in bacterial clearance during septic peritonitis through interactions with macrophages. Shock (Augusta, Ga.), 2003 Feb;19(2):144-92003
Hoth JJ, Burch PT, Bullock TK, Cheadle WG, Richardson JD, Pathogenesis of posttraumatic empyema: the impact of pneumonia on pleural space infections. Surgical infections, 2003 Spring;4(1):29-35
Scott MJ, Burch PT, Jha P, Peyton JC, Kotwal GJ, Cheadle WG, Vaccinia virus complement control protein increases early bacterial clearance during experimental peritonitis. Surgical infections, 2003 Winter;4(4):317-26

Clinical Trial

Delgado-Corcoran C, Van Dorn CS, Pribble C, Thorell EA, Pavia AT, Ward C, Smout R, Bratton SL, Burch PT, Reducing Pediatric Sternal Wound Infections: A Quality Improvement Project. Pediatric critical care medicine : a journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies, 2017 May;18(5):461-4682017


Poster Presentation, Hypoplastic left heart syndrome in the Intermountain West: A comprehensive 15 year review.

Menon SC, Keenan HT, Weng HC, Edwards R, Spackman A, Korgenski K, Lambert LM, Burch PT, Tani LY, 2011 Pediatric Academic Societies' & Asian Society for Pediatric Research Joint Meeting, Denver, CO

Honors, Awards, and Recognition

Hugh C. Williams Travel Scholarship, University of Louisville Department of Surgery2002
Tuition Scholarship, University of South Alabama School of Medicine1998
Outstanding Student in Anatomical Sciences, University of South Alabama School of Medicine1998
Charles W. Urschel Award in Physiology, University of South Alabama School of Medicine1998
Tuition Scholarship, University of South Alabama School of Medicine1997
National Pathology Honor Society1997
Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society, Alabama Beta Chapter1997
Tuition Scholarship, University of South Alabama School of Medicine1996
Lange Medical Publications Student Award, University of South Alabama School of Medicine1996
Mark K. McDonald Memorial Scholarship, University of South Alabama School of Medicine1995
Tuition Scholarship, University of South Alabama School of Medicine1995
Fonde Award for Excellence in Histology, University of South Alabama School of Medicine1994

Professional Membership and Service

American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, Abstract Reviewer2016 - 2017
American Medical Association, Member
Western Thoracic Surgical Association, Member
Southern Thoracic Surgical Association, Member
Society of Thoracic Surgeons, Member
International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation, Member
Congenital Heart Surgeons' Society, Member

Directed Student Learning

Advised: Ashley Gnam
PROMISE Scholar, Advised: Kimberly Gilmore