Gene L. Bidwell, III, PhD

Gene L. Bidwell, III, PhD

Associate Vice Chancellor for Research

SER-Office-Vice Chancellor


Work Phone:
(601) 984-6787


University of Mississippi Medical Center, Postdoctoral Fellow, Biochemistry2007
University of Mississippi Medical Center, PhD, Biochemistry2002
University of Mississippi, BA, Biochemistry1998

Current Positions

Associate Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Pharmacology / Toxicology07/2018 - Present
Associate Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Neurology07/2018 - Present
Associate Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Biochemistry07/2016 - Present
Member2013 - Present
Director2012 - Present
Graduate Faculty, School of Graduate School in the Health Sciences2012 - Present
Associate Member2010 - Present
The University of Mississippi Medical Center
Jackson, Mississippi 39216

Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments

Associate Professor, Department of Neurology, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Neurology07/2016 - 06/2018
Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Biochemistry2013 - 06/2016
Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Neurology10/2011 - 06/2016
Instructor, Department of Biochemistry, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine2010 - 2011
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Biochemistry, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine2007 - 2010
Graduate Student, Department of Biochemistry, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine2002 - 2007
Undergraduate Research Assistant, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Mississippi2000 - 2002

Sponsored Program Funding

Extramural, An Anti-inflammatory Biologic for Ischemic Stroke, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, NIH R21NS121450 (MPI with Eddie Perkins, Pending Review)04/2021 - 03/2023
Extramural, Development of Peptide Inhibitors of NF-kB for Treatment of Ischemic Stroke, National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke, NIH F31NS117031 (John Aaron Howell, PI, Pending Review)04/2021 - 03/2023
Extramural, sGC Activators for Preeclampsia, National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, NIH R01 (Joey Granger, PI, Pending Review)01/2021 - 12/2025
Extramural, Industry Sponsored Research and Licensing Agreement, Industry Partner (confidential, contract negotiations underway)09/2020 - 03/2021
Extramural, Drug Delivery Proteins Research and Licensing Agreement, Industry Partner (confidential)07/2020 - 12/2020
Extramural, Renal Targeted Vascular Growth Factor Therapy for Polycystic Kidney Disease, Great Ormond Street Hospital (David Long, PI, Pending Review)06/2020 - 11/2022
Extramural, A Novel Protein Delivery System for Therapy of Preeclampsia, National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, NIH 2R01HL12152704/2020 - 03/2024
Extramural, The Use of a Biopolymer-fused Form of VEGF-B for Treatment of Preeclampsia, National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, NIH F31HL151180 (Jamarius Waller, PI)03/2020 - 02/2023
Extramural, Hypertension in Adult IUGR Offspring: Beneficial Effects of Perinatal Intervention, National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, NIH R01HL143495 (Barbara Alexander, PI)11/2019 - 11/2022
Extramural, A Maternally Sequestered sFlt-1 Targeted Biologic for Treatment of Preeclampsia, American Heart Association Translational Project Award (relinquished 3/31/20 to accept R01 funding)07/2019 - 06/2022
Extramural, Hypertension in Adult IUGR Offspring: Beneficial Effects of Perinatal Intervention, National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, NIH R56HL143459 (Barbara Alexander, PI)09/2018 - 08/2019
Extramural, Precision Medicine: Selective Renal Targeting to Counteract Inflammation in Chronic Kidney Disease via Kidney-specific Drug Delivery Technology, American Heart Association Innovative Project Award (Alejandro Chade, PI)07/2018 - 06/2020
Extramural, Novel Therapeutic Interventions in Renovascular Disease, American Heart Association Transformational Project Award (Alejandro Chade, PI, award deferred to accept R01)07/2018 - 06/2021
Extramural, Microcirculation in Renovascular Hypertension., National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, NIH R01HL095638 (Multi-PI with Alejandro Chade)07/2018 - 06/2022
Extramural, Therapeutic Angiogenesis for Ischemic Renal Disease, National Institutes of Health Niche Assessment Program, NIH1612TN10/2017 - 09/2018
Intramural, Microcirculation in Renovascular Hypertension., UMMC Intramural Research Support Program09/2017 - 08/2018
Extramural, Elastin-like Polypeptide – VEGF Fusion Protein for Renal Therapeutic Angiogenesis., National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, NIH SMARTT RSA-00044708/2017 - 08/2018
Extramural, A Novel Therapeutic for Preeclampsia., National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, NIH R01HL137791 (Eric George, PI)07/2017 - 06/2022
Extramural, A Preclinical Trial of Therapeutic Angiogenesis Plus Angioplasty and Stenting for Renal Vascular Disease., National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, NIH R41DK10973704/2017 - 03/2018
Extramural, A Maternally Sequestered Biopolymer Drug Delivery System for Therapy of Preeclampsia., American Heart Association Postdoctoral Fellowship (Omar Logue, PI)01/2017 - 12/2018
Extramural, A Novel Therapeutic for Preeclampsia. (Relinquished 6/30/2017 to accept R01 funding), American Heart Association Grant in Aid (Eric George, PI)07/2016 - 06/2018
Extramural, A Novel Protein Delivery System for Therapy of Preeclampsia, National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, NIH 1R01HL12152701/2014 - 12/2019
Extramural, Novel Therapeutic Interventions In Renovascular Disease, American Heart Association Established Investigator Award (Alejandro Chade, PI)01/2014 - 12/2018
Extramural, A Novel Protein Delivery System for Therapy of Preeclampsia (Relinquished 1/15/2014 to accept R01 funding), American Heart Association Scientitst Development Grant07/2013 - 06/2017
Intramural, Development of an anti-angiogenic sFlt miniprotein for treatment of corneal neovascularization, UMMC Intramural Research Support Program05/2013 - 04/2014
Extramural, Thermally Targeted Delivery of Therapeutic Peptides, National Cancer Institute, NIH R43CA135799 (Drazen Raucher, PI)07/2009 - 06/2010
Extramural, Thermally Targeted Delivery of a c-Myc Inhibitory Peptide In Vivo Using Elastin-like Polypeptide, Department of Defense (DoD) Breast Cancer Research Program (BCRP) Era of Hope Postdoctoral Award10/2008 - 09/2012
Extramural, Thermally Targeted Delivery of Doxorubicin to Solid Tumors in vivo using Elastin-like Polypeptide, The Milheim Foundation for Cancer Research09/2007 - 08/2008



Bidwell, G.L. III, and Perkins, E. ELP Delivered Therapeutics for Cerebrovascular and Neurological Disorders. US Provisional Patent filed March 31, 2020.2020
Bidwell, G.L. III, and George, E.M. Molecular Size of Elastin-like Polypeptide Delivery System for Therapeutics Modulates Deposition in The Placenta. US Provisional Patent filed March 29, 2019. Converted to Continuation-in-part of US patent 10081667 March 30, 2020.2019
Bidwell, G.L. III, and Chade, A.R. Molecular Size of Elastin-like Polypeptide Delivery System for Therapeutics Modulates Intrarenal Deposition and Bioavailability. US Provisional Patent filed March 29, 2019. US Full Utility Patent filed March 30, 2020.2019
Bidwell, GL III and George, EM. Ocular Compositions and Methods Thereof. PCT Full Utility patent filed April 29, 2015. US Full Utility Patent Filed October 27, 2016.2015
Chade, AR and Bidwell, GL III. Kidney-targeted Drug Delivery Systems. PCT Full Utility patent filed November 2015. US Full Utility Patent issued June 18, 2019. European National Phase application filed July 27, 2017.2015
Bidwell, GL III, and George, EM. Composition And Method For Therapeutic Agent Delivery During Pregnancy. PCT Full Utility patent filed October 1, 2014. US Full Utility Patent issued September 25, 2018. Patent Number 10081667. European National Phase Application issued May 6, 2020.2014
Raucher, D and Bidwell, GL III. Targeted Delivery of Therapeutic Peptides by Thermally Responsive Biopolymers. USPTO Full Utility patent issued September 2014. Patent Number 12/789,215.2014
Raucher, D, Bidwell, GL III, Fokt I, and Priebe W. Thermally Targeted Delivery of Medicaments. USPTO Full Utility patent issued July 2012. Patent Number 12/162,283.2012
Raucher, D. Bidwell, GL III, and Perkins, E. Cell Penetrating Peptide Fused Elastin-like Polypeptides for Delivery of Agents Across the Blood Brain Barrier. USPTO Full Utility patent filed April 2011. Patent Number 61/326,336.2011
Raucher, D, Bidwell, GL III, and Kratz, F. Composition for targeted delivery of an active agent and method for use thereof. USPTO Full Utility patent filed December 2010. Patent Number 12/964,099.2010
Raucher, D, Bidwell, GL III, and Massodi, I. Inhibition of Cancer Metastasis by Cell Penetrating Peptides Fused to Elastin-like Biopolymers. USPTO full utility patent filed May 2010. USPTO full utility patent issued June, 2017. Patent Number 12/789,236.2010

Policy Paper

Ilekis J, Tsilou E, Fisher S, Abrahams V, Soares M, Cross J, Zamudio S, Illsley N, Myatt,L, Colvis C, Costantine M, Haas D, Sadovsky,Y, Weiner C, Rytting E, and Bidwell GL III. Placental Origins of Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes: Potential Molecular Targets- An Executive Workshop Summary of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 215(1 Suppl):S1-S46, 2016.2016

Journal Article

Gurumurthy, B., Tucci, M. A., Fan, L. W., Benghuzzi, H. A., Pal, P., Bidwell, G. L. III, Marocho, S. M. S., Cason, Z., Gordy, D., and Janorkar, A. V. Collagen-Elastin-Like Polypeptide-Bioglass Scaffolds for Guided Bone Regeneration. Advanced Healthcare Materials. 9(4):e1901385, 2020.2020
Waller, J. P., Burke, S., Engel, J. E., Chade, A. R., and Bidwell, G. L. III. Dose-Escalating Toxicology of the Candidate Biologic ELP-VEGF. Journal of Controlled Release. In Revision, 2020.2020
Engel, J. E., Williams, M. L., Williams, E., Azar, C., Taylor, E. B., Bidwell, G. L. III, and Chade, A. R. Recovery of Renal Function Following Kidney Specific VEGF Therapy in Experimental Renovascular Disease. American Journal of Nephrology. In Press, 2020.2020
Eddy, A. C., Howell, J. A., Chapman, H., Taylor, E., Mahdi, F., George, E. M., and Bidwell, G. L. III. A Biopolymer-delivered, Maternally Sequestered NF-kB Inhibitory Peptide for Treatment of Preeclampsia. Hypertension. 75(1):193-201, 2020.2020
Chade, A. R., Williams, M. L., Engel, J. E., Williams, E., and Bidwell, G. L. III. Molecular Targeting of Renal Inflammation using Drug Delivery Technology to Inhibit NF-kB Improves Renal Recovery in Chronic Kidney Disease. American Journal of Physiology – Renal Physiology. 319(1):F139-F148, 2020.2020
Guise, E., Engel, J. E., Williams, M. L., Mahdi, F., Bidwell, G. L. III, and Chade, A. R. Biopolymer-delivered Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Improves Renal Outcomes Following Revascularization. American Journal of Physiology – Renal Physiology. 316(5):F1016-F1025, 2019.2019
Engel, J. E., Williams, E., Williams, M. L., Bidwell, G. L. III, and Chade, A. R. Targeted VEGF therapy induces long-term renal recovery in chronic kidney disease via macrophage polarization. Hypertension. 74(5):1113-1123, 2019.2019
Mahdi, F., Chade, A. R., and Bidwell, G. L. III. Utilizing a Kidney-Targeting Peptide to Improve Renal Deposition of a Pro-Angiogenic Protein Biopolymer. Pharmaceutics, 11(10). pii: E542, 2019.2019
Giambrone, A. B., Logue, O. C., Shao, Q., Bidwell, G. L. III, and Warrington, J. P. Perinatal Microbleeds and Neuroinflammation in E19 Rat Fetuses Exposed to Placental Ischemia. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 20(16), pii: E4051, 2019.2019
Kuna, M., Waller, J. P., Logue, O. C., and Bidwell, G. L. III. Polymer Size Affects Biodistribution and Placental Accumulation of the Drug Delivery Biopolymer Elastin-Like Polypeptide in a Rodent Pregnancy Model. Placenta. 72–73 (2018) 20–27, 2018.2018
Kuna, M., Mahdi, F., Chade, A. R., and Bidwell, G. L. III. Molecular Size Modulates Pharmacokinetics, Biodistribution, and Renal Deposition of the Drug Delivery Biopolymer Elastin-like Polypeptide. Scientific Reports. May 21;8(1):7923, 2018.2018
Zhang Y., Zai-Rose V., Price C.J., Ezzell N.A., Bidwell, G. L. III, Correia J.J., and Fitzkee N.C. Modeling Early Stages of Phase Separation in Disordered Elastin-Like Proteins. Biophysical Journal. 114(7):1563-1578, 2018.2018
Bidwell G. III, Mahdi F, Shao Q, Logue OC, Waller JP, Reese C, and Chade AR. A Kidney-selective Biopolymer for Targeted Drug Delivery. American Journal of Physiology - Renal Physiology. 312(1):F54-F64, 2017.2017
Logue OC, Mahdi F, Chapman H, George EM, and Bidwell G. III. A Maternally Sequestered, Biopolymer-stabilized VEGF Chimera for Treatment of Preeclampsia. Journal of the American Heart Association. 6(12), 6:e007216, 20172017
Chade, AR, Williams ML, Guise E, Vincent LJ, Harvey TW, Kuna M, Mahdi F, and Bidwell GL III. Biopolymer-delivered VEGF for Therapeutic Angiogenesis in Experimental Renovascular Disease: Targeting the Kidney via Systemic Administration. Kidney International. Dec 19. pii: S0085-2538(17)30787-1, 2017.2017
Chade AR, Tullos NA, Harvey TW, Mahdi F, and Bidwell GL 3rd. Renal Therapeutic Angiogenesis using Bioengineered Polymer-Stabilized VEGF Constructs. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 27(6):1741-52, 2016.2016
George EM, Mahdi F, Logue OC, Robinson G, and Bidwell GL III. Corneal Penetrating Elastin-like Polypeptide Carriers. Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 32:3, 2016.2016
McGowan JWD, Shao Q, Vig PJS, and Bidwell GL III. Intranasal Administration of Elastin-like Polypeptide for Therapeutic Delivery to the Central Nervous System. Drug Design, Development, and Therapy. 2016(10): 2803-13, 2016.2016
McGowan JWD and Bidwell GL III. The Use of Ex Vivo Whole Organ Imaging and Quantitative Tissue Histology to Determine the Biodistribution of Fluorescently Labeled Molecules. J Vis Exp. Dec 24;(118), 2016.2016
Bae J, McNamara LE, Nael MA, Mahdi F, Doerksen RJ, Bidwell GL 3rd, Hammer NI, Jo S. Nitroreductase-triggered activation of a novel caged fluorescent probe obtained from methylene blue. Chem Commun (Camb). 2015 Aug 18;51(64).2015
George, E. M., Liu, H., Robinson, G., Mahdi, F., Perkins, E.,P., and Bidwell, G. L. III. Growth Factor Purification and Delivery Systems (PADS) for Therapeutic Angiogenesis. Vascular Cell, 7:1, 2015.2015
George EM, Liu H, Robinson GG, Bidwell GL 3rd. A polypeptide drug carrier for maternal delivery and prevention of fetal exposure. J Drug Target. 2014 Dec;22(10):935-47.2014
Lyons DF, Le V, Kramer WH, Bidwell GL 3rd, Lewis EA, Raucher D, Correia JJ. Effect of basic cell-penetrating peptides on the structural, thermodynamic, and hydrodynamic properties of a novel drug delivery vector, ELP[V5G3A2-150]. Biochemistry. 2014 Feb 18;53(6):1081-91.2014
Lyons DF, Le V, Bidwell GL 3rd, Kramer WH, Lewis EA, Raucher D, Correia JJ. Structural and hydrodynamic analysis of a novel drug delivery vector: ELP[V5G3A2-150]. Biophys J. 2013 May 7;104(9):2009-21.2013
Bidwell, G. L. III, Perkins, E., Hughes, J. D., Khan, M., James, J. R., and Raucher, D. Thermally Targeted Delivery of a c-Myc Inhibitory Polypeptide Inhibits Tumor Progression and Extends Survival in a Rat Glioma Model. PLoS One, 8(1), 2013.2013
Bidwell GL 3rd, Perkins E, Raucher D. A thermally targeted c-Myc inhibitory polypeptide inhibits breast tumor growth. Cancer Lett. 2012 Jun 28;319(2):136-43.2012
Bidwell GL 3rd, Whittom AA, Thomas E, Lyons D, Hebert MD, Raucher D. A thermally targeted peptide inhibitor of symmetrical dimethylation inhibits cancer-cell proliferation. Peptides. 2010 May;31(5):834-41.2010
Massodi I, Moktan S, Rawat A, Bidwell GL 3rd, Raucher D. Inhibition of ovarian cancer cell proliferation by a cell cycle inhibitory peptide fused to a thermally responsive polypeptide carrier. Int J Cancer. 2010 Jan 15;126(2):533-44.2010
Bidwell GL 3rd, Davis AN, Raucher D. Targeting a c-Myc inhibitory polypeptide to specific intracellular compartments using cell penetrating peptides. J Control Release. 2009 Apr 2;135(1):2-10.2009
Massodi I, Bidwell GL 3rd, Davis A, Tausend A, Credit K, Flessner M, and Raucher D Inhibition of ovarian cancer cell metastasis by a fusion polypeptide Tat-ELP Clin Exp Metastasis. 2009;26(3):251-602009
Bidwell GL 3rd, Davis AN, Fokt I, Priebe W, Raucher D. A thermally targeted elastin-like polypeptide-doxorubicin conjugate overcomes drug resistance. Invest New Drugs. 2007 Aug;25(4):313-26.2007
Bidwell GL 3rd, Fokt I, Priebe W, Raucher D. Development of elastin-like polypeptide for thermally targeted delivery of doxorubicin. Biochem Pharmacol. 2007 Mar 1;73(5):620-31.2007
Bidwell GL 3rd, Raucher D. Enhancing the antiproliferative effect of topoisomerase II inhibitors using a polypeptide inhibitor of c-Myc. Biochem Pharmacol. 2006 Jan 12;71(3):248-56.2006
Massodi I, Bidwell GL 3rd, Raucher D. Evaluation of cell penetrating peptides fused to elastin-like polypeptide for drug delivery. J Control Release. 2005 Nov 28;108(2-3):396-408.2005
Jia H, Satumba WJ, Bidwell GL 3rd, Mossing MC. Slow assembly and disassembly of lambda Cro repressor dimers. J Mol Biol. 2005 Jul 29;350(5):919-29.2005
Bidwell GL 3rd, Raucher D. Application of thermally responsive polypeptides directed against c-Myc transcriptional function for cancer therapy. Mol Cancer Ther. 2005 Jul;4(7):1076-85.2005

Review Article

Howell, J. A. and Bidwell, G. L. III. Targeting the Nuclear Factor kappa B Pathway for Therapy of Ischemic Stroke. Therapeutic Delivery. 11(2):113-123, 2020.2020
Eddy, A. C., Bidwell, G. L. III, and George, E. M. Pro-angiogenic Therapeutics for Preeclampsia. Biology of Sex Differences. Aug 25;9(1):36, 2018.2018
Logue OC, George EM, and Bidwell GL III. Preeclampsia and the Brain: Neural Control of Cardiovascular Changes During Pregnancy and Neurological Outcomes of Preeclampsia. Clinical Science. 130(16):1417-34, 2016.2016
Logue OC, McGowan JWD, George EM, and Bidwell GL III. Therapeutic Angiogenesis by VEGF Supplementation for Treatment of Renal Disease. Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension. 25(5):404-9, 2016.2016
McGowan JW, Bidwell GL 3rd, Vig PJ. Challenges and new strategies for therapeutic peptide delivery to the CNS. Ther Deliv. 2015 Jul;6(7):841-53.2015
Bidwell, G. L. III and George, E. M. Maternally Sequestered Therapeutic Polypeptides - A New Approach for the Management of Preeclampsia. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 5;5:201, 2014.2014
Bidwell GL 3rd. Peptides for cancer therapy: a drug-development opportunity and a drug-delivery challenge. Ther Deliv. 2012 May;3(5):609-21.2012
Bidwell GL 3rd, Raucher D. Cell penetrating elastin-like polypeptides for therapeutic peptide delivery. Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 2010 Dec 30;62(15):1486-96.2010
Raucher D, Moktan S, Massodi I, Bidwell GL 3rd. Therapeutic peptides for cancer therapy. Part II - cell cycle inhibitory peptides and apoptosis-inducing peptides. Expert Opin Drug Deliv. 2009 Oct;6(10):1049-64.2009
Bidwell GL 3rd, Raucher D. Therapeutic peptides for cancer therapy. Part I - peptide inhibitors of signal transduction cascades. Expert Opin Drug Deliv. 2009 Oct;6(10):1033-47.2009
Raucher D, Massodi I, Bidwell GL. Thermally targeted delivery of chemotherapeutics and anti-cancer peptides by elastin-like polypeptide. Expert Opin Drug Deliv. 2008 Mar;5(3):353-69.2008

Editorial Commentary

George EM, Bidwell GL 3rd. STOX1: a new player in preeclampsia? Hypertension. 2013 Mar;61(3):561-3.2013


Poster Presentation, Maeda, K. J., Hoskins, G. A., Bidwell, G. L., III, Garrett, M. R., and Sasser, J. M. Blood Brain Barrier Permeability and Brain Capillary Endothelial Cell Tight Junctions in the Dahl S Model of Spontaneous Superimposed Preeclampsia., Experimental Biology Annual Meeting (not presented due to coronavirus pandemic), San Diego, CA2020
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Therapeutic Angiogenesis Using a New Class of Elastin-based Biologics, University of Mississippi Department of Biomolecular Sciences seminar, Oxford, MS2020
Poster Presentation, Chade, A. R. and Bidwell, G. L., III. Chronic Kidney Disease, Inflammation, And Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction: A Renal-cardio Axis?, European Renal Association/ European Dialysis and Transplant Association 57th Congress (presented virtually), Milan, Italy2020
Poster Presentation, Bidwell, G. L., III, Waller, J. P., Engel, J. E., and Chade, A. R. Dose Escalating Toxicology Study of ELP-VEGF, a Novel Biologic for Renal Therapeutic Angiogenesis., European Renal Association/ European Dialysis and Transplant Association 57th Congress (not presented due to coronavirus pandemic), Milan, Italy2020
Poster Presentation, Akinleye, A., Burke, S., and Bidwell, G. L., III. Proximal Tubule Epithelial Cell Reabsorption of the Drug Delivery Protein Elastin-like Polypeptide., Experimental Biology Annual Meeting (not presented due to coronavirus pandemic), San Diego, CA2020
Poster Presentation, Waller, J. P., Burke, S., Engel, J. E., Chade, A. R., and Bidwell, G. L., III. Determining the Effects of Pro-angiogenic ELP-VEGF-A Therapy on Tumor Growth and Progression., Experimental Biology Annual Meeting (not presented due to coronavirus pandemic), San Diego, CA2020
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Chair, Biotechnology Session, Second Annual Mississippi IDeA Conference, Jackson, MS2019
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Developing New Therapeutics using the Elastin-like Polypeptide Drug Delivery System, Southeastern Regional Biophysical Consortium, Baton Rouge, LA2019
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Developmental Therapeutics for Renal Disease, UMMC Pharmacology departmental seminar, Jackson, MS2019
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Elastin-like Polypeptide Fusion Proteins: A New Class of Biological Therapeutics, Advanced Topics in Biomedical Research Seminar Series, G.V. Sonny Montgomery Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Jackson, MS2019
Poster Presentation, Gurumurthy, B., Tucci, M. A., Fan, L. W., Benghuzzi, H. A., Pal, P., Bidwell, G. L., III, Salazar Marocho, S. M., Cason, Z., and Janorkar, A. V. In vivo Evaluation of Biocompatibility, Degradability, and Bone Regenerative Potential of Collagen-Elastin-like Polypeptide Bioglass Composite Scaffolds., Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA2019
Poster Presentation, Logue, O. C., Eddy, A. C., Moore, K., Chapman, H., George, E. M., and Gene L. Bidwell, III. The ELP-VEGF Fusion Protein is Bioavailable after Subcutaneous Administration and Prevents Increased Blood Pressure in Response to Placental Ischemia., American Heart Association Council on Hypertension, New Orleans, LA2019
Poster Presentation, Chade, A. R., Engel, J. E., Williams, E., and Bidwell, G. L., III. A Novel Kidney-targeted Bioengineered Carrier for VEGF Delivery in Experimental Renovascular Disease: Proof of Concept., European Renal Association/ European Dialysis and Transplant Association 56th Congress, Budapest, Hungary2019
Poster Presentation, Chade, A. R., Engel, J. E., Williams, E., and Bidwell, G. L., III. Molecular Targeting of Renal Inflammation Using Drug Delivery Technology in Chronic Kidney Disease., European Renal Association/ European Dialysis and Transplant Association 56th Congress, Budapest, Hungary2019
Poster Presentation, Waller, J. P., Burke, S., Logue, O. C., and Bidwell, G. L., III. A Biopolymer-fused Form of VEGF-B for Treatment of Preeclampsia., Experimental Biology Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL2019
Poster Presentation, Howell, J. A., Perkins, E., and Bidwell, G. L., III. Development of Peptide Inhibitors of Nuclear Factor kappa B as Therapeutics for Ischemic Stroke., Experimental Biology Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL2019
Poster Presentation, Guise, E., Engel, J. E., Williams, M. L., Bidwell, G. L., III, and Chade, A. R., Bioengineered VEGF Therapy Following Angioplasty in Renovascular Disease: More and Better Microvessels., Experimental Biology Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL2019
Poster Presentation, Engel, J. E., Guise, E., Bidwell, G. L., III, and Chade, A. R. VEGF Therapy Shifts Macrophage Phenotype and Improves Renal Recovery in Chronic Kidney Disease., Experimental Biology Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL2019
Poster Presentation, Giambrone, A. B., Logue, O. C., Shao, Q., Bidwell, G. L., III, and Warrington, J. P. Placental Ischemia Exposure Leads to Increased Cerebral Microbleeds in Embryonic Day 19 Rat Offspring., International Stroke Conference, Honolulu, HI2019
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Performing Drug Development Research at an Academic Medical Center, Millsaps College Senior Seminar, Jackson, MS2018
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Developing New Therapies for Renal Disease, UMMC Pathology Research Day, Jackson, MS2018
Poster Presentation, Chade, A. R., Engel, J. E., Williams, M., and Bidwell, G. L., III. Therapeutic Angiogenesis Promotes Renal Recovery in CKD Partly by Shifting Macrophage Phenotype., European Renal Association/ European Dialysis and Transplant Association 55th Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark2018
Poster Presentation, Bidwell, G. L., III, Kuna, M., Logue, O. C., Eddy, A., Chapman, H., and George, E. M. Maternally Sequestered Biologics for Treatment of Preeclampsia., International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy, Amsterdam, Netherlands2018
Poster Presentation, Eddy, A., Chapman, H., George, E. M, and Bidwell, G. L., III. A Novel NF-κB Inhibitory Peptide-Based Therapeutic for the Management of Preeclampsia., International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy, Amsterdam, Netherlands2018
Poster Presentation, Eddy, A., Mahdi, F., Chapman, H., Bidwell, G. L., III, and George, E. M. A Novel Peptide-Based Antagonist of sFlt-1., International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy, Amsterdam, Netherlands2018
Poster Presentation, Logue, O. C., Burke, S. P., George, E. M., and Bidwell, G. L., III. Daily Subcutaneous Administration of a Biopolymer-Stabilized VEGF Chimera Optimizes Therapeutic Efficacy in Treating a Rodent Model of Placental Ischemia., American Heart Association Council on Hypertension, Chicago, IL2018
Poster Presentation, Warrington, J. P., Logue, O. C., Bidwell, G. L., III, and Shao, Q. Placental Ischemia Exposure leads to a Pro-Inflammatory Environment in Brains of Embryonic Day 19 Rat Offspring., American Heart Association Council on Hypertension, Chicago, IL2018
Poster Presentation, Kuna, M., Waller, J. P., Logue, O. C., and Bidwell, G. L., III. Polymer Size Affects Biodistribution and Placental Accumulation of Elastin-like Polypeptide in a Rodent Pregnancy Model., Experimental Biology Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA2018
Poster Presentation, Logue, O. C., Mahdi, F., George, E. M., and Bidwell, G. L., III, Alternative Administration Routes of a Biopolymer-Stabilized VEGF Chimera to Optimize Therapeutic Efficacy in Treating a Rodent Model of Placental Ischemia., Experimental Biology Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA2018
Poster Presentation, Eddy, A. C., Chapman, H., Mahdi, F., George, E. M., and Bidwell, G. L., III, A Novel Anti-Inflammatory Agent for the Management of Preeclampsia., Experimental Biology Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA2018
Poster Presentation, Ross, C. A., Maeda, K. J., Logue, O. C., Bidwell, G. L., III, Garrett, M. R., Sasser, J. M. ELP-VEGF Treatment Improves the Maternal Syndrome of Preeclampsia in the Dahl Salt Sensitive Rat., Experimental Biology Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA2018
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Therapeutic Growth Factor Delivery using the Elastin-like Polypeptide Biopolymer Platform., 33rd Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference, Gulfport, MS2017
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Targeting sFlt-1 for the Treatment of Preeclampsia., UMMC Physiology departmental seminar, Jackson, MS2017
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Elastin-like Polypeptide Fusion Proteins, a Novel Class of Biologics., UMMC Pharmacology departmental seminar, Jackson, MS2017
Poster Presentation, Chade, A. R., Guise, E., Williams, M., Harvey, T., and Bidwell, G. L., III.  Reversal of Renal Dysfunction And Injury By Therapeutic Angiogenesis In Chronic Renal Disease: Not Everything Is Lost., European Renal Association/ European Dialysis and Transplant Association 54th Congress, Madrid, Spain2017
Poster Presentation, Logue, O. C., Mahdi, F., George, E. M., and Bidwell, G. L. III. A Biopolymer-Stabilized VEGF Chimera is Maternally Sequestered and Prevents Placental Ischemia Induced Increases in Blood Pressure in the Reduced Uterine Perfusion Pressure Model of Preeclampsia., Experimental Biology Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL2017
Poster Presentation, Kuna, M., Mahdi, F., McGowan J. W. D., and Bidwell, G. L. III. Impact of Molecular Weight on Pharmacokinetics, Biodistribution, and Renal Deposition of the Drug Delivery Biopolymer Elastin-Like Polypeptide., Experimental Biology Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL2017
Poster Presentation, Kuna, M., Mahdi, F., McGowan J. W. D., and Bidwell, G. L. III. Pharmacokinetics and Intra-renal Accumulation of the Drug Delivery Biopolymer Elastin-like Polypeptide is Dependent on its Molecular Weight., American Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA2017
Poster Presentation, Chade, A. R., Williams, M., and Bidwell, G. L., III.  Therapeutic Angiogenesis in Chronic Renal Disease: Underlying Mechanisms of a Potential Novel Strategy., American Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA2017
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Developing the Elastin-like Polypeptide Biopolymer for Delivery of Growth Factor Therapeutics, Mississippi Regional Biophysical Consortium, Starkville, MS2016
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Elastin-like Polypeptide as a Carrier for Ocular Drug Delivery, Research in Ophthalmology and Vision Sciences Seminar Series, UMMC Department of Ophthalmology, Jackson, MS2016
Poster Presentation, Zamarripa, A. C., Lawson, W., Grill, R. J., Bidwell, G. L. III, and Grayson, B. E. Altered blood-barriers following rodent vertical sleeve gastrectomy., UM/UMMC Research Day, Jackson, MS2016
Poster Presentation, Logue, O. C., Mahdi, F., George, E. M., and Bidwell, G. L. III. A Biopolymer-stabilized VEGF Chimera Reverses Angiogenic Imbalance In The Reduced Uterine Perfusion Pressure Model Of Preeclampsia., Experimental Biology Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA2016
Poster Presentation, Chade, A. R., Vincent, L. J., Mahdi, F., Shao, Q., and Bidwell, G. L., III. A Novel Kidney-targeted Bioengineered Protein Carrier for Drug Delivery Binds to the Kidney Independent of the Species, Experimental Biology Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA2016
Poster Presentation, McGowan J. W. D., Vig P. J. S., and Bidwell, G. L., III.  The Use of Intransally-delivered Elastin-like Polypeptide for Drug Delivery to the Central Nervous System, Experimental Biology Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA2016
Poster Presentation, Chade, A. R., Vincent, L. J., and Bidwell, G. L., III.  A Novel Biopolymer-delivered VEGF for Therapeutic Angiogenesis in Renovascular Disease: Targeting the Kidney via Systemic Administration, European Renal Association/ European Dialysis and Transplant Association 53rd Congress, Vienna, Austria2016
Poster Presentation, Lawson, W., Spann, R., Bidwell, G. L. III, Garrett, M. R., and Grayson, B. E. Altered barrier permeability and placental expression of MMP9, ILR1N and occludin in rat placenta following VSG, The Obesity Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA2016
Poster Presentation, Chade, A. R., Guise, E., Vincent, L. J., and Bidwell, G. L., III.  PTRA Combined with Intra-renal Administration Of A Biopolymer-delivered VEGF Construct To Improve Renal Recovery: A New Therapeutic Strategy, American Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL2016
Poster Presentation, Stewart, W., Chapman, H., Mahdi, F., Bidwell, G. L., III, and George, E. M. Characterization of a Novel Maternally Restricted Pro-angiogenic Therapeutic for Preeclampsia, American Heart Association Council on Hypertension, Orlando, FL2016
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Maternally Sequestered Delivery Systems for Prevention of Fetal Drug Exposure, NIH/NICHD Placental Origins of Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes: Potential Molecular Targets Workshop, Bethesda, MD2015
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Maternally sequestered proteins for the treatment of preeclampsia, UMMC Pharmacology departmental seminar, Jackson, MS2015
Platform Presentations, Logue, O. C., Mahdi, F., George, E. M., and Bidwell, G. L. III. A Biopolymer-Stabilized VEGF Chimera Reverses Angiogenic Imbalance In Vitro in the Reduced Uterine Perfusion Pressure Model of Preeclampsia, American Heart Association Council for Hypertension, Washington, DC2015
Poster Presentation, Bidwell, G. L., III, Reese, C., Shao, Q., and Chade, A. R. A Kidney-targeted Protein Biopolymer Drug Delivery System, Experimental Biology Annual Meeting, Boston, MA2015
Poster Presentation, McGowan J. W. D., Vig P. J. S., and Bidwell, G. L. III. Cell Penetrating Peptide Biopolymers for Drug Delivery to the Central Nervous System, Experimental Biology Annual Meeting, Boston, MA2015
Poster Presentation, Zhang, Y., Bidwell, G. L. III, Correia, J. J., and Fitzkee, N. C. Simulating the Early Stages of ELP Aggregation Using a Biased Structural Model, Gibbs Conference on Biothermodynamics, Carbondale, IL2015
Platform Presentations, Chade A. R. and Bidwell, G. L., III. Therapeutic Angiogenesis in Renal Artery Stenosis: Intra-renal Therapy Using a Biopolymer-delivered VEGF Ameliorates Microvascular Dysfunction and Damage, European Renal Association/ European Dialysis and Transplant Association 52nd Congress, London, UK2015
Poster Presentation, Chade A. R., Harvey T. W., and Bidwell, G. L. III. Systemic Administration of a Biopolymer-delivered VEGF Improved Renal Hemodynamics and Microvascular Rarefaction in Renal Artery Stenosis, Experimental Biology Annual Meeting, Boston, MA2015
Poster Presentation, Perez, A., Rey-Dios, R., Khan, M., Bidwell, G. L. III, and Perkins, E. Comparative Volumetric Assessment of a Murine Xenograft Malignant Glioma Model via Gadolinium Enhancement Pattern and Extent of Tissue Fluorescence (5-ALA, Fluorescein Sodium), Congress of Neurological Surgeons Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA2015
Poster Presentation, Zhang, Y., Bidwell, G. L. III, Correia, J. J., Fitzkee, N. C. Studying ELP Aggregation Using Computational Methods and NMR, Mississippi Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting, Hattiesburg, MS2015
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Process of Intellectual Property Protection and Technology Transfer, UMMC Career Opportunity and Professional Development Lecture Series, Jackson, MS2015
Poster Presentation, Lawson, W., Zamarripa, A. C., Spann, R., Enns, B., Bidwell, G. L. III, and Grayson, B. E. Maternal vertical sleeve gastrectomy results in reduced maternal-fetal barrier during gestation, Mississippi Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting, Hattiesburg, MS2015
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, The Elastin-like Polypeptide Drug Delivery System: Cancer Therapy, Preeclampsia, and Beyond, UMMC Neurobiology and Anatomical Sciences departmental seminar, Jackson, MS2014
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Therapeutic Applications of the Elastin-like Polypeptide Drug Delivery System, University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy American Association of Pharmaceutical Sciences lecture, Oxford, MS2014
Poster Presentation, Bidwell, G. L. III and George, E.M. Maternally Sequestered Polypeptide-based Therapeutics to Treat Preeclampsia, International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy World Congress, New Orleans, LA2014
Poster Presentation, Chade, A. R., Tullos, N. A., and Bidwell, G. L. III. Administration of elastin-like polypeptide-VEGF in the stenotic kidney: a novel targeted treatment to recover renal function, American Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA2014
Poster Presentation, Bidwell, G. L. III, Liu, H., Robinson, G., Marquart, M., and George, E.M. A corneal penetrating drug delivery system based on elastin-like polypeptide, Experimental Biology Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA2014
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, The Elastin-like Polypeptide Drug Delivery System, Jackson State University Interdisciplinary Center of Nanotoxicity Seminar Series, Jackson, MS2013
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, The Elastin-like Polypeptide Drug Delivery System, Belhaven University Senior Toxicology Seminar Series, Jackson, MS2013
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Maternally Restricted Therapeutic Proteins for Treatment of Preeclampsia, UMMC Biochemistry departmental seminar, Jackson, MS2013
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Delivery of an Anti-inflammatory NF-κB Inhibitory Polypeptide to Treat Preeclampsia, American Heart Association Council for High Blood Pressure Research Scientific Sessions, New Orleans, LA2013
Poster Presentation, George, E. M., Liu, H., and Bidwell, G. L. III. Development of a Stabilized Bioactive VEGF Chimera for the Management of Preeclampsia, American Heart Association Council for High Blood Pressure Research Scientific Sessions, New Orleans, LA2013
Poster Presentation, Bidwell, G. L. III, Liu, H., and George, E. M. A delivery system for protein and peptide-based therapeutics to treat preeclampsia, Experimental Biology Annual Meeting, Boston, MA2013
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, The Elastin-like Polypeptide Drug Delivery System, University of Mississippi Medical Center’s Center of Excellence in Cardiovascular-Renal Research Innovative Methods Seminar, Jackson, MS2012
Poster Presentation, Bidwell, G. L. III, Perkins, E., Hughes, J., Khan, M, James, J., and Raucher, D. Treatment of Malignant Gliomas Using Thermally Targeted Peptide Therapeutics, American Academy for Neurology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA2012
Poster Presentation, Bidwell, G. L. III, Perkins, E., and Raucher, D. Thermally Targeted Delivery of a c-Myc Inhibitory Peptide to Breast Tumors in vivo using Elastin-like Polypeptide, Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program (BCRP) Era of Hope Meeting, Washington, DC2011
Poster Presentation, Bidwell, G. L. III, Perkins, E., and Raucher, D. Thermally Targeted Delivery of a c-Myc Inhibitory Peptide using Elastin-like Polypeptide: Project Year 3 Advancements, Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program (BCRP) Leading Innovative Networking and Knowledge Sharing (LINKS) Conference, Washington, DC2011
Poster Presentation, Bidwell, G. L. III, Perkins, E., and Raucher, D. Thermally Targeted Delivery of a c-Myc Inhibitory Peptide to Breast Tumors in vivo using Elastin-like Polypeptide, American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL2011
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Thermally Targeted Delivery of Therapeutic Peptides Using Elastin-like Polypeptide, 3rd Annual Mississippi Biophysical Constortium, Jackson, MS2010
Poster Presentation, Bidwell, G. L. III, Benghuzzi, H., and Raucher, D. Thermally Targeted Delivery of a c-Myc Inhibitory Peptide using Elastin-like Polypeptide: Project Year 2 Advancements, Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program (BCRP) Leading Innovative Networking and Knowledge Sharing (LINKS) Conference, Washington, DC2010
Poster Presentation, Bidwell, G. L. III, Hughes, J., Perkins, E., Raucher, D. A cell penetrating c-Myc inhibitory polypeptide accumulates in brain tumors in rats and inhibits tumor growth, American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting, Washington, DC2010
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Thermally Targeted Delivery of a c-Myc Inhibitory Peptide Using Elastin-like Polypeptide, Drug Delivery Minisymposium, Mississippi Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting, Olive Branch, MS2009
Poster Presentation, Bidwell, G. L. III, Benghuzzi, H., and Raucher, D. Thermally Targeted Delivery of a c-Myc Inhibitory Peptide using Elastin-like Polypeptide, Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program (BCRP) Leading Innovative Networking and Knowledge Sharing (LINKS) Conference, Washington, DC2009
Poster Presentation, Bidwell, G. L. III, Davis, A.N., and Raucher, D. Targeting a Thermally Responsive c-Myc Inhibitory Polypeptide to Specific Intracellular Compartments Using Cell Penetrating Peptides, American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA2008
Poster Presentation, Bidwell, G. L. III, Davis, A.N., Fokt, I., Priebe, W., and Raucher, D. An elastin-like polypeptide - Doxorubicin fusion for thermally-targeted delivery and evasion of multidrug resistance, American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA2007
Poster Presentation, Bidwell, G.L. III and Raucher D. Enhancing toxicity of topoisomerase II inhibitors using a c-Myc inhibiting polypeptide, American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA2005
Poster Presentation, Bidwell, G.L. III and Raucher D. Enhancing antiproliferative effect of topoisomerase II inhibitors using a c-Myc inhibiting polypeptide, Mississippi Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting2005
Poster Presentation, Massodi I., Bidwell, G. L. III, and Raucher D. Evaluation of cell penetrating peptides fused to elastin-like polypeptide for drug delivery, Mississippi Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting2005
Poster Presentation, Massodi I., Bidwell, G. L. III, and Raucher D. Evaluation of cell penetrating peptides fused to elastin-like polypeptide for drug delivery, American Society for Cell Biology 44th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC2004
Poster Presentation, Bidwell, G.L. III and Raucher D. Application of thermally responsive polypeptides directed against the c-Myc oncogene for cancer therapy, AACR-NCI-EORTC International Conference on Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics, Boston, MA2003
Poster Presentation, Bidwell, G.L. III, Skertich M., and Raucher D. Targeted delivery of thermally sensitive cytotoxic polypeptides, Mississippi Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting2003
Poster Presentation, Bidwell, G.L. III and Mossing, M.C. Energy transfer studies of folding and dimerization of lambda Cro repressor variants, Experimental Biology (FASEB) Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA2002

Honors, Awards, and Recognition

1st Annual Intellectual Property Recognition (3 invention disclosures, 3 provisional patent applications, 2 non-provisional patent applications, 2 issued patents, 1 spinoff company founded), University of Mississippi Medical Center2019
Excellence in Research Award - Gold Medal, University of Mississippi Medical Center2017
Translational Research Team Award (with Alejandro Chade), University of Mississippi Medical Center2016
Early Career Investigator Award, University of Mississippi Medical Center2015
Excellence in Research Award - Silver Medal, University of Mississippi Medical Center2014
Early Career Reviewer Program, NIH Center for Scientific Review2013
Breast Cancer Research Program Era of Hope Conference Distinguished Postdoctoral Poster Award, Department of Defense2011
Radiology Research Day Second Prize, University of Mississippi Medical Center2011
Sanofi-Aventis Scholar-in-training Award, American Association for Cancer Research2010
Excellence in Research Award - Bronze Medal, The Univeristy of Mississippi Medical Center2009
Dean's Graduate Research Award - First Prize, The University of Mississippi Medical Center2007
OSI Pharmaceuticals Scholar-in-Training Award, American Association for Cancer Research2007
Taylor Medalist, University of Mississippi2002
Undergraduate Poster Contest - First Prize, American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology2002
Alpha Epsilon Delta Scholarship, University of Mississippi2001
Golden Key, University of Mississippi2000
Phi Beta Kappa, University of Mississippi2000
Phi Kappa Phi Scholarship, University of Mississippi2000
Chancellor's Leadership Scholarship, University of Mississippi1998
All American Scholar, University of Mississippi1998
Chancellor's Honor Roll, University of Mississippi1998
Mississippi Eminent Scholars Grant, University of Mississippi1998
Robert C. Byrd Scholarship, University of Mississippi1998

Professional Membership and Service

American Heart Association, Member2013 - Present
American Physiological Society, Member2012 - Present
American Association for Cancer Research, Member2003 - 2011

Committee Service

Neurology Research Executive Committee, Chair2019 - Present
American Physiological Society Animal Care and Experimentation Committee, Member2019 - Present
Cancer Center and Research Institute Scientific Leadership Council, Member2018 - Present
Program in Neuroscience Admissions Committee, Member2017 - 2019
Program in Neuroscience Curriculum Committee, Member2017 - 2019
Program in Neuroscience Executive Committee, Member2016 - 2019
Faculty Search Committee, University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery, Member2015 - 2015
American Physiological Society Central Nervous System Steering Committee, Secretary/Treasurer2014 - 2018
UMMC Experimental Models Space Committee, Member2013 - Present
UMMC Patent Committee, Member2013 - Present
UMMC School of Graduate Studies in the Health Sciences Alumni Board of Directors, Member2010 - 2013

Community Service

Physiology Understanding (PhUn) Week at the MS Children's Museum Event, Volunteer11/2014 - 11/2014
Jackson Preparatory School, Career Day-Presenter02/2012 - 02/2012

Other Service

Department of Defense Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) Sustained Release Drug Delivery (SRDD) Review Panel, Chair09/2020 - 11/2020
Department of Defense Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) Sustained Release Drug Delivery (SRDD) Discovery Award Review Panel, Panel Reviewer06/2020 - 07/2020
NIH Special Emphasis Panel ZRG1 DKUS-L 11 B for Nephrology Small Business, Panel Reviewer05/2020 - 07/2020
Department of Defense Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) Sustained Release Drug Delivery (SRDD) Preapplication Review Panel, Panel Reviewer05/2020 - 07/2020
Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, Ad hoc reviewer2020 - Present
Cellular Signaling, Ad hoc reviewer2020 - Present
Cell Transplantation, Ad hoc reviewer2020 - Present
Heliyon, Ad hoc reviewer2020 - Present
Department of Defense Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) Peer Review Cancer Research Program (PRCRP), Panel Reviewer10/2019 - 12/2019
NIH Special Emphasis Panel ZRG1 DKUS-L 11 B for Nephrology Small Business, Panel Reviewer09/2019 - 11/2019
NIH Special Emphasis Panel ZRG1 DKUS-L 11 B for Nephrology Small Business, Panel Reviewer05/2019 - 07/2019
Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research Vidi Talent Programme, Panel Reviewer2019 - 12/2019
Nature Reviews Nephrology, Ad hoc reviewer2019 - Present
Circulation Research, Ad hoc reviewer2019 - Present
Stem Cells Translational Medicine, Ad hoc reviewer2019 - Present
Acta Biomaterialia, Ad hoc reviewer2019 - Present
Artificial Cells, Blood Substitutes, and Biotechnology, Ad hoc reviewer2019 - Present
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, Ad hoc reviewer2019 - Present
NIH NCATS ZTR1 CI-4 (02) 1 CTSA Collaborative Innovation Awards Review Meeting, Panel Reviewer10/2018 - 11/2018
Department of Defense Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) Sustained Release Drug Delivery (SRDD) Review Panel, Chair09/2018 - 11/2018
EBioMedicine, Ad hoc reviewer2018 - Present
Biomaterials, Ad hoc reviewer2018 - Present
Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy, Ad hoc reviewer2018 - Present
Genes, Ad hoc reviewer2018 - Present
Pharmaceutical Medicine, Ad hoc reviewer2018 - Present
Pharmaceutics, Ad hoc reviewer2018 - Present
NIH Genes and Drug Delivery (GDD) Study Section, Panel Reviewer06/2017 - 06/2017
NIH Genes and Drug Delivery (GDD) Study Section, Panel Reviewer02/2017 - 02/2017
American Heart Association Fellowship Basic Cell – Membranes and Subcellular Organelles Study Section, Panel Reviewer2017 - 12/2017
Center of Excellence in Perinatal Research COBRE Small Grants Program, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Panel Reviewer2017 - Present
Mississippi Center for Clinical and Translational Research Small Grants Program, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Panel Reviewer2017 - Present
Neuro Institute Pilot Grants Program, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Panel Reviewer2017 - Present
Hypertension, Ad hoc reviewer2017 - Present
Clinical Science, Ad hoc reviewer2017 - Present
Journal of Controlled Release, Ad hoc reviewer2017 - Present
American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, Ad hoc reviewer2017 - Present
Department of Defense Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) Peer Reviewed Cancer Research Program (PRCRP) Pancreatic Cancer, Panel Reviewer12/2016 - 12/2016
NIH NICHD Special Emphasis Panel for Assessing Human Placental Development and Function Using Existing Data (Human Placenta Project), Panel Reviewer12/2016 - 12/2016
American Heart Association Basic Cell MSO Study Section, Panel Reviewer10/2016 - 10/2016
Department of Defense Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) Breast Cancer Research Program (BCRP), Panel Reviewer06/2016 - 06/2016
NIH NICHD Special Emphasis Panel/Scientific Review Group 2016/05 ZHD1 DSR-Z (50) 1 for Using Omics to Define Human Placental Development and Function Across Pregnancy (Human Placenta Project), Panel Reviewer03/2016 - 03/2016
Interdisciplinary Research Initiation Award, University of Toledo, Panel Reviewer2016 - 01/2016
Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Ad hoc reviewer2016 - Present
Center for Psychiatric Neuroscience COBRE Small Grants Program, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Panel Reviewer06/2015 - 06/2015
NIH NICHD Special Emphasis Panel/Scientific Review Group 2015/08 ZHD1 DSR-Z (50/51) for Novel Tools to Assess Human Placental Structure and Function (Human Placenta Project), Panel Reviewer03/2015 - 03/2015
Center for Obesity Research COBRE Small Grants Program, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Panel Reviewer01/2015 - 01/2015
Pharmaceutics, Editorial Board Member2015 - Present
Nanomedicine, Ad hoc reviewer2015 - Present
Molecules, Ad Hoc Reviewer2015 - Present
NIH Xenobiotic and Nutrient Disposition and Action (XNDA) Study Section, Early Career Reviewer01/2014 - 01/2014
Journal of Drug Targeting, Ad Hoc Reviewer2014 - Present
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-General Subjects, Ad Hoc Reviewer2014 - Present
Proteins, Ad Hoc Reviewer2014 - Present
Cancer Research, Ad Hoc Reviewer2014 - Present
Intramural Research Support Program (IRSP), University of Mississippi Medical Center, Panel Reviewer2014 - Present
BioMed Research International, Editorial Board Member01/2013 - 12/2013
Biomed Research International, Ad Hoc Reviewer2013 - Present
Cell and Molecular Life Sciences, Ad Hoc Reviewer2013 - Present
Anticancer Drugs, Ad Hoc Reviewer2013 - Present
Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, Ad Hoc Reviewer2013 - Present
PLOS One, Ad Hoc Reviewer2013 - Present
Neurological Disorders and Therapy, Editorial Board Member2013 - Present
International Journal of Nanomedicine, Ad Hoc Reviewer2012 - Present
Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, Ad Hoc Reviewer2012 - Present
BMC Cancer, Ad Hoc Reviewer2012 - Present
Department of Defense Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) Peer Review Cancer Research Program (PRCRP), Panel Reviewer11/2011 - 11/2011
Cancer Letters, Ad Hoc Reviewer2011 - Present
Department of Basic Sciences Annual Research Grant Program for the College of Veterinary Medicine, Mississippi State University, Reviewer2011 - 12/2015

Teaching Experience

NSCI 701, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Principles of NeuroscienceFall 2020
Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Responsible Conduct of Research for Postdoctoral FellowsFall 2020
PHARM 723, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Mechanisms of Drug ActionSpring 2020
NSCI 710, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Experimental Design and BiostatisticsSpring 2020
ID 714, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Professional SkillsSpring 2020
Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Responsible Conduct of Research for Postdoctoral FellowsFall 2019
PHARM 723, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Mechanisms of Drug ActionSpring 2019
NSCI 708, Graduate, Course, Course Director, Special Topics in NeuroscienceSummer 2019
NSCI 710, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Experimental Design and BiostatisticsSpring 2019
ID 714, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Professional SkillsSpring 2019
BCH 743/744, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Cellular BiochemistrySpring 2019
NSCI 701, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Principles of NeuroscienceFall 2019
NSCI 708, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Special Topics in NeuroscienceSummer 2018
NSCI 708, Graduate, Course, Course Director, Special Topics in NeuroscienceSummer 2018
NSCI 710, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Experimental Design and BiostatisticsSpring 2018
ID 727, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Current Issues in Biomedical ResearchFall 2018
ID 714, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Professional SkillsSpring 2018
BCH 740, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Biochemical MethodsFall 2018
NSCI 701, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Principles of NeuroscienceFall 2018
BCH 743/744, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Cellular BiochemistryFall 2018
ID 727, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Current Issues in Biomedical ResearchFall 2017
BCH 743/744, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Cellular BiochemistrySpring 2017
NSCI 701, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Principles of NeuroscienceFall 2017
BCH 740, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Biochemical MethodsFall 2017
BCH 742, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Research Tools in Molecular BiologySpring 2017
ID 727, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Current Issues in Biomedical ResearchSpring 2017
PATH 748, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Problems in Cancer BiologySpring 2017
NSCI 710, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Experimental Design and BiostatisticsSpring 2017
NSCI 708, Graduate, Course, Course Director, Special Topics in NeuroscienceSummer 2017
ID 714, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Professional SkillsSpring 2016
BCH 743/744, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Cellular BiochemistryFall 2016
NSCI 701, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Principles of NeuroscienceFall 2016
BCH 740, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Biochemical MethodsFall 2016
ID 714, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Professional SkillsSpring 2015
BCH 742, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Research Tools in Molecular BiologySpring 2015
ID 721, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Molecular OncologySpring 2015
BCH 743/744, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Cellular BiochemistrySpring 2015
NSCI 701, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Principles of NeuroscienceFall 2015
BCH 740, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Biochemical MethodsFall 2015
BCH 740, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Biochemical MethodsFall 2014
BCH 743/744, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Cellular BiochemistryFall 2014
NSCI 701, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Principles of NeuroscienceFall 2014
NSCI 701, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Principles of NeuroscienceFall 2013
ID 714, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Molecular OncologySpring 2013
BCH 743/744, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Cellular BiochemistrySpring 2013
BCH 743/744, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Cellular BiochemistryFall 2012
BCH 743/744, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Cellular BiochemistrySpring 2011
BCH 743/744, Graduate, Course, Lecturer, Cellular BiochemistryFall 2010
Premed Portal Program, Course, Lecturer, Health Careers Opportunity Program Biochemistry 2004 - 2005
Undergraduate Lab, Course, Teaching Assistant, Undergraduate Laboratory, Department of Biology 1999 - 2000

Directed Student Learning

Supervised Research, Advised: William Doyle2020 - 2020
Supervised Research, Advised: Hali Peterson2020 - Present
Supervised Research, Advised: Elizabeth Gordineer2020 - 2020
Dissertation Committee Member, Advised: Katheryn Lett2020 - Present
Dissertation Committee Member, Advised: Owen Herrock2020 - Present
Dissertation Committee Chair, Advised: Adesanya Akinleye2020 - Present
Supervised Research, Advised: Loc Pham2019 - 2019
Chair, Graduate Qualifying Exam Committee, Advised: Kendra Stansak2019 - 2019
Supervised Research, Advised: Owen Herrock2019 - 2019
Dissertation Committee Member, Advised: Kyle Moore2019 - Present
Dissertation Committee Member, Advised: Ciara McKnight2019 - Present
Research Advisor, An MMP-2 inhibitory biologic for treatment of renal disease
Advised: Adesanya Akinleye
2019 - Present
Supervised Research, Advised: Adesanya Akinleye2018 - 2018
Supervised Research, Advised: Shelly Rae Edwards2018 - 2018
Supervised Research, Advised: Charles Barnes2018 - 2018
Vice Chair, Graduate Qualifying Exam Committee, Advised: Grahan Casey2018 - 2018
Vice Chair, Graduate Qualifying Exam Committee, Advised: Carlos Zamarripa2018 - 2018
Vice Chair, Graduate Qualifying Exam Committee, Advised: Sid Gaikwad2018 - 2018
Vice Chair, Graduate Qualifying Exam Committee, Advised: Redin Spann2018 - 2018
Dissertation Committee Member, Advised: Dipa Mitra2018 - Present
Dissertation Committee Member, Advised: Carlos Zamarripa2018 - Present
Dissertation Committee Chair, Advised: Jamarius Waller2018 - Present
Dissertation Committee Chair, Advised: John Aaron Howell2018 - Present
Dissertation Committee Member, Advised: Redin Spann2018 - 2020
Dissertation Committee Member, Advised: Jason Engel2018 - 2020
Research Advisor, The use of a biopolymer-fused form of ELP-VEGFB as a treatment for Preeclampsia
Advised: Jamarius Waller
2018 - Present
Research Advisor, Development of Peptide Inhibitors of Nuclear Factor Kappa B as Therapeutics for Ischemic Stroke
Advised: John Aaron Howell
2018 - Present
Supervised Research, Advised: John Aaron Howell2017 - 2017
Supervised Research, Advised: Daniel MacArthur2017 - 2017
Member, Qualifying Exam Committee, Advised: Walker Wiggins2017 - 2017
Dissertation Committee Member, Advised: Erika Guise2017 - 2019
Dissertation Committee Member, Advised: Jared Cobb2017 - 2020
Dissertation Committee Member, Advised: Sonja Dragojevic2017 - 2019
Dissertation Committee Member, Advised: Adrian Eddy2017 - 2019
Supervised Research, Advised: Sid Gaikwad2016 - 2016
Chair, Graduate Qualifying Exam Committee, Advised: Xiao Zhang2016 - 2016
Dissertation Committee Member, Advised: Ramana Vaka2016 - 2019
Dissertation Committee Member, Advised: Robert Wright2016 - 2018
Supervised Research, Advised: Kazimir Smolenski2015 - 2015
Supervised Research, Advised: Ezekiel Gonzalez-Fernandez2015 - 2015
Supervised Research, Advised: Jamarius Waller2015 - 2015
Research Advisor, Effect of Polymer Size on Pharmacokentics and Biodistribution of Elastin-like Polypeptides
Advised: Marija Kuna
2015 - 2018
Supervised Research, Advised: Sonja Dragojevic2015 - 2015
Supervised Research, Advised: Jordan Herring2015 - 2015
Supervised Research, Advised: Leia Golden2015 - 2015
Dissertation Committee Chair, Advised: Marija Kuna2015 - 2018
Dissertation Committee Member, Advised: Valeria Zai-Rose2015 - 2018
Research Advisor, Advised: Caleb Reese2014 - 2015
Research Advisor, Delivery of Neuroprotective Growth Factors to the Central Nervous System for Treatment of Spinocerebellar Ataxia
Advised: Jeremy McGowan
2014 - 2017
Dissertation Committee Chair, Advised: Jeremy McGowan2013 - 2017
Supervised Teaching Activity, Advised: Hannah Dye2013 - 2013
Supervised Teaching Activity, Advised: Conner Graham2013 - 2013
Supervised Teaching Activity, Advised: Jordan Hester2013 - 2013
Supervised Teaching Activity, Advised: Kelsey Hillhouse2013 - 2013
Supervised Teaching Activity, Advised: Kelli Hartman2013 - 2013
Supervised Teaching Activity, Advised: Ashley Holyfield2013 - 2013
Supervised Teaching Activity, Advised: Lindsay Macher2013 - 2013
Supervised Teaching Activity, Advised: Brandice Palmer2013 - 2013
Supervised Teaching Activity, Advised: Arthi Reddy2013 - 2013
Supervised Teaching Activity, Advised: John Suedel2013 - 2013
Supervised Teaching Activity, Advised: Sajal Tiway2013 - 2013
Supervised Research, Advised: Andy Danandeh2013 - 2013
Supervised Research, Advised: Chen Liu2013 - 2013
Research Advisor, Advised: Sarah Elizabeth Scales2012 - 2014

Fellows supervised

T32 and AHA funded fellow, Cardiovascular-Renal Research Center, Research Advisor, 1 fellows supervised09/2014 - 12/2018