Eldrin L. Bhanat
Assistant Professor-Research
Work Phone:
(601) 815-1568
Dr. Eldrin Bhanat currently serves as the Director of Research Operations in the Department of Surgery at UMMC. In his current role, he is responsible to manage the Research efforts of the Surgery Department.
Dr. Bhanat earned his medical degree from the School of Medicine-Angeles University Foundation in the Pampanga province of the Philippines in 2009. Additionally, at the University of Southern Mississippi in Hattiesburg, he earned a Master of Public Health in epidemiology and bio-statistics in 2016.
In March 2021, Dr. Bhanat became a Fellow of the Royal Society for Public Health, the highest membership grade for the United Kingdom-based independent campaigning and educational charity.
Before becoming Instructor in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Rehabilitation at UMMC, he worked as a medical officer at a variety of institutions in India, caring for obstetrics-gynecology patients, as well as patients being treated for cancer.
For about 15 months, he worked as a clinical research coordinator at UMMC, until January 2020, after working for more than two years as a cancer researcher at the Medical Center. His main area of Cancer Research was Racial Disparities in cancer.
Dr. Bhanat has co-authored more than 60 published manuscripts and around 30 research reports and abstracts. He is the past chair of the UMMC Clinical Research Professional Group Committee and also serves as a statistician for the Mississippi – National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable.
The University of Southern Mississippi, MPH, Epidemiology and Biostatistics | 2016 |
Angeles University Foundation, School of Medicine, MD, Doctor of Medicine | 2009 |
Current Positions
Assistant Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Orthopedic Surgery | 01/2025 - Present |
Assistant Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Surgery | 07/2024 - Present |
Graduate Faculty, School of Graduate School in the Health Sciences | 04/2024 - Present |
Director of Research Operations, School of Medicine, Department of Surgery | 05/2023 - Present |
The University of Mississippi Medical Center Jackson, Mississippi 39216 |
Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments
Instructor, UMMC, School of Medicine, Department of Orthopedic Surgery | 07/2023 - 01/2025 |
Instructor, UMMC, School of Medicine, Department of Surgery | 05/2023 - 07/2024 |
Instructor, UMMC, School of Medicine, Department of Orthopedic Surgery | 10/2021 - 04/2023 |
Manager - Clinical Research, UMMC, School of Medicine, Department of Orthopedic Surgery | 01/2020 - 10/2021 |
Clinical Research Coordinator, UMMC, School of Medicine | 10/2018 - 01/2020 |
Researcher II, UMMC, School of Medicine, Department of Cancer Institute | 06/2016 - 10/2018 |
Sponsored Program Funding
Intramural, Characterization of the Chronology of Hypercoagulability after Pediatric Orthopedic Injury Utilizing Serial Thromboelastographic Analysis, IRSP | 04/2024 - 04/2025 |
Journal Article | |
Major Extremity Trauma Research Consortium (METRC) Outcomes Following Transtibial Amputation with and without a Tibiofibular Synostosis Procedure A Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial (TAOS Study) Major Extremity Trauma Research Consortium. (2021). Outcomes Following Transtibial Amputation with and without a Tibiofibular Synostosis Procedure: A Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial (TAOS Study). JBJS, 10-2106. | 2024 |
Archie L Overmann, Anthony R Carlini, Robert V O'Toole, Renan C Castillo, Nathan N O'Hara & METRC Predicting deep infection in pilon and tibial plateau fractures: a secondary analysis of the VANCO and OXYGEN trials Overmann, A. L., Carlini, A. R., O'Toole, R. V., Castillo, R. C., & O'Hara, N. N. & METRC(2024). Predicting deep infection in pilon and tibial plateau fractures: a secondary analysis of the VANCO and OXYGEN trials. OTA International, 7(4), e348. | 2024 |
Swift, Clarice A. BS; Morin, Samantha D. BS; Benedict, Katherine C. MD; Bhanat, Eldrin L. MD, MPH; Humphries, Laura S. MD; Hoppe, Ian C. MD Social Perceptions of Preoperative and Postoperative Photographs of Patients With Syndromic Craniosynostosis Undergoing Le Fort III Advancement Swift, C. A., Morin, S. D., Benedict, K. C., Bhanat, E. L., Humphries, L. S., & Hoppe, I. C. Social Perceptions of Preoperative and Postoperative Photographs of Patients With Syndromic Craniosynostosis Undergoing Le Fort III Advancement. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 10-1097. | 2024 |
Boissonneault, A., O’Toole, R. V., Hayda, R., Reid, J. S., Caroom, C., Carlini, A., O’Hara, N. N., & METRC Are Drains Associated With Infection After Operative Fixation of High-Risk Tibial Plateau and Pilon Fractures?. Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma Boissonneault, A., O’Toole, R. V., Hayda, R., Reid, J. S., Caroom, C., Carlini, A., ... & O’Hara, N. N. (2024). Are Drains Associated With Infection After Operative Fixation of High-Risk Tibial Plateau and Pilon Fractures?. Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma, 10-1097. | 2024 |
Smithey, Jake; Debevec, Cole; Jha, Aaradhana; Gillon, William; Dillon, Tyler; Forrest, Akeelein; Middleton, Adam; Bhanat, Eldrin; Nehete, Priyanka; Melancon, Drew P; Spears, Isaac J. III; Leitch, K. Kellie The Relationship Between Obesity and Lateral Condyle Fracture Healing: A Pilot Study Smithey, J., Debevec, C., Jha, A., Gillon, W., Dillon, T., Forrest, A., ... & Leitch, K. K. (2024). The Relationship Between Obesity and Lateral Condyle Fracture Healing: A Pilot Study. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, 10-1097. | 2024 |
Emily A. Treu, MD, Jeffrey J. Frandsen, MD, Graham J. DeKeyser, Brenna E. Blackburn, PhD, Michael J. Archibeck, MD, Lucas A. Anderson, MD, Arthroplasty for Hip Fracture Consortium, Jeremy M. Gililland, MD Discharge to a Skilled Nursing Facility After Hip Fracture Results in Higher Rates of Periprosthetic Joint Infection Treu EA, Frandsen JJ, DeKeyser GJ, Blackburn BE, Archibeck MJ, Anderson LA, Arthroplasty for Hip Fracture Consortium, Gililland JM, Discharge to a Skilled Nursing Facility After Hip Fracture Results in Higher Rates of Periprosthetic Joint Infection, The Journal of Arthroplasty (2024), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.arth.2024.04.002. | 2024 |
Nathan N O'Hara, Robert V O'Toole, Katherine P Frey, Renan C Castillo, Joseph Cuschieri, Elliott R Haut, Gerard P Slobogean, Reza Firoozabadi, A Britton Christmas, William T Obremskey, Anthony R Carlini, Greg E Gaski, Matthew E Kutcher, Debra Marvel, Deborah M Stein, Major Extremity Trauma Research Consortium Risk-stratified thromboprophylaxis effects of aspirin versus low-molecular-weight heparin in orthopedic trauma patients: A secondary analysis of the PREVENT CLOT trial O'Hara, N. N., O'Toole, R. V., Frey, K. P., Castillo, R. C., Cuschieri, J., Haut, E. R., ... & Major Extremity Trauma Research Consortium. (2024). Risk-stratified thromboprophylaxis effects of aspirin versus low-molecular-weight heparin in orthopedic trauma patients: A secondary analysis of the PREVENT CLOT trial. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 96(4), 573-582. | 2024 |
Joshi, Manjari MBBS; O'Toole, Robert V. MD; Carlini, Anthony R. MS; Gary, Joshua L. MD; Obremskey, William T. MD, MPH; Murray, Clinton K. MD; Gaski, Greg MD; Reid, J. Spence MDh; Degani, Yasmin MPHb; Taylor, Tara J. MPH; Collins, Susan C. MSc; Huang, Yanjie ScM; Whiting, Paul S. MD; Patterson, Joseph T. MD; Lee, Olivia C. MD; Castillo, Renan C. PhD; METRC Does Topical Vancomycin Powder Use in Fracture Surgery Change Bacteriology and Antibiotic Susceptibilities? An Analysis of the VANCO Trial Joshi, M., O'Toole, R. V., Carlini, A. R., Gary, J. L., Obremskey, W. T., Murray, C. K., ... & Castillo, R. C. (2024). Does Topical Vancomycin Powder Use in Fracture Surgery Change Bacteriology and Antibiotic Susceptibilities? An Analysis of the VANCO Trial. Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma, 38(4), 183-189. | 2024 |
Major Extremity Trauma Research Consortium (METRC)* The Bioburden Associated with Severe Open Tibial Fracture Wounds at the Time of Definitive Closure or Coverage The BIOBURDEN Study Major Extremity Trauma Research Consortium. The Bioburden Associated with Severe Open Tibial Fracture Wounds at the Time of Definitive Closure or Coverage: The BIOBURDEN Study. The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume. | 2024 |
Nathan N. O’Hara, PhD, Katherine P. Frey, PhD, Deborah M. Stein, MD, MPH, Joseph F. Levy, PhD, Gerard P. Slobogean,MD,MPH, Renan Castillo, PhD, Reza Firoozabadi,MD, MS,Madhav A. Karunakar,MD, Joshua L. Gary,MD, William T. Obremskey, MD, MPH, Rachel B. Seymour, PhD, Joseph Cuschieri, MD, C. Daniel Mullins, PhD, Robert V. O’Toole, MD, and METRC* Effect of Aspirin Versus Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin Thromboprophylaxis on Medication Satisfaction and Out-of-Pocket Costs O’Hara, N. N., Frey, K. P., Stein, D. M., Levy, J. F., Slobogean, G. P., Castillo, R., ... & O’Toole, R. V. (2021). Effect of Aspirin Versus Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin Thromboprophylaxis on Medication Satisfaction and Out-of-Pocket Costs: A Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial. JBJS, 10-2106. | 2024 |
PREP-IT Investigators Skin Antisepsis before Surgical Fixation of Extremity Fractures PREP-IT Investigators. (2024). Skin Antisepsis before Surgical Fixation of Extremity Fractures. New England Journal of Medicine, 390(5), 409-420. | 2024 |
Ida Leah Gitajn, MD, MS, Paul M. Werth, PhD, Anthony R. Carlini, MS, Michael J. Bosse, MD, Joshua L. Gary, MD, Reza Firoozabadi, MD, MA, William Obremskey, MD, MPH, Todd O. McKinley, MD, Renan C. Castillo, PhD, and Robert V. O’Toole, MD, and METRC* Deep Surgical Site Infection after Fracture Has a Profound Effect on Functional Outcomes Gitajn, I. L., Werth, P. M., Carlini, A. R., Bosse, M. J., Gary, J. L., Firoozabadi, R., ... & O’Toole, R. V., METRC.(2024). Deep Surgical Site Infection after Fracture Has a Profound Effect on Functional Outcomes. JBJS Open Access, 9(1), e23. | 2024 |
Patterson, J. T., Slobogean, G. P., Gary, J. L., Castillo, R. C., Firoozabadi, R., Carlini, A. R., ... & Taylor, T. J. (2024). The VANCO Trial Findings Are Generalizable to a North American Trauma Registry. Journal of orthopaedic trauma, 38(1), 10-17. The VANCO Trial Findings Are Generalizable to a North American Trauma Registry Patterson, Joseph T. MD1; Slobogean, Gerard P. MD2; Gary, Joshua L. MD1; Castillo, Renan C. PhD3; Firoozabadi, Reza MD MA4; Carlini, Anthony R. MS3; Joshi, Manjari MBBS5; Allen, Lauren E. DrPH3; ScM, Yanjie Huang6; Bosse, Michael J. MD7; Obremskey, William T. MD MPH8; McKinley, Todd O. MD9; Reid, J. Spence MD10; O’Toole, Robert V. MD2; O’Hara, Nathan N. PhD MHA2; and METRC. The VANCO Trial Findings Are Generalizable to a North American Trauma Registry. Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma ():10.1097/BOT.0000000000002704, September 26, 2023. | DOI: 10.1097/BOT.0000000000002704 | 2024 |
Michael T. Marrone, Anna E. Prizment, Wanmei Wang, Eldrin Bhanat, Kenneth R. Butler, David Couper, Corinne E. Joshu, Thomas H. Mosley, Elizabeth A. Platz, Christian R. Gomez Blood Pressure, Hypertension, and Antihypertensive Medication Use and Risk of Total and Fatal Prostate Cancer in Black and White Men in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study Marrone, M. T., Prizment, A. E., Wang, W., Bhanat, E., Butler, K. R., Couper, D., ... & Gomez, C. R. (2023). Blood Pressure, Hypertension, and Antihypertensive Medication Use and Risk of Total and Fatal Prostate Cancer in Black and White Men in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 1-12. | 2023 |
Greene, Steven T. MD; McGee, Tyler L. BS; Kot, Taylor C. MPH; Nehete, Priyanka V. BDS, MPH; Bhanat, Eldrin L. MD, MPH; Bergin, Patrick F. MD Hemoglobin A1c as a Predictor of Surgical Site Infection in Patients With Orthopaedic Trauma Greene, Steven T. MD; McGee, Tyler L. BS; Kot, Taylor C. MPH; Nehete, Priyanka V. BDS, MPH; Bhanat, Eldrin L. MD, MPH; Bergin, Patrick F. MD. Hemoglobin A1c as a Predictor of Surgical Site Infection in Patients With Orthopaedic Trauma. JAAOS: Global Research and Reviews 7(11):e23.00204, November 2023. | DOI: 10.5435/JAAOSGlobal-D-23-00204 | 2023 |
Nathan N. O’Hara, PhD1, Robert V. O’Toole, MD1, Katherine P. Frey, PhD2, Renan C. Castillo, PhD2, Joseph Cuschieri, MD3, Elliott R. Haut, MD, MPH4, Gerard P. Slobogean, MD, MPH1, Reza Firoozabadi, MD, MS5, Ashley Christmas, MD6, William T. Obremskey, MD, MPH7, Anthony R. Carlini, MS2, Greg Gaski, MD8, Matthew E. Kutcher, MD9, Debra Marvel10, Deborah M. Stein, MD, MPH11, and Major Extremity Trauma Research Consortium (METRC) Risk-stratified thromboprophylaxis effects of aspirin versus low-molecular-weight heparin in orthopaedic trauma patients: a secondary analysis of the PREVENT CLOT trial O’Hara, N. N., O’Toole, R. V., Frey, K. P., Castillo, R. C., Cuschieri, J., Haut, E. R., ... & Major Extremity Trauma Research Consortium. (2023). Risk-stratified thromboprophylaxis effects of aspirin versus low-molecular-weight heparin in orthopaedic trauma patients: a secondary analysis of the PREVENT CLOT trial. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 10-1097. | 2023 |
Pogorzelski, David MSca; Wells, Jeffrey L.b; Marvel, Debra MAc; Palmer, Jana E. EdDc; Mullins, C. Daniel PhDd; Medeiros, Michelle MScd; Gallant, Jodi L. MSca; Spicer, Ella BAe; Bergin, Patrick F. MDf; Gitajn, I. Leah MDg; Mullin, Devin S. BSg; Gaski, Greg E. MDh; Hymes, Robert MDh; Bzovsky, Sofia MSca; Slobogean, Gerard P. MD, MPHi; Sprague, Sheila PhDa,j,*; and the PREP-IT Investigators Pragmatic design and inclusion of patient–partner representatives improves participant experience in clinical research Pogorzelski, D., Wells, J. L., Marvel, D., Palmer, J. E., Mullins, C. D., Medeiros, M., ... & PREP-IT Investigators. (2023). Pragmatic design and inclusion of patient–partner representatives improves participant experience in clinical research. OTA International, 6(4). | 2023 |
Muntazim Mukit, Leigh Sumner, Robert C O’Brien, Eldrin L Bhanat, Marc E Walker The Influence of Training Pathway, Institution Type, Gender, and a Global Pandemic on Post Graduation Career Plans in Plastic Surgery Mukit, M., Sumner, L., O’Brien, R. C., Bhanat, E. L., & Walker, M. E. (2023). The Influence of Training Pathway, Institution Type, Gender, and a Global Pandemic on Post Graduation Career Plans in Plastic Surgery. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Global Open, 11(9). | 2023 |
Jeffrey A. Foster, David C. Landy, Richard W. Pectol, Ramkumar T. Annamalai, Arun Aneja & the “COVID-ORTHO” Research Group A multi-institutional study of short-term mortality in COVID-positive patients undergoing hip fracture surgery: is survival better than expected? Foster, J. A., Landy, D. C., Pectol, R. W., Annamalai, R. T., & Aneja, A. (2023). A multi-institutional study of short-term mortality in COVID-positive patients undergoing hip fracture surgery: is survival better than expected?. European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology, 1-7. | 2023 |
Kyle H. Cichos PhD, Stuti S. Patel, Amanda Q. Cao, Eric M. Jordan, David Sing, Jeff J. Frandsen, Graham J. DeKeyser, Brenna E. Blackburn, Madeline A. Sauer, Michael A. Ewing, Antonia F. Chen, Erik N. Hansen, Jeremy M. Gililland, Michael J. O’Malley, Gerald McGwin Jr., Joshua M. Mueller, Simon C. Mears, Eldrin Bhanat, George W. Stayer, Mariegene E. Almand, Patrick F. Bergin, Ugur Yener, Jeffrey B. Stambough, Benjamin M. Stronach MD 10, Brett D. Crist MD 8, James A. Keeney, Vivek M. Shah, Jeffrey K. Lange, Adam S. Olsen, Christopher M. Melnic, Brandon Boyd, Elie S. Ghanem Direct Anterior Approach Total Hip Arthroplasty is Associated with Reduced 1-Year Mortality and Surgical Complications After Femoral Neck Fracture | 2023 |
Jeffrey Frandsen, Joshua Rainey, Graham DeKeyser, Brenna Blackburn, Elie Ghanem, Gerald McGwin, Kyle H Cichos, Brandon Boyd, Brett Crist, Jim Keeney, Michael Ewing, Madeline A Sauer, Simon C Mears, Benjamin M Stronach, Jeffrey B Stambough, Joshua W Mueller, Michael O’Malley, Stuti Patel, Antonia F Chen, Christopher M Melnic, Eric Jordan, Amanda Cao, Erik N Hansen, David Sing, Patrick F Bergin, Eldrin Bhanat, George W Stayer, Mariegene E Almand, Ugur Yener, Jeremy Gililland Displaced vs Nondisplaced Femoral Neck Fractures: Is Arthroplasty the Answer for Both? Frandsen, J., Rainey, J., DeKeyser, G., Blackburn, B., Ghanem, E., McGwin, G., ... & Gililland, J. (2023). Displaced vs Nondisplaced Femoral Neck Fractures: Is Arthroplasty the Answer for Both?. The Journal of Arthroplasty. | 2023 |
Amanda Cao, Elie Ghanem, Kyle Cichos, Paul Lichstein, Antonia Chen, Arthroplasty for Hip Fracture Consortium Comparison between Orthopaedic Trauma versus Arthroplasty Fellowship Training on Outcomes of Total Hip Arthroplasty for Femoral Neck Fracture Cao, A., Ghanem, E. S., Cichos, K. H., Lichstein, P., Patel, S., Jordan, E., ... & Chen, A. F. (2023). Comparison Between Orthopaedic Trauma Versus Arthroplasty Fellowship Training on Outcomes of Total Hip Arthroplasty for Femoral Neck Fracture. The Journal of Arthroplasty. | 2023 |
Major Extremity Trauma Research Consortium (METRC) Development of a prosthetic fit and alignment assessment (ProFit) in persons with post-traumatic transtibial amputation Major Extremity Trauma Research Consortium (METRC). Development of a prosthetic fit and alignment assessment (ProFit) in persons with post-traumatic transtibial amputation. Prosthetics and Orthotics International ():10.1097/PXR.0000000000000237, April 6, 2023. | DOI: 10.1097/PXR.0000000000000237 | 2023 |
William R Bigham, Gabriel S Lensing, Murphy M Walters, Eldrin Bhanat, James A Keeney, Benjamin M Stronach Outcomes of Total Knee Arthroplasty Revisions in Obese and Morbidly Obese Patient Populations Bigham, W. R., Lensing, G. S., Walters, M. M., Bhanat, E., Keeney, J. A., & Stronach, B. M. (2023). Outcomes of Total Knee Arthroplasty Revisions in Obese and Morbidly Obese Patient Populations. The Journal of Arthroplasty. | 2023 |
Adam Boissonneault, Nathan O Hara, David Pogorzelski, Lucas Marchand, Thomas Higgins, Leah Gitajn, Mark J Gage, Roman M Natoli, Ishani Sharma, Sarah Pierrie, Robert V O’Toole, Sheila Sprague, Gerard Slobogean, Gerard P Slobogean, Jeffrey Wells, Mohit Bhandari, Anthony D Harris, C Daniel Mullins, Lehana Thabane, Amber Wood, Gregory J Della Rocca, Joan Hebden, Kyle J Jeray, Lucas S Marchand, Lyndsay M O'Hara, Robert Zura, Christopher Lee, Joseph Patterson, Michael J Gardner, Jenna Blasman, Jonah Davies, Stephen Liang, Monica Taljaard, PJ Devereaux, Gordon H Guyatt, Diane Heels-Ansdell, Debra Marvel, Jana Palmer Jeffrey Wells, Jeff Friedrich, Nathan N O'Hara, Frances Grissom, I Leah Gitajn, Saam Morshed, Robert V O'Toole, Bradley A Petrisor, Franca Mossuto, Manjari G Joshi, Jean-Claude D'Alleyrand, Justin Fowler, Jessica Rivera, Max Talbot, Shannon Dodds, Silvia Li, Alejandra Rojas, Gina Del Fabbro, Olivia Paige Szasz, Paula McKay, Alexandra Minea, Andrea Howe, Haley Demyanovich, Michelle The impact of heterotopic ossification prophylaxis after surgical fixation of acetabular fractures: national treatment patterns and related outcomes Boissonneault, A., Hara, N. O., Pogorzelski, D., Marchand, L., Higgins, T., Gitajn, L., ... & Mullis, B. H. (2023). The impact of heterotopic ossification prophylaxis after surgical fixation of acetabular fractures: national treatment patterns and related outcomes. Injury. | 2023 |
Reaves M Crabtree, Patrick F Bergin, Matthew L Graves, Ugur Yener, Eldrin Bhanat, William A Day, Clay A Spitler Bicondylar tibial plateau fracture dislocations with an intact anterolateral cortical rim: A surgical technique Crabtree, R. M., Bergin, P. F., Graves, M. L., Yener, U., Bhanat, E., Day, W. A., & Spitler, C. A. (2023). Bicondylar tibial plateau fracture dislocations with an intact anterolateral cortical rim: A surgical technique. Injury, 54(3), 1004-1010. | 2023 |
Lucas S Marchand, Sheila Sprague, Nathan N O'Hara, Chuan Silvia Li, Robert V O'Toole, Manjari Joshi, Darius Viskontas, Nicholas Romeo, Robert A Hymes, William T Obremskey, Thomas F Higgins, Gorden D Potter, Patrick F Bergin, Mark Gage, Joshua L Gary, Mohit Bhandari, Gerard P Slobogean & PREP-IT Investigators Local administration of vancomycin powder in orthopaedic fracture surgery: current practice and trends Marchand, L. S., Sprague, S., O'Hara, N. N., Li, C. S., O'Toole, R. V., Joshi, M., ... & Slobogean, G. P. (2023). Local administration of vancomycin powder in orthopaedic fracture surgery: current practice and trends. OTA International, 6(1). | 2023 |
Major Extremity Trauma Research Consortium (METRC): Robert V O'Toole, Deborah M Stein, Nathan N O'Hara, Katherine P Frey, Tara J Taylor, Daniel O Scharfstein, Anthony R Carlini, Kuladeep Sudini, Yasmin Degani, Gerard P Slobogean, Elliott R Haut, William Obremskey, Reza Firoozabadi, Michael J Bosse, Samuel Z Goldhaber, Debra Marvel, Renan C Castillo, Brianna E Fowler, Stephen T Wegener, Elias M Weston-Farber, Stephen Breazeale, Stephen Fisher, Katherine Joseph, C Daniel Mullins, David Wells, Gregory J Jurkovich, Christopher Lee, Ajai K Malhotra, Lucas S Marchand, Matthew D Riedel, Marc Swiontkowski, Gregory A Brown, Thomas A DeCoster, Elisha T Powell 4th, Gregory M Vercellotti, Stephen D Walter, Jeffrey L Wells, Bryan A Cotton, Joseph Cuschieri, Joshua L Gary, Greg E Gaski, Ida Leah Gitajn, Oscar D Guillamondegui, Bryce E Haac, Martha B Holden, Bellal Joseph, Conor P Kleweno, Theodore Manson, Jessica C Rivera, Rachel B Seymour, Heather A Vallier, George C Velmahos, John C Weinlein, Dan Aspirin or Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin for Thromboprophylaxis after a Fracture Major Extremity Trauma Research Consortium (METRC). (2023). Aspirin or Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin for Thromboprophylaxis after a Fracture. New England Journal of Medicine, 388(3), 203-213. | 2023 |
Nathan N O'Hara, Renan C Castillo, Anthony R Carlini, Manjari Joshi, Clinton K Murray, Lauren E Allen, Yanjie Huang, Joshua L Gary, Michael J Bosse, William T Obremskey, Todd O McKinley, Andrew H Schmidt, Robert V O'Toole and METRC Application of Bayesian Methods to Help Interpret the VANCO Trial Results O'Hara, N. N., Castillo, R. C., Carlini, A. R., Joshi, M., Murray, C. K., Allen, L. E., ... & O'Toole, R. V. (2023). Application of Bayesian Methods to Help Interpret the VANCO Trial Results. Journal of orthopaedic trauma, 37(1), 1-7. | 2023 |
Niraj James Shah, Mark M Aloysius, Eldrin Bhanat, Shweta Gupta, John Savio, Ganesh Aswath, David C Schafer, Hemant Goyal Demographic profile, management, and survival of primary Gastrointestinal Kaposi Sarcoma: A USA Nationwide SEER-based study Shah, N. J., Aloysius, M. M., Bhanat, E., Gupta, S., Savio, J., Aswath, G., ... & Goyal, H. (2022). Demographic profile, management, and survival of primary Gastrointestinal Kaposi Sarcoma: A USA Nationwide SEER-based study. Cancer Epidemiology, 81, 102277. | 2022 |
Richard W Pectol, Matthew W Kavolus, Chandler R Sneed, Ashley Y Albano, David C Landy, Arun Aneja and the “COVID-ORTHO” research group Outcomes of Reamed Intramedullary Nailing for Lower Extremity Diaphyseal Fractures in COVID-Positive Patients: A Multi-institutional Observational Study Pectol, R. W., Kavolus, M. W., Sneed, C. R., Albano, A. Y., Landy, D. C., & Aneja, A. (2022). Outcomes of Reamed Intramedullary Nailing for Lower Extremity Diaphyseal Fractures in COVID-Positive Patients: A Multi-institutional Observational Study. Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma, 36(12), 628-633. | 2022 |
Joseph T Patterson, Nathan N O’Hara, Daniel O Scharfstein, Renan C Castillo, Robert V O’Toole, Reza Firoozabadi & METRC Do superficial infections increase the risk of deep infections in tibial plateau and plafond fractures? Patterson, J. T., O’Hara, N. N., Scharfstein, D. O., Castillo, R. C., O’Toole, R. V., & Firoozabadi, R. (2022). Do superficial infections increase the risk of deep infections in tibial plateau and plafond fractures?. European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology, 1-7. | 2022 |
Ida Leah Gitajn, Paul Werth, Eseosa Fernandes, Sheila Sprague, Nathan N O'Hara, Sofia Bzovsky, Lucas S Marchand, Joseph Thomas Patterson, Christopher Lee, Gerard P Slobogean, Gerard P Slobogean, Jeffrey Wells, Mohit Bhandari, Anthony D Harris, C Daniel Mullins, Lehana Thabane, Amber Wood, Gregory J Della Rocca, Joan Hebden, Kyle J Jeray, Lucas S Marchand, Lyndsay M O'Hara, Robert Zura, Joseph Patterson, Michael J Gardner, Jenna Blasman, Jonah Davies, Stephen Liang, Monica Taljaard, PJ Devereaux, Gordon H Guyatt, Debra Marvel, Jana Palmer, Jeff Friedrich, Nathan N O'Hara, Ms Frances Grissom, I Leah Gitajn, Saam Morshed, Robert V O'Toole, Bradley A Petrisor, Franca Mossuto, Manjari G Joshi, Jean Claude D'Alleyrand, Justin Fowler, Jessica Rivera, Max Talbot, Shannon Dodds, Silvia Li, David Pogorzelski, Alejandra Rojas, Gina Del Fabbro, Olivia P Szasz, Diane Heels Ansdell, Paula McKay, Kevin Murphy, Andrea Howe, Haley Demyanovich, Eric Kettering, Genevieve Polk, Michelle Medeiros, Andrew E Association of Patient-Level and Hospital-Level Factors With Timely Fracture Care by Race Gitajn, I. L., Werth, P., Fernandes, E., Sprague, S., O'Hara, N. N., Bzovsky, S., ... & Robertson, E. (2022). Association of Patient-Level and Hospital-Level Factors With Timely Fracture Care by Race. JAMA Network Open, 5(11), e2244357-e2244357. | 2022 |
Gerard P. Slobogean, Sheila Sprague, Jeffrey L. Wells, Mohit Bhandari, Anthony D. Harris, C. Daniel Mullins, Lehana Thabane, Amber Wood, Gregory J. Della Rocca, Joan N. Hebden, Kyle J. Jeray, Lucas S. Marchand, Lyndsay M. O'Hara, Robert D. Zura, Christopher Lee, Joseph T. Patterson, Michael J. Gardner, Jenna Blasman, Jonah Davies, Stephen Liang, Monica Taljaard, PJ Devereaux, Gordon Guyatt, Diane Heels-Ansdell, Debra Marvel, Jana E. Palmer, Jeff Friedrich, Nathan N. O'Hara, Frances Grissom, I. Leah Gitajn, Saam Morshed, Robert V. O'Toole, Bradley Petrisor, Franca Mossuto, Manjari G. Joshi, Jean-Claude G. D'Alleyrand, Justin Fowler, Jessica C. Rivera, Max Talbot, David Pogorzelski, Shannon Dodds, Silvia Li, Gina Del Fabbro, Olivia Paige Szasz, Sofia Bzovsky, Paula McKay, Alexandra Minea, Kevin Murphy, Andrea L. Howe, Haley K. Demyanovich, Wayne Hoskins, Michelle Medeiros, Genevieve Polk, Eric Kettering, Nirmen Mahal, Andrew Eglseder, Aaron Johnson, Christopher Langhammer, Christopher Le Aqueous skin antisepsis before surgical fixation of open fractures (Aqueous-PREP): a multiple-period, cluster-randomised, crossover trial Slobogean, G. P., Sprague, S., Wells, J. L., Bhandari, M., Harris, A. D., Mullins, C. D., ... & Miclau, T. (2022). Aqueous skin antisepsis before surgical fixation of open fractures (Aqueous-PREP): a multiple-period, cluster-randomised, crossover trial. The Lancet, 400(10360), 1334-1344. | 2022 |
Drake, L., Sukkarieh, H., McDonald, T., Bhanat, E., Quince, E., Atkins, M., ... & Brooks, J. (2022). Effect of pelvic fixation on ambulation in children with neuromuscular scoliosis. World Journal of Orthopedics, 13(8), 753-759. Effect of pelvic fixation on ambulation in children with neuromuscular scoliosis 37. Drake, L., Sukkarieh, H., McDonald, T., Bhanat, E., Quince, E., Atkins, M., ... & Brooks, J. (2022). Effect of pelvic fixation on ambulation in children with neuromuscular scoliosis. World Journal of Orthopedics, 13(8), 753-759. | 2022 |
DavidPogorzelskiaPaulaMcKayaMichael J.WeaverbToddJaebloncRobert A.HymesdGreg E.GaskidJoanneFraifogleJames S.AhndSofiaBzovskyaGerardSlobogeanfSheilaSpragueagGerardP.SlobogeanhSheilaSpragueiJeffreyWellsjMohitBhandariiRobert V.O'TooleavJean ClaudeD'AlleyrandavAndrewEglsederavAaronJohnsonavChristopherLanghammeravChristopherLebrunavJasonNasconeavRaymondPensyavAndrewPollakavMarcusSciadiniavGerard P.SlobogeanavYasminDeganiavHaley K.DemyanovichavAndreaHoweavNathan N.O'HaraavHeatherPhippsavEricHempenav & PREP IT Investigators The impact of COVID-19 restrictions on participant enrollment in the PREPARE trial 38. David Pogorzelski, Paula McKay, Michael J. Weaver, Todd Jaeblon, Robert A. Hymes, Greg E. Gaski, Joanne Fraifogl, James S. Ahn, Sofia Bzovsky, Gerard Slobogean, Sheila Sprague, Gerard P. Slobogean, Sheila Sprague, Jeffrey Wells, Mohit Bhandari, Robert V. O'Toole, Jean-Claude D'Alleyrand, Andrew Eglseder, Aaron Johnson, Christopher Langhammer, Christopher Lebrun, Jason Nascone, Raymond Pensy, Andrew Pollak, Marcus Sciadini, Gerard P. Slobogean, Yasmin Degani, Haley K. Demyanovich, Andrea Howe, Nathan N. O'Hara, Heather Phipps, Eric Hempen, & PREP-IT Investigators. (2022). The impact of COVID-19 restrictions on participant enrollment in the PREPARE trial, Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications,Volume 29, 2022, 100973, ISSN 2451-8654, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conctc.2022.100973. | 2022 |
Nathan N O'Hara, Diane Heels-Ansdell, Sofia Bzovsky, Shannon Dodds, Lehana Thabane, Mohit Bhandari, Gordon Guyatt, PJ Devereaux, Gerard P Slobogean, Sheila Sprague & PREP IT Investigators A Pragmatic Randomized trial Evaluating Pre-operative aqueous antiseptic skin solutions in open fractures (Aqueous-PREP): Statistical Analysis Plan O'Hara, N. N., Heels-Ansdell, D., Bzovsky, S., Dodds, S., Thabane, L., Bhandari, M., ... & Sprague, S. (2022). A Pragmatic Randomized trial Evaluating Pre-operative aqueous antiseptic skin solutions in open fractures (Aqueous-PREP): Statistical Analysis Plan. | 2022 |
Niraj James Shah, Mark M. Aloysius, Eldrin Bhanat, Shweta Gupta, Ganesh Aswath, Savio John, Shou‑Jiang Tang and Hemant Goyal Epidemiology and outcomes of gastrointestinal mucosal melanomas: a national database analysis Shah, N.J., Aloysius, M.M., Bhanat, E. et al. Epidemiology and outcomes of gastrointestinal mucosal melanomas: a national database analysis. BMC Gastroenterol 22, 178 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12876-022-02254-5 | 2022 |
Nathan N. O'Hara,Jessica Carullo, Manjari Joshi, Mary Banoub, Kimberly C. Claeys, Sheila Sprague, Gerard P. Slobogean, Robert V. O'Toole, PREP-IT Investigators Does cumulative topical antibiotic powder use increase the risk of drug induced acute kidney injury in fracture patients? O'Hara, N. N., Carullo, J., Joshi, M., Banoub, M., Claeys, K. C., Sprague, S., ... & PREP-IT Investigators. (2022). Does cumulative topical antibiotic powder use increase the risk of drug induced acute kidney injury in fracture patients?. Bone & Joint Open, 3(4), 284-290. | 2022 |
Eldrin Bhanat, Vinayak Nahar, Thomas Dobbs, Kenneth Butler, Josny Thimothee, Rinkuben Parmar, Patrick Bergin, George Russell, Alan Jones, Bhagyashree Navalkele COVID-19 related Awareness among Healthcare Professionals and Students at the Medical Center in the Southern United States Bhanat, E., Nahar, V., Dobbs, T., Butler, K., Thimothee, J., Parmar, R., ... & Navalkelle, B. (2022). COVID-19 related Awareness among Healthcare Professionals and Students at the Medical Center in the Southern United States. Journal of Public Health in the Deep South, 3(1), 12-17. | 2022 |
Gabriel Lensing, Travis Fortin, Martin McCandless, Eldrin Bhanat, Josny Thimothee, Matthew Graves, Vaishali Laljani, Dawn LaPorte, Jaysson T. Brooks A Multi-Center Comparison of Orthopaedic Attending and Resident Learning Styles, Journal of Surgical Education Gabriel Lensing, Travis Fortin, Martin McCandless, Eldrin Bhanat, Josny Thimothee, Matthew Graves, Vaishali Laljani, Dawn LaPorte, Jaysson T. Brooks, A Multi-Center Comparison of Orthopaedic Attending and Resident Learning Styles, Journal of Surgical Education, 2022, ISSN 1931-7204, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsurg.2022.02.005. | 2022 |
Patrick F.Bergin, David L.Rothberg, Clay A.Spitler, BophaChrea, Daniel T.Miles, UgurYener, 1EldrinBhanat,Hunter G.Frederiksen, Matt L.Graves The prevalence of Metabolic and Endocrine Disturbances on Fracture Nonunion Bergin, P. F., Rothberg, D. L., Spitler, C. A., Chrea, B., Miles, D. T., Yener, U., ... & Graves, M. L. (2022). The prevalence of Metabolic and Endocrine Disturbances on Fracture Nonunion. Endocrine Practice. | 2022 |
Sheila Sprague, Chuan Silvia Li, Diane Heels-Ansdel, David Pogorzelski, Shannon Dodds, Jordan Leonard, Mohit Bhandari, Michael J Prayson, Saam Morshed, Mark J Gage, Michael J Weaver, Marilyn Heng, Todd Jaeblon, Lehana Thabane and Gerard Slobogean on behalf of the PREP-IT Investigators The implementation of multiple two-month treatment periods in cluster randomized crossover trial in orthopaedic trauma: The PREP-IT Program The implementation of multiple two-month treatment periods in cluster randomized crossover trial in orthopaedic trauma: The PREP-IT Program (2021) The implementation of multiple two-month treatment periods in cluster randomized crossover trial in orthopaedic trauma: The PREP-IT Program. Clin Res Trials 7: doi: 10.15761/CRT.1000358 | 2022 |
Tyler B. Nsekpong , Gabriella Ode , Kevin Purcell , Ruhi Randhawa , Tonya Dixon , Gary Stewart , Tino Mkorombindo , Matthew Pinto , Addisu Mesfin , Alysia Kemp , Eldrin Bhanat , Josny Thimothee , Brendan A. Williams , Surajudeen Bolarinwa, Jaysson T. Brooks A track record of diversity: Medical schools ranked by successful black applicants to orthopaedic residencies Nsekpong, T. B., Ode, G., Purcell, K., Randhawa, R., Dixon, T., Stewart, G., ... & Brooks, J. T. (2022). A track record of diversity: Medical schools ranked by successful black applicants to orthopaedic residencies. Journal of the National Medical Association. | 2022 |
Carlini, Anthony R. MSa; Collins, Susan C. MSca; Staguhn, Elena D. BSa; Frey, Katherine P. PhD, RNa; O'Toole, Robert V. MDb; Archer, Kristin R. PhD, DPTc; Obremskey, William T. MD, MPHd; Agel, Julie MA, ATCe; Kleweno, Conor P. MDe; Morshed, Saam MD, PhDf; Weaver, Michael J. MDg; Higgins, Thomas F. MDh; Bosse, Michael J. MDi; Levy, Joseph F. PhDa; Wu, Albert W. MD, MPHa; Castillo, Renan C. PhDa, on behalf of METRC Streamlining Trauma Research Evaluation With Advanced Measurement (STREAM) Study: Implementation of the PROMIS Toolbox Within an Orthopaedic Trauma Clinical Trials Consortium Carlini, A. R., Collins, S. C., Staguhn, E. D., Frey, K. P., O'Toole, R. V., Archer, K. R., ... & Castillo, R. C. (2022). Streamlining Trauma Research Evaluation With Advanced Measurement (STREAM) Study: Implementation of the PROMIS Toolbox Within an Orthopaedic Trauma Clinical Trials Consortium. Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma, 36, S33-S39. | 2022 |
Tyler C McDonald, Ashley Gnam, Kristin J Weaver, Katie Webb, Eldrin Bhanat, Hamdi Sukkarieh, Patrick B Wright, Jaysson T Brooks Does Obesity Affect Preoperative Shoulder Balance in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis? McDonald, T. C., Gnam, A., Weaver, K. J., Webb, K., Bhanat, E., Sukkarieh, H., ... & Brooks, J. T. (2021). Does Obesity Affect Preoperative Shoulder Balance in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis?. Pediatric Neurosurgery. | 2021 |
McDonald, Tyler C. MD*; Heffernan, Michael J. MD†; Ramo, Brandon MD‡; Haber, Lawrence MD§; Sheffer, Benjamin MD∥; Murphy, Joshua MD¶; Murphy, Robert MD#; Fletcher, Nicholas MD¶; Coyne, Killian BS**; Lubicky, John MD**; Bumpass, David B. MD††; Crawford, Charles III MD‡‡; Carreon, Leah MD‡‡; Toner, Sarah BS#; Stafford, William H. BS∥; Poppino, Kiley BS‡; Adams, Tyler BS§; Song, Bryant M. MS†; Gidwani, Simran BS¶; Taillac, Heather MD§; Cornaghie, Mary MD††; Sukkarieh, Hamdi MD§§; Wright, Patrick B. MD§§; Conklin, Michael MD∥∥; Gilbert, Shawn MD∥∥; Thimothee, Josny MS¶¶; Bhanat, Eldrin MD, MPH§§; Brooks, Jaysson T. MD§§; Pediatric Orthopaedic Obesity Research Consortium Surgical Outcomes of Obese Patients With Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis From Endemic Areas of Obesity in the United States McDonald, T. C., Heffernan, M. J., Ramo, B., Haber, L., Sheffer, B., Murphy, J., ... & Pediatric Orthopaedic Obesity Research Consortium. (2021). Surgical Outcomes of Obese Patients With Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis From Endemic Areas of Obesity in the United States. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, 41(10), e865-e870. | 2021 |
Ida Leah Gitajn, MD1; Paul M. Werth, PhD1; Sheila Sprague, PhD2; Nathan O’Hara, MHA3; Gregory Della Rocca, MD4; Robert Zura, MD5; Meir Marmor, MD6; Christopher M. Domes, MD7; Lauren C. Hill, BS, CCRC8; Christine Churchill, MA9; Christine Townsend, BSc10; Chi Van, MS11; Natalie Hogan, BSc12; Cara Girardi, BSc9; Gerard P. Slobogean, MD, MPH3; for the PREP-IT Investigators Association of COVID-19 With Achieving Time-to-Surgery Benchmarks in Patients With Musculoskeletal Trauma Gitajn, I. L., Werth, P. M., Sprague, S., O’Hara, N., Della Rocca, G., Zura, R., ... & Pichiotino, E. R. (2021, October). Association of COVID-19 With Achieving Time-to-Surgery Benchmarks in Patients With Musculoskeletal Trauma. In JAMA Health Forum (Vol. 2, No. 10, pp. e213460-e213460). American Medical Association. | 2021 |
Toms Vengaloor Thomas , Madhava R. Kanakamedala , Eldrin Bhanat , Anu Abraham , Eswar Mundra , Ashley A. Albert , Shankar Giri , Rahul Bhandari , Srinivasan Vijayakumar Predictors of Extracapsular Extension in Patients With Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck and Outcome Analysis Thomas, T. V., Kanakamedala, M. R., Bhanat, E., Abraham, A., Mundra, E., Albert, A. A., ... & Vijayakumar, S. (2021). Predictors of Extracapsular Extension in Patients With Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck and Outcome Analysis. Cureus, 13(7). | 2021 |
GuillermoPecheroJr.MDaBrandenPfaffbMayankRaoaDavidPogorzelskicPaulaMcKaycEllaSpicerdAndreaHoweeHaley K.DemyanovicheDebra L.SietsemafMichael F.McTaguegLolitaRamseyhMarthaHoldeniJoshuaRudnickieJeffWellsjMichelleMedeiroskGerard P.SlobogeaneSheilaSpragueclon behalf of thePREP-IT InvestigatorsGerard P.SlobogeanmSheilaSpraguenJeffreyWellsoMohitBhandarin Implementing stakeholder engagement to explore alternative models of consent: An example from the PREP-IT trials Pechero Jr, G., Pfaff, B., Rao, M., Pogorzelski, D., McKay, P., Spicer, E., ... & Pham, K. H. (2021). Implementing stakeholder engagement to explore alternative models of consent: An example from the PREP-IT trials. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, 22, 100787. | 2021 |
Lin, Carol A. MD, MA1,a; O'Hara, Nathan N. MHA2; Sprague, Sheila PhD3; O'Toole, Robert V. MD2; Joshi, Manjari MBBS2; Harris, Anthony D. MD, MPH2; Warner, Stephen J. MD, PhD4; Johal, Herman MD, MPH3; Natoli, Roman M. MD, PhD5; Hagen, Jennifer E. MD6; Jeray, Kyle J. MD7; Fowler, Justin T. MD8; Phelps, Kevin D. MD9; Pilson, Holly T. MD10; Gitajn, I. Leah MD11; Bhandari, Mohit MD, PhD3; Slobogean, Gerard P. MD, MPH2; the PREP-IT Investigators* Low Adherence to Recommended Guidelines for Open Fracture Antibiotic Prophylaxis Lin, C. A., O'Hara, N. N., Sprague, S., O'Toole, R. V., Joshi, M., Harris, A. D., ... & PREP-IT Investigators. (2021). Low Adherence to Recommended Guidelines for Open Fracture Antibiotic Prophylaxis. The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume, 103(7), 609-617. | 2021 |
Michelle Medeiros, T Rosie Love, Gerard P. Slobogean, Sheila Sprague, Eleanor M. Perfetto, Nathan N. O'Hara & C. Daniel Mullins On behalf of the PREP-IT Investigators Patient and stakeholder engagement learnings: PREP-IT as a case study Medeiros, M., Love, T. R., Slobogean, G. P., Sprague, S., Perfetto, E. M., O'Hara, N. N., & Mullins, C. D. (2021). Patient and stakeholder engagement learnings: PREP-IT as a case study. | 2021 |
Mary R. Nittala , Madhava R. Kanakamedala , Eswar Mundra , Toms Vengaloor Thomas , Eldrin Bhanat , William C. Woods III , Srinivasan Vijayakumar Factors Affecting Outcomes in Patients With Stage III & IV Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Oropharynx: The Importance of p16 Status, BMI, and Race Nittala, M. R., Kanakamedala, M. R., Mundra, E., Thomas, T. V., Bhanat, E., Woods III, W. C., & Vijayakumar, S. (2021). Factors Affecting Outcomes in Patients With Stage III & IV Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Oropharynx: The Importance of p16 Status, BMI, and Race. Cureus, 13(3). | 2021 |
Sheila Sprague, Paige Guyatt, Sofia Bzovsky, Uyen Nguyen, Mohit Bhandari, Lehana Thabane, Brad Petrisor, Herman S. Johal, Jordan Leonard, Shannon Dodds, Franca Mossuto, Robert V. O’Toole, Andrea Howe, Haley K. Demyanovich, Megan Camara, Nathan N. O’Hara, Gerard P. Slobogean & The PREP-IT Investigators Pragmatic randomized trial evaluating pre-operative aqueous antiseptic skin solution in open fractures (Aqueous-PREP): the feasibility of a cluster randomized crossover study Sprague, S., Guyatt, P., Bzovsky, S., Nguyen, U., Bhandari, M., Thabane, L., ... & Slobogean, G. P. (2021). Pragmatic randomized trial evaluating pre-operative aqueous antiseptic skin solution in open fractures (Aqueous-PREP): the feasibility of a cluster randomized crossover study. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 7(1), 1-10. | 2021 |
DavidPogorzelskiaUyenNguyenaPaulaMcKayaLehanaThabanebMeganCamaracLolitaRamseydRachelSeymoureJ. BrettGoodmanfShekethaMcGeegJoanneFraifoglhAndreaHudginsiStephanie L.TannerjMohitBhandariabGerard P.SlobogeankSheilaSpragueab on behalf of the PREP-IT Investigators Executive Committee: Managing work flow in high enrolling trials: The development and implementation of a sampling strategy in the PREPARE trial Pogorzelski, D., Nguyen, U., McKay, P., Thabane, L., Camara, M., Ramsey, L., ... & Marmor, M. (2021). Managing work flow in high enrolling trials: The development and implementation of a sampling strategy in the PREPARE trial. Contemporary clinical trials communications, 21, 100730. | 2021 |
Toms Vengaloor Thomas , Shivanthidevi Gandhi , Eldrin Bhanat , Kati Krishna , William Robinson , Mildred Ridgway , Anu Abraham , Srinivasan Vijayakumar , Satya Packianathan An Analysis of the Racial Disparities Among Cervical Cancer Patients Treated at an Academic Medical Center in the Southeastern United States Thomas, T. V., Gandhi, S., Bhanat, E., Krishna, K., Robinson, W., Ridgway, M., ... & Packianathan, S. (2021). An Analysis of the Racial Disparities Among Cervical Cancer Patients Treated at an Academic Medical Center in the Southeastern United States. Cureus, 13(2). | 2021 |
TomsVengaloor Thomas, TeessaPerekattu KuruvillaMDEldrinBhanat,Amy Q.Parr, AshleyAlbert, SrinivasanVijayakumar An Analysis of the Residents’ Research, Education, and Wellness Resources in Radiation Oncology Residency Programs in the United States Thomas, T. V., Kuruvilla, T. P., Bhanat, E., Parr, A. Q., Albert, A., & Vijayakumar, S. (2021). An Analysis of the Residents’ Research, Education, and Wellness Resources in Radiation Oncology Residency Programs in the United States. Advances in Radiation Oncology, 6(1), 100548. | 2021 |
TomsVengaloor Thomas, TeessaPerekattu Kuruvilla, JennaKahn, EldrinBhanatMD,Amy Q.Parr, AshleyAlbert,MuditChowdhary,SushilBeriwal,SrinivasanVijayakumar Variations in Resources Among Radiation Oncology Residency Programs in the United States Thomas, T. V., Kuruvilla, T. P., Kahn, J., Bhanat, E., Parr, A. Q., Albert, A., ... & Vijayakumar, S. (2021). Variations in Resources Among Radiation Oncology Residency Programs in the United States. Advances in Radiation Oncology, 6(1), 100544. | 2021 |
Toms Vengaloor Thomas, Kati Krishna, Hiba Z Ahmed, Eswar Mundra, Anu Abraham, Eldrin Bhanat, Mary R Nittala, Satya Packianathan, Srinivasan Vijayakumar A 25-year Experience at an Academic Medical Center in the United States: Are There Racial Disparities in the Prognosis of Patients Diagnosed With Hypopharyngeal Carcinoma? Thomas, T. V., Krishna, K., Ahmed, H. Z., Mundra, E., Abraham, A., Bhanat, E., ... & Vijayakumar, S. (2020). A 25-year Experience at an Academic Medical Center in the United States: Are There Racial Disparities in the Prognosis of Patients Diagnosed With Hypopharyngeal Carcinoma?. Cureus, 12(11). | 2020 |
Toms Vengaloor Thomas, Teessa Perekattu Kuruvilla, Emma Holliday, Eldrin Bhanat, Amy Parr, Ashley A Albert, Brandi Page, Jessica Schuster, Christina Chapman, Srinivasan Vijayakumar Cross-sectional gender analysis of US radiation oncology residency programs in 2019: more than a pipeline issue? Thomas, T. V., Kuruvilla, T. P., Holliday, E., Bhanat, E., Parr, A., Albert, A. A., ... & Vijayakumar, S. (2020). Cross-sectional gender analysis of US radiation oncology residency programs in 2019: more than a pipeline issue?. Advances in Radiation Oncology, 5(6), 1099-1103. | 2020 |
Sheila Sprague, Taryn Scott, Shannon Dodds, David Pogorzelski, Paula McKay, Anthony D. Harris, Amber Wood, Lehana Thabane, Mohit Bhandari, Samir Mehta, Greg Gaski, Christina Boulton, Francesc Marcano-Fernández, Ernesto Guerra-Farfán, Joan Hebden, Lyndsay M. O’Hara & Gerard P. Slobogean on behalf of the PREP-IT Investigators Cluster identification, selection, and description in cluster randomized crossover trials: the PREP-IT trials Sprague, S., Scott, T., Dodds, S., Pogorzelski, D., McKay, P., Harris, A. D., ... & Slobogean, G. P. (2020). Cluster identification, selection, and description in cluster randomized crossover trials: the PREP-IT trials. Trials, 21(1), 1-12. | 2020 |
MD Toms Vengaloor Thomas, MD Teessa Perekattu Kuruvilla, MD Jenna Kahn, MD Eldrin Bhanat, MD MPH Amy Q. Parr, BS Ashley Albert, MD Mudit Chowdhary, MD Sushil Beriwal, MD Srinivasan Vijayakumar Variations in resources among Radiation Oncology Residency Programs in the United States. Thomas, T. V., Kuruvilla, T. P., Kahn, J., Bhanat, E., Parr, A. Q., Albert, A., ... & Vijayakumar, S. (2021). Variations in Resources Among Radiation Oncology Residency Programs in the United States. Advances in Radiation Oncology, 6(1), 100544. | 2020 |
Toms Vengaloor Thomas, Satyaseelan Packianathan, Eldrin Bhanat, Ashley Albert, Anu Abraham, Xiaoshan Gordy, Madhava Kanakamedala, Divyang Mehta, Srinivasan Vijayakumar Oligometastatic head and neck cancer: Comprehensive review Vengaloor Thomas, T., Packianathan, S., Bhanat, E., Albert, A., Abraham, A., Gordy, X., ... & Vijayakumar, S. (2020). Oligometastatic head and neck cancer: Comprehensive review. Head & neck, 42(8), 2194-2201. | 2020 |
Toms Vengaloor Thomas, Satyaseelan Packianathan, Hiba Zarah Ahmed, Sanjay Joseph, Eldrin Bhanat, Eswar K Mundra, Teessa Perekattu Kuruvilla, Srinivasan Vijayakumar Role of concurrent chemoradiotherapy and stereotactic body radiation treatment for palliation of previously untreated head and neck cancers Vengaloor Thomas, T., Packianathan, S., Ahmed, H. Z., Joseph, S., Bhanat, E., Mundra, E. K., ... & Vijayakumar, S. (2020). Role of concurrent chemoradiotherapy and stereotactic body radiation treatment for palliation of previously untreated head and neck cancers. Precision Radiation Oncology, 4(1), 25-28. | 2020 |
Toms Vengaloor Thomas1*, Satyaseelan Packianathan1, Hiba Zara Ahmed1, Ashley Albert1, Sanjay Joseph1, Teessa Perekattu Kuruvilla1, Anu Abraham2, Amy Parr1, Eldrin Bhanat1, Madhava Kanakamedala1, Divyang Mehta1 and Srinivasan Vijayakumar1 Palliative Radiation Treatment for Previously Untreated Head and Neck Cancer - Why, When and How: A Comprehensive Review Toms Vengaloor Thomas, Satyaseelan Packianathan, Hiba Zara Ahmed, Ashley Albert, Sanjay Joseph, et al. Palliative Radiation Treatment for Previously Untreated Head and Neck Cancer - Why, When and How: A Comprehensive Review. Palliat Med Care Int J. 2020; 3(2): 555607. DOI:10.19080/PMCIJ.2019.03.555607 | 2020 |
Toms Vengaloor Thomas, Mary R Nittala, Eldrin Bhanat, Ashley A Albert, Srinivasan Vijayakumar Management of advanced-stage hypopharyngeal carcinoma: 25-year experience from a tertiary care medical center Thomas, T. V., Nittala, M. R., Bhanat, E., Albert, A. A., & Vijayakumar, S. (2020). Management of advanced-stage hypopharyngeal carcinoma: 25-year experience from a tertiary care medical center. Cureus, 12(1). | 2020 |
Toms Vengaloor Thomas, Anu Abraham, Eldrin Bhanat, Youssef Al Hmada, Ashley Albert, Srinivasan Vijayakumar, Scott P Stinger, Satyaseelan Packianathan Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor of nasal cavity and paranasal sinus with 13 years of follow‐up—A case report and review of literature Vengaloor Thomas, T., Abraham, A., Bhanat, E., Al Hmada, Y., Albert, A., Vijayakumar, S., ... & Packianathan, S. (2019). Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor of nasal cavity and paranasal sinus with 13 years of follow‐up—A case report and review of literature. Clinical case reports, 7(11), 2194-2201. | 2019 |
Toms Vengaloor Thomas*, Ashley Albert, Eldrin Bhanat, Sanjay Joseph, Eswar Kumar Mundra, Anu Abraham, Divyang Mehta, Sophy Mangana, Madhava Kanakamedala and Srinivasan Vijayakumar Oligometastatic Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck Treated with Standard Dose Chemoradiation Therapy: A Valid Option for Selected Patients? Toms Vengaloor Thomas, Ashley Albert, Eldrin Bhanat, Sanjay Joseph, Eswar Kumar Mundra,et.al. Oligometastatic Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck Treated with Standard Dose Chemoradiation Therapy: A Valid Option for Selected Patients?. Palliat Med Care Int J. 2019; 2(5): 555599. DOI: 10.19080/PMCIJ.2019.02.555599 | 2019 |
Amit Reddy, Ingrid Espinoza, Dana Cole, Jason Schallheim, Teja Poosarla, Eldrin Bhanat, Yunyun Zhou, Jovanny Zabaleta, Gail Megason, Christian R Gomez Genetic mutations in B-acute lymphoblastic leukemia among African American and European American Children Reddy, A., Espinoza, I., Cole, D., Schallheim, J., Poosarla, T., Bhanat, E., ... & Gomez, C. R. (2018). Genetic mutations in B-acute lymphoblastic leukemia among African American and European American Children. Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma and Leukemia, 18(12), e501-e508. | 2018 |
Eldrin Bhanat, Christian A Koch, Rinkuben Parmar, Vishnu Garla, Vani Vijayakumar Somatostatin receptor expression in non-classical locations–clinical relevance? Bhanat, E., Koch, C. A., Parmar, R., Garla, V., & Vijayakumar, V. (2018). Somatostatin receptor expression in non-classical locations–clinical relevance?. Reviews in Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders, 19(2), 123-132. | 2018 |
Ashley Albert, Shankar Giri, Madhava Kanakamedala, Sophy Mangana, Eldrin Bhanat, Veena Shenoy, Toms Vengaloor Thomas, Sanjay Joseph, Maria Gonzalez, Akram Shalaby, Srinivasan Vijayakumar Racial disparities in tumor features and outcomes of patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the tonsil Albert, A., Giri, S., Kanakamedala, M., Mangana, S., Bhanat, E., Shenoy, V., ... & Vijayakumar, S. (2019). Racial disparities in tumor features and outcomes of patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the tonsil. The Laryngoscope, 129(3), 643-654. | 2018 |
Madhava R Kanakamedala, Shankar PG Giri, Robert D Hamilton, Eldrin Bhanat, Srinivasan Vijayakumar Outcomes utilizing intensity‐modulated radiotherapy in oropharyngeal cancers: Tonsils versus base of tongue Kanakamedala, M. R., Giri, S. P., Hamilton, R. D., Bhanat, E., & Vijayakumar, S. (2018). Outcomes utilizing intensity‐modulated radiotherapy in oropharyngeal cancers: Tonsils versus base of tongue. Head & neck, 40(5), 1034-1039. | 2018 |
Christian R Gomez, Eldrin Bhanat, Elizabeth Tarsi, Ingrid Espinoza, Michael Griswold, Wanmei Wang, Srinivasan Vijayakumar, Kenneth Butler, Corinne Joshu, Thomas Mosley, Elizabeth Platz ARIC Manuscript Proposal# 3015 Gomez, C. R., Bhanat, E., Tarsi, E., Espinoza, I., Griswold, M., Wang, W., ... & Platz, E. ARIC Manuscript Proposal# 3015. | 2017 |
Abstracts | |
Mary R Nittala, Eswar K Mundra, Ashley Albert, William C Woods, Maria L Smith, Robert D Hamilton, Lana Jackson, Gina Jefferson, Satyaseelan Packianathan, Eldrin Bhanat, Varsha Manucha, Srinivasan Vijayakumar Abstract PO-232: Univariate and multivariate prognostic factors for overall survival among oropharyngeal cancer patients with known HPV/p16 status Nittala, M. R., Mundra, E. K., Albert, A., Woods, W. C., Smith, M. L., Hamilton, R. D., ... & Vijayakumar, S. (2020). Abstract PO-232: Univariate and multivariate prognostic factors for overall survival among oropharyngeal cancer patients with known HPV/p16 status. | 2020 |
Toms Vengaloor Thomas, Mary R Nittala, Teessa Perekattu Kuruvilla, Anu Abraham, Eldrin Bhanat, Satyaseelan Packianathan, Madhava Kanakamedala, Srinivasan Vijayakumar Is There a Racial Disparity in the Prognosis of Hypopharyngeal Carcinoma? 25-Year Experience from a Tertiary Care Medical Center in The United States Thomas, T. V., Nittala, M. R., Kuruvilla, T. P., Abraham, A., Bhanat, E., Packianathan, S., ... & Vijayakumar, S. (2020). Is There a Racial Disparity in the Prognosis of Hypopharyngeal Carcinoma? 25-Year Experience from a Tertiary Care Medical Center in The United States. International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics, 108(2), E54. | 2020 |
Toms Vengaloor Thomas, Mary Nittala, Eldrin Bhanat, Teessa Perekattu Kuruvilla, Srinivasan Vijayakumar Advanced–Stage Hypopharyngeal Carcinoma Management: 25 years of Single Institutional Experience Thomas, T. V., Nittala, M., Bhanat, E., Kuruvilla, T. P., & Vijayakumar, S. (2020). Advanced–Stage Hypopharyngeal Carcinoma Management: 25 years of Single Institutional Experience. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 108(2), E44. | 2020 |
Toms Vengaloor Thomas, Eldrin Bhanat, Shivanthidevi Gandhi, Teessa Perekattu Kuruvilla, Anu Abraham, Satyaseelan Packianathan, Srinivasan Vijayakumar Racial disparities among patients with carcinoma of the cervix Thomas, T. V., Bhanat, E., Gandhi, S., Kuruvilla, T. P., Abraham, A., Packianathan, S., & Vijayakumar, S. (2020). Racial disparities among patients with carcinoma of the cervix. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 108(2), E38. | 2020 |
Toms Vengaloor Thomas, Teessa Perekattu Kuruvilla, Eldrin Bhanat, Amy Parr, Srinivasan Vijayakumar Variations among Radiation Oncology Residency Programs in the USA Thomas, T. V., Kuruvilla, T. P., Bhanat, E., Parr, A., & Vijayakumar, S. (2020). Variations among Radiation Oncology Residency Programs in the USA. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 108(2), E57-E58. | 2020 |
Toms Vengaloor Thomas, Teessa Perekattu Kuruvilla, Eldrin Bhanat, Amy Parr, Srinivasan Vijayakumar How Serious are we Regarding Resident Education and Wellness in Radiation Oncology Residency Programs? Thomas, T. V., Kuruvilla, T. P., Bhanat, E., Parr, A., & Vijayakumar, S. (2020). How Serious are we Regarding Resident Education and Wellness in Radiation Oncology Residency Programs?. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 108(2), E56. | 2020 |
Mary R Nittala, Eldrin Bhanat, Srinivasn Vijayakumar, Madhava R Kanakamedala Abstract B21: Factors affecting outcomes in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of oropharynx Nittala, M. R., Bhanat, E., Vijayakumar, S., & Kanakamedala, M. R. (2020). Abstract B21: Factors affecting outcomes in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of oropharynx. | 2020 |
Toms Vengaloor Thomas, Mary R Nittala, Divyang Mehta, Madhava Rao Kanakamedala, Anu Abraham, Lacey Weatherall, Eldrin Bhanat, Ashley A Albert, Srinivasan Vijayakumar Abstract B20: Hypopharyngeal carcinoma management: 25-year experience from a tertiary care medical center in United States Thomas, T. V., Nittala, M. R., Mehta, D., Kanakamedala, M. R., Abraham, A., Weatherall, L., ... & Vijayakumar, S. (2020). Abstract B20: Hypopharyngeal carcinoma management: 25-year experience from a tertiary care medical center in United States. | 2020 |
MHC class I polypeptide related sequence A (MICA) race-related differential expression in prostate cancer Charles R Pound, Marcelo J Sakiyama, Amit Reddy, Ingrid Espinoza, Eldrin Bhanat, Krista Syrigos, Roya Gordji, Deepak Kumar, Jack Lewin, Xinchun Zhou, Jesus Monico, Christian Gomez | 2020 |
Toms Vengaloor Thomas, Mary R Nittala, Divyang Mehta, Madhava Rao Kanakamedala, Anu Abraham, Lacey Weatherall, Eldrin Bhanat, Ashley A Albert, Srinivasan Vijayakumar Hypopharyngeal carcinoma management: 25-year experience from a tertiary care medical center in United States Thomas, T. V., Nittala, M. R., Mehta, D., Kanakamedala, M. R., Abraham, A., Weatherall, L., ... & Vijayakumar, S. (2020, June). Hypopharyngeal carcinoma management: 25-year experience from a tertiary care medical center in United States. In CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH (Vol. 26, No. 12, pp. 61-61). 615 CHESTNUT ST, 17TH FLOOR, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19106-4404 USA: AMER ASSOC CANCER RESEARCH. | 2020 |
Mary R Nittala, Eldrin Bhanat, Srinivasn Vijayakumar, Madhava R Kanakamedala Factors Affecting Outcomes in Patients with Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Oropharynx Nittala, M. R., Bhanat, E., Vijayakumar, S., & Kanakamedala, M. R. (2020, June). Factors Affecting Outcomes in Patients with Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Oropharynx. In CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH (Vol. 26, No. 12, pp. 62-62). 615 CHESTNUT ST, 17TH FLOOR, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19106-4404 USA: AMER ASSOC CANCER RESEARCH. | 2020 |
Charles R Pound, Marcelo J Sakiyama, Amit Reddy, Ingrid Espinoza, Eldrin Bhanat, Krista Syrigos, Roya Gordji, Deepak Kumar, Jack Lewin, Xinchun Zhou, Jesus Monico, Christian Gomez Abstract C038: MHC class I polypeptide related sequence A (MICA) race-related differential expression in prostate cancer Pound, C. R., Sakiyama, M. J., Reddy, A., Espinoza, I., Bhanat, E., Syrigos, K., ... & Gomez, C. (2020). Abstract C038: MHC class I polypeptide related sequence A (MICA) race-related differential expression in prostate cancer. | 2020 |
Toms Vengaloor Thomas, Eldrin Bhanat, Shivanthidevi Gandhi, Teessa Perekattu Kuruvilla, Anu Abraham, Mildred Ridgway, Satyaseelan Packianathan, Srinivasan Vijayakumar Abstract D126: Racial disparities among patients with carcinoma of the cervix Thomas, T. V., Bhanat, E., Gandhi, S., Kuruvilla, T. P., Abraham, A., Ridgway, M., ... & Vijayakumar, S. (2020). Abstract D126: Racial disparities among patients with carcinoma of the cervix. | 2020 |
Wanmei Wang, Eldrin Bhanat, Kenneth R Butler, Corinne E Joshu, Thomas H Mosley, Elizabeth A Platz, Christian R Gomez Abstract C090: Association between hypertension and prostate cancer risk in black and white men in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study Wang, W., Bhanat, E., Butler, K. R., Joshu, C. E., Mosley, T. H., Platz, E. A., & Gomez, C. R. (2020). Abstract C090: Association between hypertension and prostate cancer risk in black and white men in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study. | 2020 |
Toms Vengaloor Thomas, Mary R Nittala, Teessa Perekattu Kuruvilla, Anu Abraham, Eldrin Bhanat, Satyaseelan Packianathan, Madhava Kanakamedala, Srinivasan Vijayakumar Abstract D127: Is there a racial disparity in the prognosis of hypopharyngeal carcinoma? 25-year experience from a tertiary care medical center in the United States Thomas, T. V., Nittala, M. R., Kuruvilla, T. P., Abraham, A., Bhanat, E., Packianathan, S., ... & Vijayakumar, S. (2020). Abstract D127: Is there a racial disparity in the prognosis of hypopharyngeal carcinoma? 25-year experience from a tertiary care medical center in the United States. | 2020 |
TV Vengaloor Thomas, T Perekattu Kuruvilla, E Bhanat, AA Albert, A Abraham, A Parr, S Vijayakumar Gender disparities in radiation oncology residency programs in the United States-Current status Thomas, T. V., Kuruvilla, T. P., Bhanat, E., Albert, A. A., Abraham, A., Parr, A., & Vijayakumar, S. (2019). Gender disparities in radiation oncology residency programs in the United States-Current status. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 105(1), S64-S65. | 2019 |
Toms Vengaloor Thomas, S Packianathan, E Bhanat, AA Albert, A Abraham, X Gordy, MR Kanakamedala, DD Mehta Jr, S Vijayakumar Management of Oligometastatic Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck Thomas, T. V., Packianathan, S., Bhanat, E., Albert, A. A., Abraham, A., Gordy, X., ... & Vijayakumar, S. (2019). Management of Oligometastatic Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck. International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics, 104(5), 1191. | 2019 |
Amit Reddy, Ingrid Espinoza, Dana Cole, Jason Schallheim, Teja Poosarla, Eldrin Bhanat, Yunyun Zhou, Jovanny Zabaleta, Gail Megason, Christian Gomez B-Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: Disparate Genetic Aberrations in Children Reddy, A., Espinoza, I., Cole, D., Schallheim, J., Poosarla, T., Bhanat, E., ... & Gomez, C. (2018). B-Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: Disparate Genetic Aberrations in Children. American Journal of Clinical Pathology, 150(suppl_1), S113-S113. | 2018 |
Marcelo Jun Sakiyama, Ingrid Espinoza, Deepak Kumar, Amit Reddy, Eldrin Bhanat, Krista Syrigos, Roya Gordji, Christian Gomez MHC class I polypeptide related sequence A as contributing factor to chemotherapy-induced resistance Sakiyama, M. J., Espinoza, I., Kumar, D., Reddy, A., Bhanat, E., Syrigos, K., ... & Gomez, C. (2018). MHC class I polypeptide related sequence A as contributing factor to chemotherapy-induced resistance. | 2018 |
AA Albert, SP Giri, MR Kanakamedala, V Shenoy, E Bhanat, S Vijayakumar Effect of Heavy Smoking History on HPV-Positive Tumors and Racial Disparities Among African American Patients With Tonsillar Cancer Albert, A. A., Giri, S. P., Kanakamedala, M. R., Shenoy, V., Bhanat, E., & Vijayakumar, S. (2017). Effect of Heavy Smoking History on HPV-Positive Tumors and Racial Disparities Among African American Patients With Tonsillar Cancer. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 99(2), E319-E320. | 2017 |
Ingrid C Espinoza, Amit Reddy, Xu Zhang, Eldrin Bhanat, Logan Fair, Joy King, Elizabeth Tarsi, Tara Craft, Jesus Monico, Charulochana Subramony, Xinchun Zhou, Roy Duhe, Christopher Lahr, Christian Gomez Stemness markers in colorectal cancer: Analysis in a racially-diverse population Espinoza, I. C., Reddy, A., Zhang, X., Bhanat, E., Fair, L., King, J., ... & Gomez, C. (2017). Stemness markers in colorectal cancer: Analysis in a racially-diverse population. | 2017 |
Amit Reddy, Ingrid Espinoza, Dana Johnson, Jason Schallheim, Eldrin Bhanat, Yunyun Zhou, Jovanny Zabaleta, Gail Megason, Christian Gomez Race-specific genetic aberrations in B-acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children. Reddy, A., Espinoza, I., Johnson, D., Schallheim, J., Bhanat, E., Zhou, Y., ... & Gomez, C. (2017). Race-specific genetic aberrations in B-acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children. | 2017 |
S Giri, MR Kanakamedala, S Vijayakumar, S Mangana, EL Bhanat, MP Giri, M Chhabria PO-052: N2 node metastasis in squamous cancers of head and neck: failure patterns and future management Giri, S., Kanakamedala, M. R., Vijayakumar, S., Mangana, S., Bhanat, E. L., Giri, M. P., & Chhabria, M. (2017). PO-052: N2 node metastasis in squamous cancers of head and neck: failure patterns and future management. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 1(122), 27. | 2017 |
Honors, Awards, and Recognition
Fellow, Royal Society for Public Health (FRSPH), Royal Society for Public Health | 2021 |
Outstanding Researcher at UMMC, UMMC | 2019 |
The Hope Foundation Travel Award for SWOG Conference., The Hope Foundation | 2019 |
Professional Membership and Service
American Public Health Association, Member | |
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Member | |
Orthopaedic Trauma Association, Member | |
Mississippi Colon Cancer RoundTable, Officer, Other Officer | |
Cancer Control, Epidemiology, and Disparities Research UMMC, Member | |
Alliance Group, Member | |
South West oncology Group, Member | |
Mississippi Academy of Science, Member | |
American Society of Clinical Oncology, Member |
Committee Service
Clinical Research Professional Group, Past chair | 2022 - Present |
Scientific Advisory Board (Myrlie Evers – Williams Institute), Member | 2021 - Present |
Clinical Research Professional Group, Chair | 2021 - 2022 |
Orthopaedic Surgery - Program Evaluation Committee, Member | 2020 - 2023 |
Community Service
Ddembe House for children in Jinja, Uganda, Medical Doctor | 12/2015 - Present |
Other Service
Reviewer - Cancer Control | |
Reviewer - Journal of Primary Care and Community Health | |
Reviewer - Global Spine Journal | |
Reviewer - Clinical Case Reports | |
Reviewer - Cureus Journal |
Teaching Experience
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, MS in Clinical Investigation | Spring 2023 |
Ortho659, Medicine, Course, Course Director, Ortho659 | Annual 2021 |
Directed Student Learning
Research Advisor, Evolving trends in pulmonary embolism treatment: Opposing results from score matching and survey-weighted analyses using the nationwide inpatient sample Advised: Chaudhry Saad Sohail | 2024 - Present |
Supervised Research, ORTHO 659B Advised: Daniella Dipaolo | 2021 - 2021 |
Supervised Research, ORTHO 659B Advised: Chelsey Smith | 2021 - 2021 |
Supervised Research, ORTHO-659A Advised: Kirkland Laughter | 2021 - 2021 |
Supervised Research, ORTHO 659A Advised: John Davidson | 2021 - 2021 |
Supervised Research, ORTHO 659A Advised: William Bigham | 2021 - 2021 |
Supervised Research, Advised: Josny Thimothee | 2021 - 2021 |
Fellows supervised
Orthopaedic Surgery, Research Advisor, 2 fellows supervised, Orthopaedic Surgery | 01/2020 - 04/2023 |
Residency Training
Urologic Surgery, Research Advisor | 2023 - Present |
Plastic Surgery, Research Advisor | 2023 - Present |
General Surgery, Research Advisor | 2023 - Present |
Orthopaedic Surgery, Research Advisor | 2020 - 04/2023 |