Diane K. Beebe

Diane K. Beebe


SOM-Family Medicine



University of MS Medical Center, Family Medicine1987
University of MS Medical Center, MD, School of Medicine1984
University of Mississippi, BA, Zoology/English1980
University of MS Medical Center, Family Medicine

Specialty Certification Licensure

Licensure, Medical License07/1985 - Present
Certification, American Board of Family Medicine2006 - 2016
Certification, American Board of Family Practice2000 - 2007
Certification, American Board of Family Practice1994 - 2001
Certification, American Academy of Family Physicans08/1988 - 1995

Current Positions

Community Care Staff03/2014 - Present
Professor/Chairman, School of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine05/2007 - Present
Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine07/2006 - Present
Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine07/1999 - Present
Staff Appointment, School of Medicine07/1987 - Present
The University of Mississippi Medical Center
Jackson, Mississippi 39216

Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments

Vice Chairman, University of MS Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine07/1996 - 07/2007
Residency Director, University of MS Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine03/1995 - 07/2007
Associate Professor, University of MS Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine07/1994 - 06/1999
Associate Residency Director, University of MS Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine03/1991 - 03/1995
Assistant Professor, University of MS Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine12/1988 - 07/1994
Assistant Director, Student Division, University of MS Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine07/1987 - 02/1991
Instructor, University of MS Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine07/1987 - 12/1988

Sponsored Program Funding

Extramural, Comprehensive Program to Strengthen Physicians' Training in Geriatrics, Donald W. Reynolds Foundation01/2009 - 12/2012
Extramural, Pre-Doctoral Training in Primary Care, Health Resources and Services Administration, D56HP05221-04-0001/2008 - 12/2011
Extramural, Residency Training in Primary Care D58HP10341-01-00, Health Resources and Services Administration01/2008 - 12/2011
Extramural, Residency Training Grant, Rural Medicine Curriculum, Department of Health and Human Services07/2002 - 06/2005
Extramural, Survey of MS Family Physicians Provision of Obstetrical Service, American Academy of Family Physicians Research Stimulation Grant01/2000 - 06/2001


Journal Article

Allen S, Anim T, Anthony E, Araujo D, Beebe D, Dostal J, Elliott T, Green L, McGaha A, Neill R, Nestler S, Pugno P, Quan M, Roise A, Shaughnessy A, Tippy P

All Committee Members Collaborated on Writing the Article Development of the Family Medicine Milestones Journal of Graduate Medical Education Supplement; 2014
Jafri H, Cook JW, Reed RR, Beebe DK. The Acute Onset of Bilateral Myoclonus in a 16 year old Female Journal of the MS State Medical Association. June 20042004
Hart-Hester S, Arthur C, Olutade J, Beebe D. Factors that Influence Obstetrical Care by Mississippi Family Physicians Journal of Mississippi State Medical Association; 2002;43(6):173-1792002
Watts, SA; Replogle, WA; Noble, SL; Beebe, DK Drug Sample Availability and Prescribing Behavior The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice. 2002;13:6;509.2002
Saenz R, Beebe DK, Triplett LC. Congenital Heart Defects American Family Physician. 1999;59:1857-66.1999
Beebe DK Sexual Assault: The Physician's Role in Prevention and Treatment Journal of the Mississippi State Medical Association. 1998;39:366-9.1998
Beebe DK. Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease American Family Physician. 1996;53:925-33.1996
Replogle WR, Beebe DK. Halitosis American Family Physician. 1996;54:1215-24.1996
Beebe DK, Walley EJ. Ice: An Old Drug in a New Form American Family Physician. 1995;51:449-53.1995
Beebe DK, Walley EJ. Ice - A New Drug of Concern? Journal of the Mississippi State Medical Society. 1994;35:225-7.1994
Walley EJ, Beebe DK, Clark JL. Management of Common Anxiety Disorders American Family Physician. 1994;50:1745-53.1994
Beebe DK, Gulledge K, Lee C, Replogle WR. Prevalence of Sexual Assault Among Women Patients Seen in Family Practice Clinics. Family Practice Research Journal. 1994;14:223-8.1994
Beebe DK, Walley EJ. Diabetic Diarrhea Postgraduate Medicine. 1992;91:179-86.1992
Gearhart JG, Beebe DK, Milhorn HT, Meeks GR. Alcoholism in Women: Medical Implications and Guidelines for Recognition American Family Physician. 1991;44:907-13.1991
Beebe DK Emergency Room Management of the Adult Female Rape Victim American Family Physician, 1991;43:2041-46.1991
Beebe DK. Initial Assessment of the Rape Victim Journal of the Mississippi State Medical Association. 1991;32:403-6.1991
Blake GH, Beebe DK Management of Hypertension: Useful Nonpharmacologic Measures Postgraduate Medicine; 1991;90:151-4.1991
Beebe, DK; Walley, E. Substance Abuse: The Designer Drugs American Family Physician,1991;43:1689-981991
Beebe DK. The Difficulties in "Coming Out" Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality. 1991;25:10.1991
Beebe, DK; Walley, E. Update on Street Drugs in Mississippi Journal of the MS State Medical Association, 1989;30:387-90.1989
Beebe DK, Gearhart JG. Peripartum Cardiomyopathy: A Case Report. Journal of the MS State Medical Association, 1988;29:67-9.1988
Lynch, DC; Pugno, P; Beebe, DK; Cullison, SW; Lin, JJ Family Practice Graduate Preparedness in the Six ACGME Competency Areas: Prequel. Family Medicine. 2003;35:5;324.2003
Parson MA, Beebe D. The Residency Review Committee and Rural Programs. Special Communication The Journal of Rural Health. 2000;16:3:245-2462000
Beebe DK. Family Medicine Mississippi Medical News, 1996;6:181996
Beebe DK. Residency Education in Family Medicine Mississippi Medical News. 1995;5:11-2.1995
FOFM Task Force 2 - Contributing author Future of Family Medicine Report: A Collaborative Project of the Family Medicine Community. Annals of Family Medicine, Vol. 2, Suppliment 1.


Rockhold, R, Beebe, D, Carew, B, Clark, S, Funches, G, Guice, J, Streiffer, R, Wheat, J. DELTA REGION HEALTH EDUCATION LEADERSHIP PROGRAM (DR-HELP): A TRISTATE COLLABORATION TO ACCELERATE RURAL HEALTH DELIVERY. J. Miss. Acad. Sci. 2011, 56(1): 87.2011
Beebe, D From Promise to Practice, Delta Regional Health Education Leadership Program (DR-HELP): A Tristate Collaboration to Accelaerate Rural Health Delivery. J. Miss. Acad. Sci. 2011, 56 (1): 87.2011
Beebe, D.K., Gulledge, K., Lee, C. The Prevalence of Sexual Assault Among Patients Seen in Family Practice Clinics 36th Annyal Conjoint Scientific Assembly, The College of Family Physicians of Canada, Banff Alberta Canada, April 19941994
Beebe DK, Gulledge K, Lee C The Prevalence of Sexual Assault Among Patients Seen in Family Practice Clinics The 36th Annual Conjoint Scientific Assembly; The College of Family Physicians of Canada; Banff, Alberta, Canada; April 1994.1994

Book Chapter

Beebe, DK Complementary and Alternative Medicine Techniques Bope, E. (Editor), Review of Family Medicine Certification and Recertification; Fourth Edition. W.B. Saunders Company, 2007.2007
Beebe, D.K. Complementary and Alternative Medicine Techniques Review of Family Medicine Certification and Recertification; fourth Edition. WB Saunders Co, 20072007
Beebe, D.K. Sexual Assault Family Medicine: principles and practice, Sixth edition, New York, Springer-Verlag 20032003
Beebe, DK Sexual Assault Taylor, RB, editor. Family Medicine: Principles and Practice, Fourth Edition, New York Springer-Verlag, 20032003
Beebe, DK Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding R. Rakel, editor; Saunders Manual of Medical Practice. First edition. W.B. Saunders Company, 2000.2000
Beebe, D.K. Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding Saunders Manual of Medical Practice. Second Edition. WB Saunders Company, 20002000
Beebe, D.K., Tatum, N.O. Sexual Assault Family Medicine:principles and practice, Fifth Edition. New York:springer-Verlag, 19981998
Beebe, DK; Tatum, NO Sexual Assault Taylor, RB, editor. Family Medicine: Principles and Practice, Fourth Edition, New YorkL Springer-Verlag, 19981998
Beebe, DK Addictive Disorders J. Rosenfelt, Editor, Primary Care of Women. Williams and Wilkins Company, 1997.1997
Beebe, D.K. Addictive Disorders Primary Care of Women. Williams and Wilkins Company, 19971997
Beebe, DK Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding R. Rakel, editor; Saunders Manual of Medical Practice. First edition. W.B. Saunders Company, 1996.1996
Beebe, D.K. Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding Saunders Manual of Medical Practice. First Edition. WB Saunders Company, 19961996
Beebe, D.K. Family Medicine:principles and practice Taylor RB; Fourth Edition. New York: springer-Verlag, 19941994
Beebe, DK Sexual Assault Taylor, RB, editor. Family Medicine: Principles and Practice, Fourth Edition, New YorkL Springer-Verlag, 19941994

Letter to the Editor

Beebe DK. Talking to Patients with HIV Disease Southern Medical Journal. 1992;85:782.1992


Research, IRB Protocol: The Use of Shared Medical Appointments to Improve Hemoglobin Alc levels in the Adult Patients with Type 2 Diabetes; Principal Investigator: Amy Sullivan, Dept. Family Medicine, UMMC08/2015
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Poster Session - Krause DD, Mitchell JR, Beebe, DK.
"Development of an Interactive, Spatial, Web-Based Tool for Physician Workforce Planning and Recruitment.", AMIA 2014 Annual Symposium Proceedings, Washington, DC
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Poster Session - Krause DD, Mitchell JR, Beebe DK.
"Development of an Interactive, Web-Based Tool for Physician Workforce Planning and Recruitment Using Geographic Information Systems.", AAMC - Tenth Annual Health Workforce Research Conference, Washington, DC
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, "Life After Residency; Setting the Standards in Family Medicine", MAFP Student/Resident Conference, Jackson, MS04/2013
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Transformation in Family Medicine Residency Training, Milestones, Association of Departments of Family Medicine Winter Meeting, New Orleans, LA02/2013
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, National Institute for Program Director Development Fellowship Strategic Planning Retreat, San Diego, CA02/2012
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, "Effective Clinical Teaching: Beyond See One, Do One, Teach One", UMMC Housestaff Orientation, Jackson, MS2012
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, From Promise to Practice, Delta Regional Health Education Leadership Program (DR-HELP): A Tristate Collaboration to Accelerate Rural Health Delivery., Mississippi Academy of Science, Hattiesburg, MS02/2011
Invited Symposia, Mini-Symposium: Rural Health Professional Training: Imperatives for MS - Medical Student and Residency Training: Moving Forward, Back to Our Roots, MS Academy of Sciences - Annual Meeting, Olive Branch, MS02/2009
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Domestic Violence, M2 Ethics class, UMMC12/2008
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Osteoporosis, Dept of Ob-Gyn Resident Primary Care Lecture Series, Wiser Hospital11/2008
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, The University of Mississippi's Medical Center's School of Medicine: The Impact of Healthcare in Mississippi: Economics, Workforce and Quality., The MS Rural Health Association and the MS AHEC Joint Conference, Jackson, MS09/2008
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Effective Clinical Teaching: Beyond See One, Do One, Teach One, UMC Housestaff Orientation, Jackson, MS06/2008
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Team Building Skills, National Institute for Program Director's Development, Kansas City, MO06/2008
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Using Patient-Centered, Case-Based Clinical Decision-Making Presentations and Publications to Develop Cross-cutting Competencies in Residency, The Society of Teachers of Family Medicine 41st Annual Spring Conference, Baltimore, MD04/2008
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, The Real World: Facing Dilemmas in the Role of the Program Director, AFMRD/National Institute for Program Director's Development Fellowship, Dallas, TX10/2007
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Journeys to Excellence, National Institute for Program Director Development Advanced, Kansas City, MO06/2007
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Team Building Skills, National Institute for Program Director's Development, Kansas City, MO06/2007
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, The MS Rural Physicians Scholarship Program, MS Rural Health Association, Raymond, MS2007
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, The Real World: Facing Dilemmas in the Role of the Program Director, AFMRD/NIPDD Fellowship, Santa Fe, NM10/2006
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Team Building Skills, National Institute for Program Director's Development, Kansas City, MO06/2006
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, The New Flexible RRC Requirements, Texas Leadership Conference, Austin, Texas02/2006
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, An Update of the Future of Family Medicine, Lynchburg Family Medicine Symposium, Lynchburg, VA06/2005
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Vive Le Difference: Gender Differences in Women's Care, Lynchburg Family Medicine Symposium, Lynchburg, VA06/2005
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Implementing Faculty Development in the Six ACGME Competencies: Joint Workshop with Pediatrics and Internal Medicine, ACGME Annual Educational Conference, Kissimmee, Florida03/2005
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Demystifying the RRC, AAFP/AFPRD Annual Program Director's Workshop, Kansas City, MO06/2004
Invited Symposia, Plenary SessionL Implications and Implementation of the Future of Family Medicine Recommendations in the Revised Program Requirements for Family Practice, AAFP/Association of Family Practice Residency Director's Annual Program Director's Workshop, Kansas City, MO06/2004
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, RRC Discussion Forum, AAFP/AFMRD Annual Program Director's Workshop, Kansas City, MO06/2004
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Domestic Violence, Senior Seminar Course, Jackson, MS2004
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, The Real World: Facing Dilemmas in the Role of the Program Director, National Institute for Program Director's Development Fellowship - Advanced, Montreal, Canada10/2003
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, AAFP/AFPRD Annual Program Director's Workshop, Kansas City, MO06/2003
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, RRC Discussion Forum, AAFP/AFMRD Annual Program Director's Workshop, Kansas City, MO06/2003
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Demystifying the RRC, AAFP/AFPRD Annual Program Director's Workshop, Kansas City, MO06/2002
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, RRC Discussion Forum, AAFP/AFMRD Annual Program Director's Workshop, Kansas City, MO06/2002
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Variables Predictive of Cumulative In Service Exam Performance Among Family Medicine Residents, SHRP, Jackson, MS05/2002
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Name your Poison: Drug Overdoses and Antidotes, Family Medicine Faculty Grand Rounds, Jackson, MS04/2001
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, The Role of the RRC in Accrediting Rural Family Practice Programs, Rural Based Graduate Medical Education Conference, San Antonio, Texas02/2000
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Women and Addictions: Women's Health: A Comprehensive Approach, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN10/1997
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Doctors on Trial: Teaching Risk Management to Residents Using a Mock Trial, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Annual Spring Conference, Boston, Massachusettes05/1997
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Using a Mock Trial to Teach Risk Management, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Annual Spring Conference, Boston, Massachusettes05/1997
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Domestic Violence: A Medical Protocol for Health Care Pofessionals, Mississippi State Coalition Against Domestic Violence Conference, Gulfport, MS08/1996
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Truth or Dare - Guide to Interviewing Adolescents, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Annual Spring Conference, San Francisco, California04/1996
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Maximizing Mentorship: An Individualized Education Plan for Family Medicine Residents, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Annual Spring Conference, San Francisco, California04/1996
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Domestic Violence, UMC Department of Family Medicine Family Practice Update, Jackson, MS04/1995
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Dermatology, Doctrate of Pharmacy Students, Jackson, MS11/1994
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Domestic Violence: Do we know it when we see it?, Violence Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico11/1994
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Domestic Violence and the Family, International Conference on Family Medicine; The Problems of the Family, Madrid, Spain10/1994
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Prevalence of Sexual Assault Among Family Practice Patients, The College of Family Physicians of Canada, 36th Conjoint Annual Scientific Assembly, Banff, Alberta, Canada04/1994
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Medical Management of the Sexul Assault Victim, Second annual Conference on Domestic Violence, Family Violence and Sexual Assault - The Health Care Response, Jackson, MS08/1993
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Writing Case Reports: Why and How?, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine 26th Annual Spring Conference, San Diego, California04/1993
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Management of teh Sexual Assault victim, UMC Family Practice Clulb, Jackson, MS10/1992
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Medical Perspectives in Dealing with Victims of Sexual Assault, MS State Coalition Against Domestic Violence Statewide Conference: Making Victims A Priority, Natchez, MS10/1992
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Acute Evaluation and Management of the Rape Victim, South Carolina Academy of Family Physicians, Third Annual Family Practice Weekend, North Myrtle Beach, SC07/1992
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Fatigue, UMC Department of Family Medicine Family Practice Update, Jackson, MS04/1992
Round Table Discussion, How to wite and publish a case report, Department of Family Medicine Family Practice Update, Jackson, MS04/1992
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Myers-Briggs Personality Traits and Formal Knowledge Acquisition Among Residents, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine 25th Annual Spring Conference, St. Louis, MO04/1992
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, First aid Afloat, United States Power Squadrons, Jackson, MS03/1992
Networking Luncheon Discussion, Psychosomatic Problems in the Family, The Mississippi Association for Marriage and Family Therapy Annual Convention, Jackson, MS02/1992
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Designer Drugs, UMC Family Practice Club, Jackson, MS10/1991
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Goof-Proofing Your Writing, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine 24th Annual Spring Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania05/1991
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Personalizing Resident Education: Integrating Philosophy with Structure, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine 24th Annual Spring Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania05/1991
Round Table Discussion, Assessment of Student perception of effective clinical teaching, UMC Department of Family Medicine., CME Day, Jackson MS03/1991
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Effective Administration of Predoctoral Teaching Programs: A Recruitment Advantage, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Predoctoral Education Conference, San Antonio, Texas02/1991
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Teaching Physical Exam Skills Using Patient Simulators, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Predoctoral Education Conference, San Antonio, Texas02/1991
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Managing Stress, MS Baptist Medical Center, Jackson, MS12/1990
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, The Elderly Alcoholic, Third Annual Conference on Chemical Dependency, Jackson, MS10/1990
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Students' Perceptions of Effective Clinical Teaching, Mississippi Academy of Family Physicians Annual 41st Scientific Assembly, Gulf Shores, AL07/1990
Scientific Presentations, The Physiologic Stress of First Year Residents, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine 23rd Annual Spring Conference, Seattle, WA05/1990
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Keeping Your Preceptors Happy: Strategies for Enhancing Preceptor-Department Relations, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Predoctoral Education Conference, San Diego, California02/1990
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Preceptor Communications, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Predoctoral Education Conference, San Diego, CA02/1990
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Careers in Mediicine, Jackson Public Schools, jackson, MS08/1989
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Preceptor Workshop, Mississippi Academy of Family Physicians Annual 41st Scientific Assembly, Gulf Shores, AL08/1989
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, The Model Patient: Teaching Physical Assessment Skills, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Predoctoral Education Conference, St. Petersburg, Florida1989
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Alcoholism: A Family Illness, Family Medicine CME Day, Jackson, MS03/1988
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Defining and Implementing an Addictionology Clerkship, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Predoctoral Education Conference, Galveston, Texas1988
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Clinical Effective Teaching, Northern Mississippi Preceptor Workshop, Grenada, MS10/1987
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Alcoholism: A fmaily Illness, UMC Department of Family Medicine, Jackson, MS1986
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Multiple Topics on Women Health Issues,Osteoporosis, Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Hyperlipedemia, Jackson, MS

Honors, Awards, and Recognition

Outstanding Faculty Member, PGY-3 Family Medicine Residents2005
Golden Stethoscope Award; Clinical Teaching Award, PGY-3 Family Medicine Residents2005
Best Doctors in America2002
Golden Stethoscope Award; Clinical Teaching Award, Graduating Family Medicine Residents1995
Golden Stethoscope Award; Clinical Teaching Award, PGY-3 Family Medicine Residents1993
Golden Stethoscope Award; Clinical Teaching Award, PGY-3 Family Medicine Residents1991
Golden Stethoscope Award; Clinical Teaching Award, PGY-3 Family Medicine Residents1989
Best Family Doctors in America
Gold Level Program Director Recognition Award, Association of Family Medicine Program Directors

Professional Membership and Service

American Board of Family Medicine, Immediate Past Chair2014 - 2015
American Board of Family Medicine, Committee Chair2013 - 2014
Annals of Family Medicine Journal, Member2013 - 2014
PCMH Advisory Committee, Committee Member, Sponsored by MS Dept of Health and Division of Medicaid2012 - Present
American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS), Member of Assembly, Representative from the ABFM2011 - 2013
Journal of the Mississippi State Medical Association, Editorial Review Board Member2011 - 2013
Annals of Family Medicine Journal, Member2010 - 2013
ABFM, Member2010 - 2014
MS State Medical Society, Committee Chair, MSMA Annual Meeting 20092009
American Board of Family Medicine, Board of Directors of a Company2009 - 2014
ABFM Credentials Committee, Member2009 - 2013
ABFM By-Laws Committee, Member2009 - Present
Mississippi Academy of Family Physicians, Program Organizer, Annual Meeting2008 - 2009
MS Academy of Family Physicians, Meeting Organizer, 2009 Annual Session2008 - 2009
Family Medicine, Reviewer, Journal Article2008 - Present
ACGME-Residency Review Committee for Family Medicine Appeals Board, Committee Member2007 - 2018
Mississippi Academy of Family Physicians, Committee Chair, Mentoring Committee2007 - 2008
MS Rural Physicians Scholarship Commission, Executive Committee Member, Founding Member2007 - Present
National Institute for Program Director Development Fellowship, Committee Member, AAFP - Association of Family Medicine Residency Directors Representative2004 - 2010
Restorative Care Hospital, Officer, Secretary2002 - 2003
The Future of Family Medicine, Committee Member, Task Force 2: Educating the Family Physician of the Future2002 - 2003
The Jackson Free Clinic, Volunteer Physician2002 - Present
The Jackson Free Clinic, Volunteer2002 - Present
ACGME-Residency Review Committee for Family Medicine, Committee Member1999 - 2005
MS Council Against Sexual Assault, Charter Member1998 - Present
MS Baptist Medical Center, Committee Member, Medical Education Committee1996 - 2000
Methodist Medical Center, Medical Staff - Active1995 - 1997
United States Power Squadron; Jackson Chapter, Officer, Secretary1991 - 1994
MS Baptist Medical Center, Committee Member, Diabetic Education Committee1988 - 1996
American Family Physician, Reviewer, Journal Article1988 - Present
MS Council Against Sexual Assault, Member1988 - Present
Mississippi Academy of Family Physicians, Committee Chair, Resident-Student Liaison Committee1987 - 1996
Mississippi Academy of Family Physicians, Committee Member, Education Committee1987 - 1996
St. Dominic Jackson Memorial Hospital, Medical Staff Member - Active1987 - 1996
American Medical Association, Member1987 - Present
Central Medical Society, Member1987 - Present
MS State Medical Association, Member1987 - Present
Society of Teachers of Family Medicine, Member1987 - Present
Mississippi Academy of Family Physicians, Officer, Other Officer1984 - Present
MS State Medical Association, Committee Member, Annual Session2008
MS State Medical Association, Delegate representing Central Medical Society, Annual Session2008
Association of Family Medicine Residency Directors, Committee Member, Nominating Committee2000
"The Advocate", Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1993
Southern Medical Association, Member1990
Stewpot Street Clinic, Physician Volunteer1988

Committee Service

MAFP Professional Development Committee, Member2016 - Present
Health System Executive Committee, Member2015 - 2016
Ph.D. Advisory Committee / Tekla Sanders, Member2015 - Present
Telehealth Center Leadership Search Committee, Member2015 - Present
Ambulatory Space Strategic Task Force, Member2015 - Present
Medical Necessity Process for Procurement, Member2015 - Present
Leadership Search and Recruit Team, Member2015 - Present
Physician & Faculty Compensation Steering Committee, Member2014 - Present
Physician/Faculty Compensation Plan Design Steering Committee, Member2014 - Present
PhD Dissertaion Committee for Ana Lyn Whitt SHRP DHA, Expert2014 - 2015
Council of Clinical Chairs, Chair2014 - Present
Telehealth Advisory Board, Member2014 - Present
Non Tenure Guidelines Committee, Member2014 - 2014
American Board of Family Medicine Immediate Past Chair2014 - 2015
Ambulatory Committee, Member2013 - Present
American Board of Family Medicine, Chair2013 - 2014
American Board of Family Medicine, Chair2013 - 2014
ABFM Representative to Association of Family Medicine Advocacy Committee Board, Member2013 - 2014
UMMC Epic Executive Leadership Committee, Member2013 - Present
UMMC Marketing Committee, Member2012 - Present
Piscano Leadership Foundation (ABFM), Board Member2012 - Present
American Board of Family Medicine, Chair Elect2012 - 2013
MS Office of Physician Workforce, Interim Director2012 - 2013
Office of Mississippi Physician Workforce, Member2012 - Present
UMMC Capital Equipment Executive Committee, Student Employee Health Task Force, Member2012 - Present
Faculty Practice Quality Workgroup, Member2011 - 2015
Faculty Practice Access and Scheduling Work Group, Member2011 - 2015
ABFM Representative to the American Board of Medical Specialties, Member2011 - 2012
ACGME Family Medicine Milestones Committee, ABFM Representative2011 - 2014
National Children's Study Advisory Board, Member2011 - 2013
UMMC EPIC Meaningful Use Education and Awareness Workgroup, Member2011 - Present
UMMC Internal Advisory Board for National Children's Study, Member2011 - 2013
UMMC Magnet Model Committee, Medical Staff Alignment, Member2011 - 2013
University Physicians Comprehensive Ambulatory Planning Steering Committee, Member2011 - 2013
Cancer Institute Steering Committee, Member2011 - 2012
Annals of Family Medicine Journal, Member2010 - 2013
UMMC Delta Regional Institute Advisory Committee, Chair2010 - 2013
School Of Medicine - Executive Faculty, Member2009 - 2011
Obstetrics and Gynecology Chair Search Committee, Co-chair2009 - 2010
UP Executive Comittee, Member2008 - 2010
Physician Relations/Hospital Outreach Committee, Member2008 - 2013
Medical Center - Medical Center Space, Member2008 - 2010
School Of Medicine - Dean's VA, Member2008 - 2009
University Physicians Joint Contracting Committee, Member2007 - Present
MS Institute for Improvement of Geographic Minority Health and Elimination of Health Disparities Advisory Board, Member2007 - Present
MS Rural Physicians Scholarship Commissioin Executive Committee, Member2007 - Present
University Physicians Joint Contracting Committee, Member2007 - 2013
University Physicians Relations Committee, Member2007 - Present
UP Board of Directors, Member2007 - Present
Ambulatory Operations Council, Member2007 - 2008
Medical Center - Women's Affairs, Member2007 - 2008
School Of Medicine - Promotions (Clinical), Member2007 - 2008
MS Baptist Medical Center Horizon Expert Orders Steering Committee, Member2005 - 2007
Ms Baptist Medical CenterA4 Emergency Services Committee, Member2005 - 2007
Duty Hours Committee, Member2003 - Present
Promotion and Tenure Ad Hoc Dean's Committee, Member2003 - 2005
ACGME Residenty Review Committee for Family Medicine, Chair2001 - 2005
Resident Council Faculty Representative2000 - 2007
ACGME Residency Review Committee for Family Medicine, Member1999 - 2005
School Of Medicine - Graduate Medical Education, Member1999 - 2002
School Of Medicine - Graduate Medical Education, Chair1996 - 1997
ACGME Residency Review Committee for Family Medicine, Representative1995 - 1998
School Of Medicine - Graduate Medical Education, Member1994 - 2007
School Of Medicine - Residency Review Subcommittee, Member1994 - 1999
School Of Medicine - Faculty Appointments, Promotions, Member1994 - 1995
Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Working Group on Home Care and Hospice, Member1993 - Present
Medical Center - Clinical Cancer Activities, Member1992 - 1994

Community Service

Medical Assurance Company of MS, Risk Management Committee, Member2006 - 2011
Jackson Heart Study Translation Committee, Member2004 - 2006

Other Service

Search Committee for Chair of Department of Ob-Gyn, Co-chair03/2009 - Present
University Physicians Board of Directors Executive Committee, Member2009 - 12/2010
Physicians Relations/Hospital Outreach Committee, Member2008 - Present
University Physicians Board of Directors, Member2008 - Present
MS Institute for Improvement of Geographic Minority Health and Elimination of Health Disparities, Institutional Advisory Board Member2007 - Present
University Physicians Joint Contracting Committee, Member2007 - Present
University Physicians Ambulatory Operations Council, Medical Director - Family Medicine2007 - 10/2008
Resident Council, Faculty Representative2000 - 2007
UMMC GMEC Resident Advisory Council, Faculty Representative1996 - 2002
UMMC GMEC-RRC Subcommittee on Resident-Student Teaching, Chair1996 - 1997
Department of Family Medicine Residency Selections Committee, Chair1995 - 2007
UMMC Geriatrics Committee, Member1993 - 1995
UMMC Clinical Care Cancer Activities Committee, Member1992 - 1994
Family Practice Club, Faculty Sponsor1990 - 1991
UMMC Duty Hours Committee, Member04/2003
Ad Hoc Promotion and Tenure Dean's Committee, Member03/2003

Teaching Experience

655, Medicine, Course, Course Developer, Addiction Medicine Clerkship
716, Medicine, Course, Lecturer, Anatomy 716, Scientific Writing
Medicine, Course, Instructor, Grammar and Punctuation Review
Medicine, Small Group, Leader, Introduction to Clinical Medicine
Medicine, Lecture, Senior Seminar
656, Medicine, Course, Course Developer, The UMC Family Medicine Clerkship
Medicine, Course, Instructor, Dermatology ReviewFall 1995
Graduate, Course, Instructor, Improving medical writing skillsFall 1989
Medicine, Small Group, Course Presenter, Introduction to Clinical Medicine 1987

Directed Student Learning

Supervised Research, Abecarnil Anxiety Drug Study
1991 - Present
Supervised Research, Career Preference Inventory of Medical Students
1990 - Present
Joint study w/University of Oklahoma faculty, Resident Self Concept and Cognitive Board Evaluations

Residency Training

Family Medicine, Attending Physician1987 - Present
Primary Care Dental Residency - Amb Care Clinical rotation, Attending Physician