Peter B. Arnold, MD, PhD, FACS
Work Phone:
(601) 984-5180
Dr. Peter Arnold is a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in complex traumatic and surgical wound reconstruction. Dr. Arnold grew up in Minnesota and moved to Virginia while in high school. A graduate of Davidson College in North Carolina, he went on to obtain a PhD in somatosensory neurophysiology at the University of Tennessee, Memphis. He subsequently earned his MD from Virginia Commonwealth University and completed his plastic surgery training at the University of Virginia prior to joining the plastic surgery faculty at UMMC. Dr. Arnold is the Division Chief of Plastic Surgery at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. He has been married to his wife, Catherine, for 24 years; they have three grown children. When not working, Dr. Arnold enjoys listening to all genres of music, cooking (Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, and BBQ), and gardening. Dr. Arnold is also an avid road cyclist.
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, MD, Chief Resident, Department of Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery | 2010 |
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, MD, Resident, Department of Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery | 2009 |
Medical College of Virginia at Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, MD, Medicine | 2004 |
University of Tennessee, Memphis, Memphis, TN, PhD, Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology | 2000 |
Davidson College, Davidson, NC, BA, Psychology | 1994 |
Woodberry Forest School, Woodberry, VA, Diploma | 1990 |
Specialty Certification Licensure
Certification, American Board of Plastic Surgery-Diplomate | 11/2011 - Present |
Licensure, Mississippi State Board of Medical Licensure | 04/2010 - Present |
Current Positions
Associate Chief Medical Officer for Hospital Operations, School of Medicine | 01/2021 - Present |
Chief of Surgery, Merit Madison, School of Medicine | 10/2020 - Present |
Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Surgery | 07/2019 - Present |
Division Director, School of Medicine, Department of Surgery | 09/2017 - Present |
Director, School of Medicine | 2015 - Present |
Associate Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Medicine | 2015 - Present |
Associate Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Surgery | 07/2014 - Present |
Associate Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Orthopedic Surgery | 07/2014 - Present |
The University of Mississippi Medical Center Jackson, Mississippi 39216 |
Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments
Division Director, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Medicine | 2015 - 2017 |
Chief of Medical Staff, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine | 08/2013 - 01/2021 |
Assistant Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Orthopedic Surgery | 2013 - 06/2014 |
Associate Director, Univeristy of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Surgery | 07/2011 - 06/2015 |
Assistant Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Surgery | 07/2010 - 06/2014 |
Graduate Teaching Assistant for Gross Anatomy and Histology, University of Tennessee, Memphis, School of | 1997 - 2000 |
Research Specialist in wound healing laboratory of Dr. George Rodeheaver, University of Virginia, Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, School of , Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery | 1995 - 1996 |
Journal Article | |
Edwards SR, Chamoun G, Hecox E, Brown MI, Hoppe IC, Arnold PB, Humphries LS Access to Certified Burn Centers in the United States: The Geospatial and Transport Cost of Transfer. Burn Care Res. 2024 Jan 5;45(1):158-164 | 2024 |
Benedict KC, Songcharoen SJ, Stephens KL, Winter AL, Edwards SR, Campbell CA, Arnold PB. Comparison of inferior gluteal artery perforator flaps vs vertical rectus abdominis musculocutaneous flaps in the reconstruction of perineal wounds. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2023.Spet;84:514-520 | 2023 |
Corder B, Googe M, Veazquez A, Sullivan J, Arnold PB Surgical management of acquired buried penis and scrotal lymphedema: a retrospective review. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2023.Oct;85:18-23. | 2023 |
Brown KW, McCandless MG, Nannapaneni H, Adams K, Songcharoen SJ, Arnold PB. Subdermal Plexus Density as It Relates to Obesity and Wound Complications in Patients Undergoing Reduction Mammaplasty. Eplasty. 2023 Jun 19;23:e36. | 2023 |
Googe B, Davidson JC, Arnold PB, Medina A. Closed Incisional Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Sponge Width and Tension Off-Loading: A Laboratory Model. Ann Plast Surg. 2020 Jan 8. doi: 10.1097/SAP.0000000000002217. [Epub ahead of print] | 2020 |
Googe B; Lackey AE; Arnold PA; Vick LR. The modified lithotomy: a surgical position for lower extremity wound care procedures in super morbidly obese patients. A case study Wound Management & Prevention 2019;65(7):30-34 | 2019 |
Brown DJ, Arnold P, Mitchell M, de Delva P. Thoracic Endovascular Repair and Omental Flap Revision of Aortopulmonary Fistula Involving Aortic Pseudoaneurysm. Am Surg. 2018 Jan 1;84(1):20-22. | 2018 |
Aru RG, Songcharoen SJ, Seals SR, Arnold PB, Hester RL Microcirculatory Effects of Botulinum Toxin A in the Rat: Acute and Chronic Vasodilation. Ann Plast Surg. 2017 Jul;79(1):82-85. doi: 10.1097/SAP.0000000000001054 | 2017 |
Zhang EW, Fang T, Arnold PB, Songcharoen SJ, Lineaweaver WC, Zhang F. The Effect of Activated Protein C on Attenuation of Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in a Rat Muscle Flap Model. Ann Plast Surg. 2015 Oct;75(4):448-54. | 2015 |
Arnold PB, Fang T, Songcharoen SJ, Ziakas G, Zhang F. Inflammatory response and survival of pedicled abdominal flaps in a rat model after perivascular application of Botulinum toxin-A Plast Reconstr Surg. 2014 Apr;133(4):491e-8e. doi: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000000030. | 2014 |
Lin HF, Chen ZG, Fang TL, Arnold P, Lineweaver WC, Zhang J. Changes of the donor nerve in end-to-side neurorrhaphies with epineurial window and partial neurectomy: A long-term evaluation in the rat model. Microsurgery. 2013 Sep6 (Epub ahead of print) | 2013 |
Yang M, Rawson JL, Zhang EW, Arnold PB, Lineaweaver W, Zhang F. Comparisons of outcomes from repair of median nerve and ulnar nerve defect with nerve graft and tubulization: a meta-analysis. J Recon Microsurg. 2011;27(8):451-9. | |
Arnold PB, Merritt W, Rodeheaver GT, Campbell CA, Morgan RF, Drake DB. Effects of perivascular Botulinum Toxin-A application on vascular smooth muscle and flap viability in the rat. Ann Plast Surg. 2009 May;62(5):463- | |
Arnold PB, Green CW, Foresman PA, Rodeheaver GT Evaluation of resorbable barriers for preventing surgical adhesions. Fertil Steril. 2000;73(1):157-61. | |
Yan H, Black D, Jones NI, McCraw J, Chen J, Arnold P, Zhang F. Integra acellular collagen as a vascular carrier for skin flap prefabrication in rats. Ann Plast Surg. 2011;67(3):299-302. | |
Pearson PP, Arnold PB, Oladehin A, Li CX, Waters RS. Large-scale cortical reorganization following forelimb deafferentation in rat does not involve plasticity of intracortical connections. Exp Brain Res. 2001;138(1):8-25 | |
Arnold PB, Campbell CA, Rodeheaver GT, Merritt W, Morgan RF, Drake DB Modification of blood vessel diameter following perivascular application of Botulinum Toxin-A. Hand. 2009; 4(3):302-7. | |
Arnold PB, Lahr CJ, Mitchell ME, Griffith JL, Salloum N, Walker MR, Mhatti SL, Powers AJ, McCraw JB. Predictable closure of the abdominoperineal resection defect: a novel two-team approach. J Am Coll Surg. 2012;214:726-33. | |
Cardenas CG, Mar LP, Vysokanov AV, Arnold PB, Cardenas LM, Surmeier DM, Scroggs RS. Serotonergic modulation of hyperpolarization-activated current in acutely isolated rat dorsal root ganglion neurons. J Physiol. 1999;518(2):507-23. | |
Arnold PB, Li CX, Waters RS Thalamocortical arbors extend beyond single cortical barrels: an in-vivo intracellular tracing study in rat. Exp Brain Res. 2001; 136(2):152-68. | |
Pearson PP, Arnold PB, Oladehin A, Li CX, Waters RS. The shoulder representation area in the rat first somatosensory cortical area (SI) does not project directly to the forepaw barrel subfield (FBS) nor is this shoulder area necessary for large-scale reorganization in the FBS following limb deafferentation. Exp Brain Res. 2001;138:8-25. | |
Henderson JM, O'Mara CS, Bishop P, Arnold 1, Whitfield C. The University of Mississippi Medical Center's Path for Quality Improvement. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2020 Jan;144(1):34-41. doi: 10.5858/arpa.2019-0211-ED. | 2020 |
Review Article | |
Arnold PB. Review of "Advances in Abdominal Wall Reconstruction" (Eds. Albert Losken, Jeffrey E. Janis). Microsurg. (in press). | |
Abstracts | |
Pearson PP, Oladehin A, Li CX, Arnold PB, Waters RS. Cortical reorganization in rat somatosensory cortex following large-scale limb deafferentation may occur at subcortical loci. Society for Neuroscience (abstract). 1999;25. | |
Arnold PB, Li CX, Waters RS Thalamocortical axons in the vibrissa and forepaw barrel subfields (FBS) in rat primary somatosensory (SI) cortex project beyond individual barrels: an in-vivo intracellular recording and labeling study. Society for Neuroscience (abstract). 1998;24. | |
Arnold PB, Li CX, Waters RS. Thalamocortical projections to the forepaw barrel subfield (FBS) in somatosensory cortex: a key to understanding cortical plasticity. UT, Memphis (abstract). 1997 | |
Dissertation | |
Arnold, PB Thalamocortical projection and arborization patterns and bouton distribution in rat primary somatosensory cortex University of Tennessee Press, 2000 | |
Book Chapter | |
Googe B, Songcharoen SJ, Arnold PB Soft tissue reconstruction of the foot Handbook of Lower Extremity Reconstruction. Springer Nature, Switzerland AG, 2020. | 2020 |
Googe B, Songcharoen SJ, Arnold PB Soft tissue reconstruction of the distal third tibia Handbook of Lower Extremity Reconstruction. Springer Nature, Switzerland AG, 2020. | 2020 |
Googe B, Songcharoen SJ, Arnold PB Soft tissue reconstruction of the middle third of the tibia. Handbook of Lower Extremity Reconstruction. Springer Nature, Switzerland AG, 2020. | 2020 |
Googe B, Songcharoen SJ, Arnold PB. Knee and proximal lower leg wounds. Handbook of Lower Extremity Reconstruction. Springer Nature, Switzerland AG, 2020. | 2020 |
Tholpady SS, Arnold PB, Morgan RF, Ogle RC, Katz AJ Biology of fat and regenerative medicine: future promise. In Coleman SR, and Mozzala RF (eds) Fat Injection From Filling To Regeneration. Quality Medical Publishing, Inc., St. Louis, MO. 2009. | |
Katz AJ, Arnold PB Tissue processing considerations for autologous fat grafting. In Shiffman MA (ed) Autologous Fat Transfer. Springer-Verlag Publishing, Inc., Berlin, Heidelberg. 2009. | |
Book | |
Hollenbeck ST, Arnold PB, Orgill DP Handbook of Lower Extremity Reconstruction Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2020 | 2020 |
Editorial Commentary | |
Arnold PB, Orgill DP. Discussion: Is Reconstruction Preserving the First Ray or First Two Rays Better Than Full Transmetatarsal Amputation in Diabetic Foot? Plast Reconstr Surg. 2019 Jan;143(1):306-307 | 2019 |
Letter to the Editor | |
Arnold PB, Lahr CJ, Mitchell ME. Reply to letter to editor. J Am Coll Surg. 2012;215:442. | |
Electronic Publications | |
PArnold,PDeDelva,DJBrown Thoracic Endovascular Repair and Omental Flap Revision of Aortopulmonary Fistula Involving Aortic Pseudoaneurysm AMSURG-D-17-00479 | 2017 |
Arnold PB, Fang T, Songacharoen SJ, Ziakas G, Zhang F Inflammatory response and survival of pedicled abdominal flaps in a rat model after perivascular application of Botulinum toxin-A Plast Reconstr Surg. 2013 Dec 17 [Epub ahead of print] | 2013 |
Arnold PB, Chhabra A Novel magnetic resonance angiography techniques for arterial visualization of the hand. Online Update in Green’s Operative Hand Surgery, 2007. | |
Arnold PB, Drake DB, Chhabra A. Use of Botulinum Toxin-A in the treatment of medically resistant vasospastic disease of the hand: an alternative to surgical intervention. Online Update in Green’s Operative Hand Surgery, 2008. |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Perineum Reconstruction Following APR, Oncologic Reconstruction Course, Jackson, MS | 12/2023 |
Invited as the Barton Visiting Professor, Developing a Surgical Wound Care Service, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA | 11/2023 |
Poster Presentation, The Impact of Obesity on Lower Extremity Reconstruction. Plastic Surgery the Meeting 92nd Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas, October 26th-29th, 2023., Plastic Surgery the Meeting, 92nd Annual Meeting, Austin, TX | 10/2023 |
Platform Presentations, Evaluation of post-operative outcomes of chest wall reconstruction of oncologic defects, Plastic Surgery The Meeting, 92nd Annual Meeting, Austin, TX | 10/2023 |
Platform Presentations, Access to Certified Burn Centers in the United States: The Geospatial and Transport Cost of Transfer, American Burn Association, Dallas, TX | 05/2023 |
Invited Symposia, Complex Abdominal Wall Reconstruction, U of Colorado, U of Colorado (Virtual) | 04/2021 |
Invited Symposia, Reconstructive Solutions in Large TBSA Burns and Challenging Wounds: A Focus on BOvine Derived Dermal Regeneration Matricies, Canadian Burn Symposium, Virtual | 02/2021 |
Invited Symposia, The Role of Dermal Matrices in complex Extremity Limb Salvage, Integra Life Sciences, Web Based | 05/2020 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Lower Extremity Salvage: Changing Paradigms of ADM., Boswick Burn and Wound Symposium, Maui, HI | 01/2020 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Lower Extremity Salvage: Approach to the Complex Wound., Boswick Burn and Wound Symposium, Maui, HI | 01/2020 |
Invited Symposia, Open component separation for abdominal wall reconstrucion, Medical University of South Carolina, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC | 12/2019 |
Invited Symposia, Use of fetal bovine collagen in abdominal wall reconstruction., Integra Life Sciences, Charleston, SC | 12/2019 |
Platform Presentations, Soft tissue reconstruction of the foot and ankle., Chicago area wound healing seminar, Munster, IN | 10/2019 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Soft tissue reconstruction of the foot and ankle., Integra Life Sciences, Tinley Park, IL | 10/2019 |
Poster Presentation, DermaClose for Soft Tissue Expansion in Complex Pediatric Reconstruction, Boswick Burn and Wound Symposium Annual Meeting, Wailea, HI | 02/2019 |
Poster Presentation, The Modified Lithotomy: A Novel Operative Position for Super Morbidly Obese Patients in Lower Extremity Wound Care Procedures, Boswick Burn and Wound Symposium Annual Meeting, Wailea, HI | 02/2019 |
Poster Presentation, Purpura Fulminans in the Setting of Septic Shock and DIC in an Asplenic Patient, American Medical Association National Research Symposium, National Harbor, MD | 11/2018 |
Poster Presentation, Flaps for Large Radiated Perineal Wounds After Proctectomy, Gastroenterology. 2014;146(5):S | 10/2016 |
Poster Presentation, Biochemical Effects of Sagittal Band Continuity on Extension at the Metacarpophalangeal Joint, American Association for Hand Surgery, Scottsdale, AZ | 01/2016 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Extended testing of the first smartphone application for microsurgical monitoring, Plastic Surgery The Meeting 2015, Boston, MA | 10/2015 |
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Relationship of reduction weight and body mass index as predictors of complications after breast reduction surgery, 58th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Southeastern Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, Amelia Island, FL | 06/2015 |
Poster Presentation, Bilateral Breast Reduction: An Investigation Into The Complication Rate in Obese Women, 100th Annual American College of Physicians Internal Medicine Meeting, Boston, MA | 04/2015 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Microcirculatory effects of Botulinum Toxin A in the rat: acute and chronic vasodilation, James D. Hardy Society, Spring Meeting, Jackson, MS | 04/2015 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Microcirculatory effects of Botulinum Toxin A in the rat: acute and chronic vasodilation, American Association of Plastic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Scottsdale, AZ | 04/2015 |
Poster Presentation, The Effects of Insurance and Access to Healthcare on Outcomes in Zone 2 Injuries, Annual Meeting for the American Association for Hand Surgery, Paradise Island, Bahamas | 01/2015 |
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Advanced Training Program in Healthcare Improvement- Patient Safety., Horne Consulting, Jackson, MS | 11/2014 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Strategies to manage irradiated wounds and defects in the pelvis, perineum, chest, and abdominal wall., American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Chicago, IL | 10/2014 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, American Society of Plastic Surgeons Annual Meeting- Breast Reconstruction Resident Abstract Presentations., American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Chicago, IL | 10/2014 |
Scientific Presentations, Major and Minor Postoperative Complications of Various Methods of Perineal Closure Following Abdominoperineal Resection, British Association of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons, Dublin, Ireland | 11/2013 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Postoperative complications of various methods of perineal closure following abdominoperineal resection., British Association of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, Dublin, Ireland | 11/2013 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Trimming the Fat Out of Obesity-Adjusting Your Strategy when Operating on the Obese Patient. Faculty Panel Member., American Society of Plastic Surgeons Annual Meeting, 2013, San Diego, CA | 10/2013 |
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Simple Alternatives to Microsurgery for foot and Ankle Reconstruction. Faculty Panel Member., American Society of Plastics Surgeons Annual Meeting, 2013, San Diego, CA | 10/2013 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Techniques of Soft Tissue Reconstruction in Trauma and Oncology., General Surgery Grand Rounds, University of Mississippi Medical Center | 2013 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Breast Reduction In The Obese, Department of Pathology Grand Rounds, University of Mississippi Medical Center | 11/2012 |
Scientific Presentations, Median nerve neuropathy resulting from VAC technique, James D. Hardy Surgical Forum, Jackson, MS | 05/2012 |
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Predictable closure of the abdominoperineal resection defect: a novel two-team approach., James D. Hardy Society Annual Meeting, Sandestin, FL | 04/2012 |
Scientific Presentations, Extensor tendon instability due to sagittal band injury in martial arts: literature review and case report., 1st Combined Meeting of ASSH-AHSS, Kauai, HI | 03/2012 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Surgery Interest Group, University of Mississippi Medical Center | 2012 |
Scientific Presentations, Predictable perineal wound closure in patient undergoing abdominoperineal resection following pre-operative radiation: a novel two-team approach., Southern Surgical Association Annual Meeting, Hot Springs, VA | 12/2011 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Reconstructive Options Following Extirpative Oncologic Procedures, Department of Pathology Grand Rounds, University of Mississippi Medical Center | 12/2011 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Breast Oncology and Reconstructive Surgery, Medical/Surgical Nursing Conference, University of Mississippi Medical Center | 09/2011 |
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, "Problems and Pearls" Panel, Southeastern Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons Annual Meeting, 2011, Naples, Fl | 06/2011 |
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Lecture to Plastic Surgery Resident and Faculty at the University of Virginia, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA | 06/2011 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Wound Management and Soft Tissue Repair, General Surgery Grand Rounds, University of Mississippi Medical Center | 06/2011 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Surgical wound care and wound healing, Department of Surgery Grand Rounds, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS | 02/2011 |
Scientific Presentations, Effects of Botulinum Toxin-A on vascular smooth muscle and flap viablility in rats., University of Mississippi Medical Center Surgical Research Conference, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS | 02/2011 |
Invited Symposia, Management of skin grafts to PT/OT practitioners, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS | 01/2011 |
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Basics of wound healing to first year medical students, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS | 10/2010 |
Scientific Presentations, “Effect of Botulinum Toxin-A On Vascular Smooth Muscle And Flap Viability In Rat.”, Southeastern Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons Annual Meeting, Boca Raton, FL | 06/2008 |
Scientific Presentations, “Quantitative evaluation of the dilation of rat femoral vessels following application of topical Botulinum Toxin-A.”, American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery Annual Meeting, Beverly Hills, CA | 2008 |
Scientific Presentations, "The relative motion management concept for extensor tendon injury; permitting immediate active motion: boutonniere deformity.”, Southeastern Society of Plasic and Reconstructive Surgeons Annual Meeting, Hot Springs, VA | 2004 |
Scientific Presentations, “Recurrent carpal tunnel syndrome in chronic renal dialysis patients.”, Southeastern Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons Annual Meeting, Hot Springs, VA | 2004 |
Honors, Awards, and Recognition
MSMA Doctor of Distinction, 2013, Mississippi State Medical Association | 2013 |
Research Grant Award,2007, Southeastern Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons | |
2010 Raymond F. Morgan Research Award for Plastic Surgery Residents, University of Virginia |
Professional Membership and Service
American Burn Association, Member | 2023 - Present |
American Council of Academic Plastic Surgeons, Member | 2015 - Present |
American College of Surgeons, Fellow | 2013 - Present |
Mississippi State Medical Association, Delegate for Central Mississippi, Member | 2013 - 2015 |
James D. Hardy Society, Member | 2013 - Present |
American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, Member | 2012 - Present |
Southeastern Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons | 2012 - Present |
American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, Member | 2012 - Present |
Microsurgery, Editorial Review Board Member | 2012 - Present |
Association for Academic Surgery, Member | 2011 - 2016 |
Annals of Plastic Surgery, Reviewer, Journal Article | 2011 - Present |
Mississippi State Medical Association, Member | 2010 - Present |
Committee Service
UMMC Pathstone/Physician/Clinical Coordination, Member | 2022 - Present |
Integra Hernia Advisory Board, Member | 2022 - Present |
Creating Value Oversight Committee Meeting, Member | 2022 - Present |
Trauma Committee, Member | 2022 - Present |
SMRMC/UMMC Joint Steering Committee, Member | 2022 - Present |
Burn Services Business Plan, Member | 2022 - Present |
Wound Oversight Committee, Member | 2022 - Present |
Adult UR Committee, Member | 2022 - Present |
Workgroup on the evolving role of APP in academic medicine (AAMC), Member | 2022 - Present |
American Board of Plastic Surgery, Guest Oral Board Examiner | 2020 - 2021 |
Merit Health Madison Board, Member | 2020 - Present |
Governor's COVID Advisory Committee, Member | 2020 - Present |
Compliance Case Review Committee, Member | 2017 - Present |
IS Steering Committee, Member | 2017 - Present |
Leadership Cabinet, Member | 2017 - Present |
ORO 2.0 Steering Committee, Member | 2016 - Present |
Council of Clinical Chairs, ex-officio | 2014 - Present |
American Society of Plastic Surgeons-Visiting Professor Committee, Member | 2014 - Present |
Annals of Plastic Surgery Editorial Board | 2014 - Present |
Health System Executive Council, Member | 2013 - Present |
University Hospitals Committee, Member | 2013 - Present |
Administrative Advisory Council, Member | 2013 - 2018 |
Professional Practice Evaluation Committee, ex-officio | 2013 - Present |
Clinical Advisory Group, Co-Director | 2013 - Present |
Healthcare Delivery Institute-Training program through HORNE LLP in healthcare delivery improvement, Trainee | 2013 - Present |
Southeastern Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, Residents and Research Committee | 2013 - Present |
Major Extremity Trauma Research Consortium (METRC), Member | 2012 - Present |
Medical Student Research Program (MSRP), Mentor | 2012 - Present |
Microsurgery Editorial Board | 2012 - Present |
Leadership Development Program-nominated to participate by the Dean of the medical school, Member | 2012 - Present |
Physician Magnet Group, Member | 2012 - 2013 |
Surgical Scholars Program, Co-Director | 2010 - Present |
Community Service
St. Andrew's Cathedral Facilities Committee, Member | 2011 - Present |
Other Service
Journal of Patient Safety | 2018 - Present |
Teaching Experience
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Overview of Plastic Surgery | 2013 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Ortho Wound Care | 2013 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Ortho Soft Tissue Coverage | 2013 |
Medicine, Small Group, Lecturer, Surgery Interest Group | 2013 |
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Medical Student Lecture on Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery | 2012 - 2012 |
Medicine, Small Group, Lecturer, Surgery Interest Group | 2012 |
Directed Student Learning
Supervised Teaching Activity, Advised: Turner Brown | 2013 - 2013 |
Supervised Teaching Activity, Advised: Anna Pavlov | 2012 - 2012 |
Supervised Teaching Activity, Advised: Clara Gomez-Sanchez | 2011 - 2011 |
Fellows supervised
Plastic Surgery Hand Fellowship, Attending Physician, 4 fellows supervised | 07/2010 - Present |
Residency Training
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Assoc. Program Director | 2012 - 06/2015 |
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Attending Physician | 2010 - Present |