Nicole M. Anderson, PhD

Nicole M. Anderson, PhD

Assistant Professor

SOM-Cell and Molecular Biology


Work Phone:
(601) 984-2772


University of Toronto, PhD, Genetics/Hematopoietic Disease2011
University of Waterloo, BS, Biology

Current Positions

Assistant Professor, School of Medicine11/2022 - Present
The University of Mississippi Medical Center
Jackson, Mississippi 39216



Lian H, Li D, Zhou Y, Landesman-Bollag E, Zhang G, Anderson NM, Tang KC, Roderick JE, Kelliher MA, Seldin DC, Fu H, Feng H, CK2 inhibitor CX-4945 destabilizes NOTCH1 and synergizes with JQ1 against human T-acute lymphoblastic leukemic cells. Haematologica, 2017 Jan;102(1):e17-e212017
Anderson NM, Harrold I, Mansour MR, Sanda T, McKeown M, Nagykary N, Bradner JE, Lan Zhang G, Look AT, Feng H, BCL2-specific inhibitor ABT-199 synergizes strongly with cytarabine against the early immature LOUCY cell line but not more-differentiated T-ALL cell lines. Leukemia, 2014 May;28(5):1145-82014

Journal Article

Li F, Liu P, Mi W, Li L, Anderson NM, Lesner NP, Burrows M, Plesset J, Majer A, Wang G, Li J, Zhu L, Keith B, Simon MC, Blocking methionine catabolism induces senescence and confers vulnerability to GSK3 inhibition in liver cancer. Nature cancer, 2024 Jan;5(1):131-1462024
Missiaen R, Anderson NM, Kim LC, Nance B, Burrows M, Skuli N, Carens M, Riscal R, Steensels A, Li F, Simon MC, GCN2 inhibition sensitizes arginine-deprived hepatocellular carcinoma cells to senolytic treatment. Cell metabolism, 2022 Aug 2;34(8):1151-1167.e72022
Anderson NM, Qin X, Finan JM, Lam A, Athoe J, Missiaen R, Skuli N, Kennedy A, Saini AS, Tao T, Zhu S, Nissim I, Look AT, Qing G, Simon MC, Feng H, Metabolic Enzyme DLST Promotes Tumor Aggression and Reveals a Vulnerability to OXPHOS Inhibition in High-Risk Neuroblastoma. Cancer research, 2021 Sep 1;81(17):4417-44302021
Anderson NM, Simon MC, The tumor microenvironment. Current biology : CB, 2020 Aug 17;30(16):R921-R9252020
Anderson NM, Simon MC, BACH1 Orchestrates Lung Cancer Metastasis. Cell, 2019 Jul 11;178(2):265-2672019
Huiting LN, Samaha Y, Zhang GL, Roderick JE, Li B, Anderson NM, Wang YW, Wang L, Laroche F, Choi JW, Liu CT, Kelliher MA, Feng H, UFD1 contributes to MYC-mediated leukemia aggressiveness through suppression of the proapoptotic unfolded protein response. Leukemia, 2018 Nov;32(11):2339-23512018
Anderson NM, Mucka P, Kern JG, Feng H, The emerging role and targetability of the TCA cycle in cancer metabolism. Protein & cell, 2018 Feb;9(2):216-2372018
Anderson NM, Li D, Peng HL, Laroche FJ, Mansour MR, Gjini E, Aioub M, Helman DJ, Roderick JE, Cheng T, Harrold I, Samaha Y, Meng L, Amsterdam A, Neuberg DS, Denton TT, Sanda T, Kelliher MA, Singh A, Look AT, Feng H, The TCA cycle transferase DLST is important for MYC-mediated leukemogenesis. Leukemia, 2016 Jun;30(6):1365-742016
Harrold I, Carbonneau S, Moore BM, Nguyen G, Anderson NM, Saini AS, Kanki JP, Jette CA, Feng H, Efficient transgenesis mediated by pigmentation rescue in zebrafish. BioTechniques, 2016 Jan;60(1):13-202016
Srinivasan S, Chitalia V, Meyer RD, Hartsough E, Mehta M, Harrold I, Anderson N, Feng H, Smith LE, Jiang Y, Costello CE, Rahimi N, Hypoxia-induced expression of phosducin-like 3 regulates expression of VEGFR-2 and promotes angiogenesis. Angiogenesis, 2015 Oct;18(4):449-622015
Anderson NM, Berberovic Z, Berndl E, Bailey ML, Flenniken AM, Osborne LR, Adamson SL, Rossant J, Wang C, Minden MD, McNagny KM, Paulson RF, Barber DL, Stanford WL, Cytopenia induction by 5-fluorouracil identifies thrombopoietic mutants in sensitized ENU mutagenesis screens. Experimental hematology, 2012 Jan;40(1):48-602012
Hughes MR, Anderson N, Maltby S, Wong J, Berberovic Z, Birkenmeier CS, Haddon DJ, Garcha K, Flenniken A, Osborne LR, Adamson SL, Rossant J, Peters LL, Minden MD, Paulson RF, Wang C, Barber DL, McNagny KM, Stanford WL, A novel ENU-generated truncation mutation lacking the spectrin-binding and C-terminal regulatory domains of Ank1 models severe hemolytic hereditary spherocytosis. Experimental hematology, 2011 Mar;39(3):305-20, 320.e1-22011
Wang CH, Anderson N, Li SH, Szmitko PE, Cherng WJ, Fedak PW, Fazel S, Li RK, Yau TM, Weisel RD, Stanford WL, Verma S, Stem cell factor deficiency is vasculoprotective: unraveling a new therapeutic potential of imatinib mesylate. Circulation research, 2006 Sep 15;99(6):617-252006
Flenniken AM, Osborne LR, Anderson N, Ciliberti N, Fleming C, Gittens JE, Gong XQ, Kelsey LB, Lounsbury C, Moreno L, Nieman BJ, Peterson K, Qu D, Roscoe W, Shao Q, Tong D, Veitch GI, Voronina I, Vukobradovic I, Wood GA, Zhu Y, Zirngibl RA, Aubin JE, Bai D, Bruneau BG, Grynpas M, Henderson JE, Henkelman RM, McKerlie C, Sled JG, Stanford WL, Laird DW, Kidder GM, Adamson SL, Rossant J, A Gja1 missense mutation in a mouse model of oculodentodigital dysplasia. Development (Cambridge, England), 2005 Oct;132(19):4375-862005
Anderson NM, Javadi M, Berndl E, Berberovic Z, Bailey ML, Huang K, Flenniken AM, Osborne LR, Adamson SL, Rossant J, Carter-Su C, Wang C, McNagny KM, Paulson RF, Minden MD, Stanford WL, Barber DL, Enu mutagenesis identifies a novel platelet phenotype in a loss-of-function Jak2 allele. PloS one, 2013;8(9):e75472


State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Employing Zebrafish Models of Cancer to Solve Enigmas in Oncogenesis, Department of Biology, Oxford MS10/2024
Platform Presentations, A MYCN-Driven Zebrafish Model of High-Risk Neuroblastoma Exhibits Early Metastatic Dissemination, ZDM17, Lisbon Portugal10/2024
Poster Presentation, A Zebrafish Model of High-Risk Neuroblastoma Exhibits Multifocal Primary Disease., American Association of Cancer Research – Advances in Pediatric Cancer Research, Toronto Canada09/2024
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Utilizing Zebrafish to Model Metastatic Dissemination in High-Risk Neuroblastoma., CRRC, Jackson MS03/2024
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Defining Mechanisms of Dissemination and Treatment Resistance in Neuroblastoma, Neuroscience Seminar Series, Jackson MS02/2024
Poster Presentation, Understanding Early Tumor Development of a MYCN-Driven Zebrafish Model of Neuroblastoma., Zebrafish Disease Models 16 Conference, Durham North Carolina10/2023
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, DLST, Tumor Aggression, and Bioenergetics in High-Risk Neuroblastoma., Tristate Metabolism Meeting, Princeton NJ10/2021
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Metabolic Enzyme DLST Drives Tumor Aggression and Reveals a Vulnerability to OXPHOS Inhibition in High-Risk Neuroblastoma, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Virtual Meeting, Virtual10/2021
Poster Presentation, Metabolic Enzyme DLST Drives Tumor Aggression and Reveals a Vulnerability to OXPHOS Inhibition in High-Risk Neuroblastoma, Zebrafish Disease Models 14 Conference, Virtual10/2021
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, DLST, Tumor Aggression, and Bioenergetics in High-Risk Neuroblastoma., Zebrafish Disease Models Society Gone Viral Seminar Series, virtual05/2020
Poster Presentation, Defining the role of DLST in MYCN-driven neuroblastoma., Biomedical Postdoctoral Research Symposium, Philadelphia PA10/2019
Poster Presentation, Defining the role of DLST in MYCN-driven neuroblastoma., ACR Cancer Metabolism Meeting, New York, NY09/2018
Poster Presentation, Defining the role of DLST in MYCN-driven neuroblastoma, iomedical Postdoctoral Research Symposium, Philadelphia PA10/2017
Poster Presentation, Defining the role of DLST in MYCN-driven neuroblastoma, Zebrafish Disease Models 10 Conference, San Deigo CA10/2017
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Defining the Role of the TCA Cycle Enzyme, DLST, in MYCN-Driven Neuroblastoma., Biomedical Postdoctoral Research Symposium, Philadelphia01/2017
Platform Presentations, Defining the Role of DLST in MYCN-Driven Neuroblastoma, Zebrafish Disease Models 10 Conference, San Deigo CA USA01/2017
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, The TCA cycle transferase DLST is important for MYC-mediated tumorigenesis, Department of Cancer Biology UPenn, New Jersey01/2017
Poster Presentation, The TCA Cycle Transferase DLST is Important for MYC-mediated Leukemogenesis, American Association of Cancer Research 2016, New Orleans LA USA04/2016
Poster Presentation, The TCA Cycle Transferase DLST is Important for MYC-mediated Leukemogenesis, Keystone Symposia: New Frontiers in Understanding Tumor Metabolism, Banff, Alberta CA02/2016
Poster Presentation, Understanding the Role of DLST in MYCN-driven Neuroblastoma., Zebrafish Disease Models Conference 2015., Boston MA USA08/2015
Poster Presentation, A Genetic Screen in Zebrafish Identifies DLST as an Important Factor in Myc-Driven T-ALL Transformation and a Potential Therapeutic Target in T-AL, American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting, New Orleans12/2013
Platform Presentations, A Novel Regulator in Terminal Megakaryocyte Differentiation Identified by ENU Mutagenesis., International Mammalian Genome Conference, Prague, Czech Republic10/2008
Poster Presentation, A Novel Regulator in Terminal Megakaryocyte Differentiation Identified by ENU Mutagenesis., nternational Mammalian Genome Conference, Prague Czech Republic10/2008
Poster Presentation, Understanding the Role of Connexin 43 and Gap Junctions in the Bone Marrow Niche, nternational Society of Stem Cell Research Annual Meeting, Philadelphia05/2008
Poster Presentation, Novel ENU-induced Mutation in Ankyrin 1 Provides New Insights into Hereditary Spherocytosis, nternational Society for Experimental Research Annual Meeting, Hamburg, Germany10/2007
Platform Presentations, Evaluating the Success of a Pharmacologically Sensitized screen to Detect Defects in Hematopoiesis., Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto Ontario CA04/2007
Poster Presentation, The Role of Gja1 Gap Junctions in the Bone Marrow Niche, American Society for Hematology Annual Meeting, Orlando Fl USA12/2006
Platform Presentations, ENU mutant mouse model of Oculodentodigital dysplasia is exploited to understand the role of connexin 43 in blood and bone development., International Mammalian Genome Conference, Charleston NC USA10/2006
Poster Presentation, An ENU mutant mouse model of Oculodentodigital dysplasia is exploited to understand the role of connexin 43 in blood and bone development., nternational Mammalian Genome Conference 2006, Strasburg France10/2006
Poster Presentation, Development and implementation of a viable, pharmacologically sensitized ENU screen to identify hematopoietic mutants in the mouse., nternational Mammalian Genome Conference 2005, Strasburg FA10/2005
Poster Presentation, Induction of transient cytopenia to detect hematopoietic defects in the mouse., reat Lakes Mammalian Development Meeting, Toronto On. CA05/2005
Platform Presentations, Induction of transient anemia to detect hematopoietic defects in the mouse., International Mammalian Genome Conference, Strasbourg, France10/2004
Poster Presentation, Induction of transient anemia to detect hematopoietic defects in the mouse., Great Lakes Mammalian Development Meeting, Toronto CA05/2004

Committee Service

ZDMS - Early Career Investigator Committee, Co-Chair2023 - Present
CMB - Graduate Commitee, Member2023 - Present