Andrew "A.J." J. Anderson, MD

Andrew "A.J." J. Anderson, MD


SOM-Emergency Medicine


Work Phone:
(601) 984-5572


I was introduced to emergency medicine when I joined the local volunteer fire department. After completing the Emergency Medical Responder program, I began responding to emergency calls to access and stabilize patients until the ambulance could arrive. It was at this time I realized I was hooked on emergency medicine and helping others.

I started working with Metro Ambulance and progressed from a Basic Emergency Medical Technician to a Paramedic and eventually Shift Supervisor. While working as a Paramedic I started teaching at Meridian Community College as an Instructor for their Emergency Medical Technician program. I also started training at the local volunteer fire departments helping train their Emergency Medical Responders.

After realizing I had gone as far as possible in pre-hospital emergency medicine as a Paramedic I decided to go to medical school.

Now I have the opportunity to not only work in the only Level I Trauma Canter in the state as an emergency medicine physician but I also have the opportunity to help train residents on their journey to becoming emergency medicine physicians. In addition, I continue to help train others to work within the pre-hospital environment.


University of Mississippi Medical Center, Emergency Medicine2007
University of Mississippi Medical Center, Internship, Transitional Anesthesiology/Emergency Medicine2004
University of Mississippi School of Medicine, MD, Doctor of Medicine2003
Meridian Community College, Biological Science
Mississippi State, Mechanical Engineering / Marketing
Alabama Fire College, Paramedic, Emergency Medical Technician-Paramedic
University of Southern Mississippi, Biological Sciences/Pre-Medical

Specialty Certification Licensure

Licensure, Mississippi State Board of Medical Licensure2005 - Present
Certification, American Board of Emergency Medicine / Diplomate06/2008 - 12/2028

Current Positions

Deputy08/2022 - Present
Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine2008 - Present
Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine2007 - Present
Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine2007 - Present
The University of Mississippi Medical Center
Jackson, Mississippi 39216

Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments

Major, Mississippi State Guard04/2014 - 04/2019
Special Agent, Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics01/2013 - 03/2022
Tactical Physician, AMR Tactical Response Team2012 - 2013
On Set Medical Consultant for TV Show Full Metal Jousting, School of , Department of Emergency Medicine2011 - 2012
Associate Professor, ACLS Medical Director for University of Mississippi School of Medicine, School of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine2010 - 07/2015
Associate Professor, Assistant Director, Ultrasound Training Program, Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS, School of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine2009 - 07/2018
Assistant Professor, Medical Director, Fast Track, Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS, School of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine2008 - 06/2012
Assistant Professor, Offline Medical Control Director, AirCare Helicopter Transport, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS, School of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine2008 - 2010
Assistant Professor, Simulation Instructor for M4 Medical Students' Emergency Medicine High Fidelity Simulation Training. Medical Advanced Still and Simulation Education Center. University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, School of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine2007 - 07/2018
Assistant Professor, Assistant Clinical Director, Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson MS, School of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine2007 - 2009
Assistant Professor, Medical Director, Paramedic Training Program, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Health Related Professions, School of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine2006 - 2008
Chief Resident, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine2006 - 2007
Emergency Medicine Physician, Jeff Anderson's Regional Medical Center, Meridian, MS, School of , Department of Emergency Medicine2005 - 2008
Rush Foundation Hospital, Meridian, MS, School of , Department of Emergency Medicine2005 - 2007
Paramedic/Supervisor, Metro Ambulance, Meridian, MS, School of , Department of Emergency Medicine1996 - 1999
Paramedic, EmergyStat Ambulance Service, School of , Department of Emergency Medicine1994 - 2000
Instructor, EMT Basic, Meridian Community College, Meridian MS, School of , Department of Emergency Medical Technology1994 - 1998
Sports Trauma Team, Rush Hospital, Meridian, MS, School of , Department of Orthopedic Surgery1994 - 1997
EMT Basic/Intermediate/Paramedic, Metro Ambulance Service, Meridian, MS, School of , Department of Emergency Medicine1992 - 1996
Tool and Die Maker/EDM Operations, Anderson's Tool & Die, Meridian, MS, School of , Department of Manufacturing1990 - 1994
Vice President/Manager, A&J Sports, Meridian and Louisville, MS, School of , Department of Retail Sporting Goods1982 - 1990

Sponsored Program Funding

Extramural, Complexity Analysis Studies of Trauma in the Emergency Department, VICOR Technology10/2010 - 09/2011


Journal Article

Eschete II R., Anderson A. Muzzle blast injuries Visual Journal of Emergency Medicine2024
Vearrier L, Anderson A The Forensics of Gunshot Entry Wounds Visual Journal of Emergency Medicine2023
Anderson A, Tollefson B, Coleman R, Johnson J, Summers RL A comparative study of American football helmet removal techniques using a cadaveric model of cervical spine injury J Miss State Med Assoc. 52:103-105 20112011
Phillips WJ, Anderson A, Rosengreen M, Johson J, Halpin J Propofol versus propofol/ketamine for brief painful procedures in the emergency department: clinical and bispectral index scale comparison J Pain and PalliatCare Pharmacother. 2010; 24:349-3552010
Anderson A, Tollefson B, Coleman R, Johnson J, Summers RL Emergency Department removal of football helmets from athletes with suspected cervical spine fractures: a comparative study of guideline-recommended techniques using a cadaveric model 2008; 52:S125. ACEP Research Forum2008
Morris M, Harrison J, Anderson A, Vanderlan W Cicatrical Cecal Volvulus Secondary to Ectopic Intraperitoneal Biliary Concrements Following Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Accepted by Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery. Accepted for Publication
Pinto M, Anderson A, McKenzie L Potential Injuries to Police Officers Shot in the Chest While Wearing a Level III Ballistic Vest Visual Journal of Emergency Medicine
Volume 37, October 2024, 102150
Jordan A, Anderson A, Vearrier L Dangers of Digital Examination of Gunshot Wounds Visual Journal of Emergency Medicine
Volume 37, October 2024, 102092
Anderson AJ, Pinto M, Vearrier L Ballistics learning lab for emergency residents: Winchester Ranger 9 mm ballistic results Visual Journal of Emergency Medicine2024
Pinto M., Anderson A. The Unpredictability of Ballistic Injuries Visual Journal of Emergency Medicine2023
McLeod J, Vearrier, L, Anderson, A Pericardial effusion with tamponade physiology in a pregnant patient2023


Orledge J, Anderson A, Wilson K, Lerant A, Murray WB, Learning to Place an Intravenous Pacemaker Using a Simulator: Development and Implementation of an Assessment Tool, 12th International Meeting of Society for Simulation in Healthcare, San Diego, CA 20122012
Anderson AJ, Summers RL, Jackson L, Woodward LH Does Cell Phone Use Cause Electromagnetic Interference with the Function of ECG Monitors in the Emergency Department? 2006; Annals of Emergency Medicine; Volume 48, Issue 4, Supplement S; ACEP Research Forum2006


National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Tactical Anatomy & Wound Mangement, Rangemaster, Bandera, TX05/2024
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Traumatic Wound Management, Midsouth Pow Wow, Boondocks FTA04/2024
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, Tactical Anatomy, Rangemaster, Nashville, YN12/2023
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Tactical Combat Casualty Care, Camp Shelby, MS04/2016
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Ultrasound Lab Work Shop, Southeastern Emergency Medicine Annual Conference, New Orleans04/2016
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Skin & Soft Tissue Infection, Southeastern Emergency Medicine Annual Conference, New Orleans04/2016
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Urology for the Non-Urologist, Southeastern Emergency Medicine Annual Conference, New Orleans04/2016
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Eye Emergencies, Southeastern Emergency Medicine Annual Conference, New Orleans04/2016
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Cadaver Lab Work Shop, Southeastern Emergency Medicine Annual Conference, New Orleans04/2016
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Airway Lab Work Shop, Southeastern Emergency Medicine Annual Conference, New Orleans04/2016
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Gallbladder Ultrasound Introduction, South Eastern Emergency Medicine Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA05/2015
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Before The Disaster, South Eastern Emergency Medicine Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA05/2015
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Airway Tips & Tricks, South Eastern Emergency Medicine Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA05/2015
Regional Invited Seminars/Lectures, Cadaver Lab, South Eastern Emergency Medicine Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA05/2015
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Introduction to Disaster Preparedness, Mississippi State Guard, Camp Shelby, MS04/2015
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Ballistics, 2014 East Central Mississippi Trauma and Emergency Medicine Symposium, Meridian, MS05/2014
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Why Do SWAT Teams Need a Medic?, Mississippi Tactical Officers Assn - SWAT Competition, Meridian, MS10/2012
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, The scene is definitely NOT SAFE!! Crossing the line into the world of Tactical Medicine, Mississippians for EMS, Pearl River Resort Convention Center10/2012
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, "Tricks of the Trade", American Medical Response Ambulance12/2011
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, "Drowning on Land; CHF Exacerbation", Mississippians for Emergency Medical Services, Pearl River Resort Convention Center10/2011
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, "Tricks of the Trade", Mississippians for Emergency Medical Services, Pearl River Resort Convention Center10/2011
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, "Crashes & Smashes, responding to motorcycle crashes", First Responder Association's Rescue Day, Lauderdale County05/2011
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, "Prehospital Airway Management", Hinds CC Paramedic Program12/2010
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, "The Role for Tactical EMS", Lauderdale County First Responder Association's Rescue Day, Lauderdale County10/2010
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, "Things that bite & sting", Lauderdale County First Responder Association's Rescue Day, Lauderdale County06/2010
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Tactical Medicine, Ballistics, and Traumatic Injuries, Lauderdale County First Responder Association's Rescue Day, Lauderdale County10/2009
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, "Tactical medicine, ballistics, and traumatic injuries", Lauderdale County First Responder Association's Rescue Day, Lauderdale Count10/2009
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Guest Lecture for Critical Care Transport Course, Holmes Community College, Holmes Community10/2009
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Tactical Medicine for Paramedics and Law Enforcement, Specialized Emergency Response Training, Meridian/Lauderdale County Training Facility2009
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, The ABCs of an MVC, Mississippians for Emergency Medical Services, Philadelphia, MS10/2008
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, "The ABC's of an MVC", Mississippians for Emergency Medicine Services10/2008
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, "Why do we need to click it?", Mississippi Public Safety Officers05/2008
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, "The ABCs of an MVC", Lauderdale County First Responder Association's Rescue Day, Lauderdale County04/2008

Honors, Awards, and Recognition

Most TeleMed Patients Seen for the Quarter, UMMC Adult Emergency Department2022
Most TeleMed Patients Seen for the Quarter, UMMC Adult Emergency Department2022
Most TeleMed Patients Seen for the Quarter, UMMC Adult Emergency Department2021
Heartbeat Award, UMMC Adult Emergency Department2019
Heartbeat Award, UMMC Adult Emergency Department2019
The Robert C. Jorden Excellence in Teaching Award2009
Research Award, Department of Emergency Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine2007
ACLS Instructor Appreciation, American Heart Association2004
Outstanding Biology Student of the Year, Meridian Community College1997
Emergency Medical Responder of the Year, Lauderdale County EMR Association1995
Emergency Medical Responder of the Year, Lauderdale County EMR Association1994

Professional Membership and Service

National Tactical Officers Association, Member2016 - Present
Mississippi Tennessee Tactical Officer’s Association, Member2014 - Present
American College of Emergency Physicians, Fellow2010 - Present
Specialized Emergency Response Training, Tactical Medic Instructor, Tactical Medic Instructor for Specialized Emergency Response Training2009 - 2017
American Academy of Emergency Medicine, Fellow2008 - 2018
American Board of Emergency Medicine, Diplomate2008 - 2028
Central Medical Society, Member2008 - 2018
Mississippi State Medical Association, Member, Mississippi State Medical Association2008 - 2018
National Association of EMS Physicians, Member, National Association of EMS Physicians2008 - Present
Society of Academic Emergency Medicine, Member2006 - 2018
American Medical Association, Member2005 - Present
Emergency Medicine Residents Association, Member, Emergency Medicine Residents Association2004 - 2007
ADLS Instructor, National Disaster Life Support Educaiton Consortium, Teaching, National Disaster Life Support Education Consortium2004 - 2019
BDLS, National Disaster Life Support Education Consortium, Teaching, National Disaster Life Support Education Consortium2004 - 2019
American College of Emergency Physicians, Member, American College of Emergency Physicians2001 - 2010
Emergency Medicine Interest Group, Member2001 - 2003
Athletic Training Emergency Care Instructor, Teaching, Athletic Training Emergency Care Instructor1995 - 1998
BLS Instructor, American Heart Association, Teaching, BLS Instructor, American Heart Association1994 - 1999
Emergency Medical Responder Training Officer, Teaching, Emergency Medical Responder Training Officer, Volunteer FD, Suqualena, MS1994 - 1996
National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians-Paramedic, Paramedic, National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians-Paramedic1994 - 2022
Certified Rural Firefighter, Member, Mississippi Fire Academy1992 - 1999
Mississippi Firefighers Association, Mississippi Firefighers Association1992 - 1999
Mississippi Firefighters Association, Member1992 - 1994
Lauderdale County Emergency Medical Responders Association, Lauderdale County Emergency Medical Responders Association, Meridian MS1991 - 1999

Committee Service

Central Mississippi EMS Board of Directors, Medical Director2007 - Present

Community Service

LCSD High Risk Warrant, Medical Standby11/2024 - 11/2024
LCSD High Risk Warrant, Medical Standby08/2024 - 08/2024
LCSD High Risk Warrant, Medical Standby04/2024 - 04/2024
LCSD High Risk Warrant, Medical Standby04/2024 - 04/2024
Mississippi Tactical Officers Assn. SWAT Competition, Medical Standby10/2022 - 10/2022
Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics SWAT Selection Medical Training, Instructor07/2022 - 07/2022
Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics Firearm Training, Medical Stanby10/2021 - 10/2021
Mississippi Tactical Officers Assn. SWAT Competition, Medical Standby10/2021 - 10/2021
FBI Operation Red Diamond, Medical Stand By05/2021 - 05/2021
MBN/MHP High Risk Warrant, Medical Stand By01/2021 - 01/2021
MBN/MHP Stand by During Inauguration., Medical Stand By01/2021 - 01/2021
MBN/MHP High Risk Warrant, Medical Standby10/2020 - 10/2020
US Marshals High Risk Warrant, Medical Stand By09/2020 - 09/2020
Hinds CC Paramedic Mega Code, Examiner07/2020 - 07/2020
MBN/MHP High Risk Warrant, Medical Standby03/2020 - 03/2020
Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics SWAT Selection, Medical Standby03/2020 - 03/2020
FBI Shoot House SWAT Training, Medical Standby11/2019 - 11/2019
President Trump Executive Protection Detail, Medical Standby11/2019 - 11/2019
Mississippi Tactical Officers Association SWAT Competition, Medical Standby10/2019 - 10/2019
MBN/MHP Hostage Callout, Medical Standby08/2019 - 08/2019
MBN/DeSoto SO SWAT Training, Medical Standby08/2019 - 08/2019
Hinds CC Paramedic Mega Code, Examiner07/2019 - 07/2019
MBN/MHP High Risk Warrant, Medical Standby06/2019 - 06/2019
Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics SWAT Selection, Medical Standby04/2019 - 04/2019
Hinds CC Paramedic Accreditation, Participant04/2019 - 04/2019
Hinds CC EMS Advisory Meeting, Participant03/2019 - 03/2019
MBN/MHP Hostage Callout, Medical Standby02/2019 - 02/2019
President Trump Executive Protection Detail, Medical Standby12/2018 - 12/2018
U.S. Marshalls - High Risk Warrant, Medical Standby10/2018 - 10/2018
Federal Bureau of Investigation - Operation Red Diamond, Medical Standby08/2018 - 08/2018
Hinds CC Paramedic Mega Code, Examiner07/2018 - 07/2018
Hinds CC EMS Advisory Meeting, Participant04/2018 - 04/2018
Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics High Risk Warrant Detail, Medical Standby03/2018 - 03/2018
President Trump Executive Protection Detail, Medical Standby12/2017 - 12/2017
Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics High Risk Warrant Detail, Medical Standby10/2017 - 10/2017
Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics SWAT Selection, Medical Stanby09/2017 - 09/2017
Mississippi Highway Patrol Special Operations Group/SWAT Detail - Tupelo, Medical Standby07/2016 - 07/2016
Hinds CC Paramedic Mega Code Final Exam, Instructor07/2016 - 07/2016
Explosive Breaching with Mississippi Dept. of Public Safety SWAT Teams, Medical Standby07/2016 - 07/2016
Advance Disaster Life Support, Lab Instructor02/2016 - 02/2016
2016 Mississippi Governor's Inauguration Security Detail, Medical Standby01/2016 - 01/2016
Federal Bureau of Investigation's Operation Bite Back, Medical Standby12/2015 - 12/2015
Tactical Medic Instructor for Meridian Community College/SERT, Instructor11/2015 - 11/2015
Hinds CC - Paramedic Airway Training, Instructor09/2015 - 09/2015
Drug Diversion in Hospitals and Clinics for Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics, Lecturer09/2015 - 09/2015
Hinds CC - Paramedic Mega Code, Instructor07/2015 - 07/2015
Mississippi Highway Patrol SWAT Tryouts, Medical Stand By07/2015 - 07/2015
Hinds CC - Paramedic Tips & Tricks, Lecturer06/2015 - 06/2015
Advance Disaster Life Support, Lab Presenter05/2015 - 05/2015
Mississippi Law Enforcement Officer Training Academy - Tactical Medic Training, Lecturer01/2015 - 01/2015
AMR ParaMedic Sim Lab, Lab Instructor11/2014 - 11/2014
Meridian CC - Advance Tactical Medic Training, Lecturer/Trainer10/2014 - 10/2014
Mississippi SWAT Sniper Competiton, Medical Stand By10/2014 - 10/2014
Advance Disaster Life Support, Lab Presenter10/2014 - 10/2014
Hinds CC Paramedic Mega Code Final Exam, Examiner07/2014 - 07/2014
Hinds CC Paramedic Disaster Training, Preceptor/Trainer07/2014 - 07/2014
Mississippi State Guard, Major/Physician04/2014 - 04/2019
Tactical Medic Instructor for Specialized Emergency Response Training (MCC), Lecturer02/2014 - 02/2014
Advance Disaster Life Support, Lab Presenter02/2014 - 02/2014
U.S. Marshals High Risk Warrant Detail, Medical Standby12/2013 - 12/2013
AMR ParaMedic Sim Lab, Lab Instructor12/2013 - 12/2013
Tactical Medic Instructor for Specialized Emergency Response Training (MCC), Instructor11/2013 - 11/2013
AMR ParaMedic Sim Lab, Lab Instructor11/2013 - 11/2013
AMR ParaMedic Sim LAb, Lab Instructor11/2013 - 11/2013
How to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse, Lecturer10/2013 - 10/2013
Advance Disaster Life Support, Lab Presenter10/2013 - 10/2013
Hind CC Paramedic Airway Training, Lecturer09/2013 - 09/2013
Mississippi ACEP - Introduction to UltraSound, Lecturer08/2013 - 08/2013
Hinds CC Paramedic Mega Code Final Exam, Examiner07/2013 - 07/2013
Hinds CC Paramedic Mega Code Training, Examiner07/2013 - 07/2013
Tactical Medic Instructor for Specialized Emergency Response Training (MCC), Instructor06/2013 - 06/2013
Tactical Medic Training for Mississippi Homeland Security (Tunica), Instructor05/2013 - 05/2013
Medical Stand By for National and State Tactical SWAT Teams-Training and Participation (30 hours/year), Medical Physician and Tactical Medical Training Officer01/2013 - 12/2015
Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics, Special Agent01/2013 - 03/2022
AMR Paramedic Sim Lab Course, Instructor12/2012 - 12/2012
State EMS Performance Improvement, Participant in revising the EMS Protocols for the State12/2012 - 12/2012
Tactical Medic Training - Meridian Community College Work Force Program, Instructor12/2012 - 12/2012
AMR Paramedic Sim Lab Course, Instructor11/2012 - 11/2012
Multijurisdictional Counterdrug Task Force Training Operation, Stand By for Medical Coverage11/2012 - 11/2012
Federal Bureau of Investigation / Rankin County SWAT Tactical Medic Training, Medical Consultant07/2012 - 07/2012
Tactical Medic Training with Mid-Mississippi Strike Force Team, Medical Consultant06/2012 - 06/2012
Tactical Medic Training - Pearl, MS, Instructor02/2012 - 02/2012
Tactical Medic Training - Meridian, MS, Instructor10/2011 - 10/2011
Tactical Medic Training for Mississippi Homeland Security - Southaven, MS, Instructor03/2011 - 03/2011
Tactical Medic Training for Mississippi Homeland Security - Tupelo, MS, Instructor02/2011 - 02/2011
AMR Paramedic Skills Refresher, Instructor11/2010 - 12/2010
Advance Tactical Medic Training - Multi-Agency Training, Instructor06/2010 - 06/2010
Tactical Medic Training - Lauderdale County Training Facility, Instructor11/2009 - 11/2009
Critical Care Transport Course, Proctor for Final Exam09/2009 - 09/2009
Mississippi Children's Museum Educational Fair, Chair of the Trauma Skit03/2009 - 04/2009
Critical Care Transportation Course, Proctor for Final Exam02/2009 - 02/2009
Tactical Medic Instructor for Specialized Emergency Response Training, Instructor01/2009 - 01/2009
Mississippi Children's Museum Educational Fair, Chair of the Trauma Skit03/2008 - 04/2008
U.S. Army HazMat Team, Participant in Training Scenario for the U.S. Army HazMat Team03/2008 - 03/2008
Paramedic Training Program, Hinds Community College, Medical Director2008 - Present
Central Mississippi Emergency Medical Services District, Off-line Medical Control Director2007 - Present
Advance Pediatric Life Support, American Academcy of Pediatrics/American College of Emergency Physicians, Instructor2007 - 2009
National Disaster Life Support Education Consortium, ADLS Instructor2004 - 12/2019
National Disaster Life Support Education Consortium, BDLS Instructor2004 - 12/2019
Advance Trauma Life Support, ACS Committee on Trauma, Instructor Candidate2004 - 2009
PALS Instructor, American Heart Association, Instructor2004 - 2006
ACLS Experienced Provider Instructor, American Heart Association, Instructor2003 - 2009
Athletic Training Emergency Care Instructor1995 - 1998
BLS Instructor, American Heart Association1994 - 1999
Emergency Medical Responder Training Officer, Volunteer FD, Suqualena, MS1994 - 1999
Certified Rural Firefighter, Mississippi Fire Academy1992 - 1999
Emergency Medical Responder, Volunteer FD, Suqualena, MS1991 - 1999

Other Service

AMR Offshore Medical Control, Participated in meetings helping define the role of training future Offshore Medical Officers2011 - 12/2015
ACLS Medical Director, School of Medicine2010 - 07/2015
EMS Fellowship, Participated in meetings to help develop an EMS Fellowship2010 - 2012
Ultrasound Training Program, Assistant Director2009 - 12/2015
Ultrasound billing, Participated and helped develop the protocols for billing for ultrasounds in the emergency department2009 - 2012
AirCare Expansion, Participant in meetings in Meridian regarding AirCare's Expansion2009 - 12/2009
Medical Director, Rapid Track2008 - 07/2012
UMMC Emergency Medicine Website Development, Helped redesigned UMMC Emergency Medicine Website2008 - 07/2008
Off-line Medical Control Director, AirCare2008 - 2010
Simulation Instructor for M4s, School of Medicine2007 - 12/2017
Assistant Clinical Director, Emergency Medicine2007 - 2010
UMMC Emergency Medicine Podcasts, Recorded, Edited and Published Emergency Medicine Podcast to iTunes2007 - 2009
Paramedic Training Program, School of Health Related Professions, Medical Director2006 - 2009

Teaching Experience

SHRP, Lecture, Lecturer, Tactical Emergency Casualty Care​ for Law EnforcementSpring 2025 - 2025
SHRP, Lecture, Lecturer, Tactical Emergency Casualty CareSpring 2025 - 2025
Medicine, Lab, Lab Presenter, Ballistics Experimental Learning LabSummer 2024 - 2024
Medicine, Small Group, Course Director, ATLSSummer 2023 - 2023
Medicine, Small Group, Course Director, ATLSSummer 2023 - 2023
Medicine, Small Group, Lab Presenter, OPEM - Basic Airway LabSummer 2023 - 2023
Medicine, Lab, Lab Presenter, Ballistics Experimental Learning LabSummer 2023 - 2023
Medicine, Small Group, Lab Presenter, Introduction to Tactical Medicine EquipmentSummer 2023 - 2023
Medicine, Small Group, Lab Presenter, Safe Firearm Handling for Tactical MedicineFall 2023 - 2023
Medicine, Small Group, Lecturer, Calling Consultants and Managing Pain in the EDSpring 2022 - 2022
Medicine, Small Group, Lecturer, Advance Trauma Life SupportSummer 2022 - 2022
Medicine, Small Group, Lecturer, Advance Trauma Life SupportSummer 2022 - 2022
Medicine, Lab Presenter, Ballistics Experimental Learning LabSummer 2022 - 2022
Medicine, Small Group, Lecturer, OPEM - Basic Airway LabSummer 2022 - 2022
Medicine, Small Group, Lab Presenter, Advance Trauma Life SupportSummer 2021 - 2021
Medicine, Small Group, Lecturer, Advance Trauma Life SupportSummer 2021 - 2021
Medicine, Lab, Lab Director, Ballistics Experimental Learning LabSummer 2021 - 2021
Medicine, Small Group, Lecturer, Airway LabSummer 2021 - 2021
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Ballistics LectureSummer 2021 - 2021
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Advance Trauma Life SupportSummer 2020 - 2020
Medicine, Small Group, Lecturer, Advance Trauma Life SupportSummer 2020 - 2020
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Wound Packing and TourniquetsSummer 2020 - 2020
Graduate, Small Group, Lab Presenter, Basic Airway LabSummer 2020 - 2020
Medicine, Small Group, Lecturer, ATLSSummer 2019 - 2019
Graduate, Small Group, Lab Presenter, Basic Airway LabSummer 2019 - 2019
Graduate, Small Group, Lab Presenter, Advance Trauma Life SupportSummer 2018 - 2018
Medicine, Small Group, Co-Course Director, ATLSFall 2018 - 2018
Medicine, Small Group, Co-Course Director, ATLS - InstructorFall 2018 - 2018
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Neck & Upper Airway EmergenciesSummer 2017 - 2017
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Seizures & Status EpilepticusSummer 2017 - 2017
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Upper GI BleedSpring 2016 - 2016
Graduate, Lecture, Lecturer, Advance Trauma Life SupportSummer 2016 - 2016
Graduate, Small Group, Lecturer, Advance Trauma Life SupportSummer 2016 - 2016
Medicine, Lab, Lab Presenter, OPEM - Basic Airway LabSummer 2016 - 2016
Medicine, Lab, Lab Presenter, OPEM - Advance Airway LabSummer 2016 - 2016
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, OPEM - Introduction to Gallbladder UltrasoundSummer 2016 - 2016
Medicine, Lab, Lab Presenter, OPEM - Gallbladder Ultrasound TrainingSummer 2016 - 2016
Medicine, Lab, Lab Presenter, OPEM - FAST Exam UltrasoundSummer 2016 - 2016
Medicine, Small Group, Lecturer, EMS Base Station TrainingSpring 2015 - 2014
Physician Assistant, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Fractures in Emergency MedicineFall 2015 - 2015
Medicine, Small Group, Lab Presenter, OPEM - Basic Airway LabFall 2015 - 2015
Medicine, Small Group, Lab Presenter, OPEM - Advance Airway LabFall 2015 - 2015
Medicine, Small Group, Lab Presenter, OPEM - FAST Exam UltrasoundFall 2015 - 2015
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, OPEM - Introduction to Gallbladder UltrasoundFall 2015 - 2015
Medicine, Small Group, Lab Director, OPEM - Gallbladder Ultrasound TrainingFall 2015 - 2015
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Ballistics & ForensicsFall 2015 - 2015
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, UltraSound in the WildernessSpring 2014 - 2014
Medicine, Small Group, Grader, PGY4 Mock OralsSpring 2014 - 2014
Millsaps College Physician Assistant, Lecture, Lecturer, Fracture ManagementSummer 2014 - 2014
Medicine, Small Group, Grader, PGY4 Mock OralsSpring 2013 - 2013
Medicine, Small Group, Lecturer, The ED PatientSummer 2013 - 2013
Medicine, Small Group, Lecturer, Basic & Advance Airway Lab for InternsSummer 2013 - 2013
Medicine, Lecturer, Advanced Airway Skills LabSummer 2013 - 2013
Medicine, Small Group, Lecturer, Sedation Simulation & Procedural SedationSummer 2013 - 2013
Medicine, Small Group, Preceptor, Cadaver LabSummer 2013 - 2013
Medicine, Small Group, Lab Presenter, Dirty Dozen Sim Lab for InternsSummer 2013 - 2013
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Defibrillation and CardioversionSummer 2013 - 2013
Millsaps College Physician Assistant, Lecture, Lecturer, Head & Neck LectureSummer 2013 - 2013
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Introduction to Pre-Hospital EMSSummer 2013 - 2013
Medicine, Small Group, Lecturer, EMS Base Station TrainingSummer 2013 - 2013
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Acute Abdominal PainFall 2013 - 2013
Medicine, Small Group, Instructor, Cadaver LabSummer 2012
Medicine, Lab, Lab Presenter, Introduction to Ultrasound for PGY1’sSummer 2012
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Abdominal TraumaSpring 2012
Medicine, Lab, Sim Lab Instructor, Airway Lab ResidentsSpring 2012
Medicine, Small Group, Instructor, Cadaver LabSpring 2012
Medicine, Small Group, Lecturer, CHF/A-Fib Small Group DiscussionSpring 2012
Medicine, Small Group, Examiner, Mock Oral ExamsSpring 2012
Medicine, Small Group, Lecturer, Shock Small Group DiscussionSpring 2012
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Elderly Abdominal PainFall 2011
Medicine, Small Group, Examiner, Mock Oral ExamFall 2011
Medicine, Small Group, Examiner, Mock Oral ExamFall 2011
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Pediatric URIFall 2011
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Tips & Tricks for Emergency MedicineFall 2011
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, HazMat and DeconSummer 2011
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, History of EMSSummer 2011
Medicine, Lecture, Examiner, Mock Oral ExamSummer 2011
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Online Medical ControlSummer 2011
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Pain Management in the EDSummer 2011
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, DKA & HONKSpring 2011
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, EMTALASpring 2011
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Pain Management in the EDSpring 2011
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Pediatric Abdominal PainSpring 2011
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Pediatric FeverSpring 2011
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Procedural SedationSpring 2011
Medicine, Small Group, Lecturer, Ultrasound TrainingSpring 2011
Medicine, Lab, Sim Lab Instructor, Advance Disaster Life Support ProgramFall 2010
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, M2 Pharmacy scenario based Sim Lab casesFall 2010
Medicine, Small Group, Sim Lab Instructor, Advance Airway training for PGY2'sSummer 2010
Medicine, Lab, Lab Presenter, Airway Anatomy & Eval for PGY1's in Sim LabSummer 2010
Medicine, Small Group, Sim Lab Instructor, Basic Airway Training for PGY2'sSummer 2010
Medicine, Small Group, Lab Presenter, Central Lines with Ultrasound for PGY2'sSummer 2010
Medicine, Lab, Lab Presenter, Central Lines with UTZ for PGY1'sSummer 2010
Medicine, Lab, Sim Lab Instructor, Cric / Thoracotomy / Chest Tube for PGY1's in Sim LabSummer 2010
Medicine, Lab, Lab Presenter, Introduction to Ultrasound for PGY2'sSummer 2010
Medicine, Lab, Lab Presenter, Introduction to Ultrasound of Vaginal & Aorta for PGY2'sSummer 2010
Medicine, Lab, Lab Presenter, Introductory Ultrasound Training for PGY1'sSummer 2010
Medicine, Small Group, Lecturer, Mock Oral Exam; Pulmonary CasesSummer 2010
Medicine, Lab, Sim Lab Instructor, Advance Disaster Life Support ProgramSpring 2010
Medicine, Small Group, Lab Presenter, Cadaver Lab for Senior ResidentsSpring 2010
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Pediatric Abdominal PainSpring 2010
Medicine, Lab, Sim Lab instructor, Primary Care Day for School of MedicineSpring 2010
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Procedural SedationSpring 2010
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, EMTALAWinter 2010
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, OB/Gyn UltrasoundWinter 2010
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Trauma in PregnancyWinter 2010
Medicine, Small Group, Examiner, Mock Oral Exams for ResidentsFall 2009
Medicine, Small Group, Examiner, Mock Oral Exams for ResidentsFall 2009
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, UltraSound LectureFall 2009
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Why do Emergency MedicineFall 2009
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Computer Tips and TricksSummer 2009
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Controlling the Airway in the EDSummer 2009
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, EMTALASummer 2009
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Name This Infection; Skin and Soft Tissue InfectionsSpring 2009
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Pediatric Abdominal PainSpring 2009
Medicine, Small Group, Sim Lab Instructor, Sim Lab TeleMedicine Nurse PractionersSpring 2009
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Mediastinal Anatomy & PathologyFall 2008
Medicine, Lab, Sim Lab Instructor, Sim Lab for Advance Disaster Life Support ProgramFall 2008
Medicine, Small Group, Lecturer, AirCare Lecture and Training for Arterial LinesSummer 2008
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Abdominal Pain Lecture for Medical StudentsSpring 2008
Medicine, Lab, Sim Lab Instructor, Sim Lab for Advance Disaster Life Support ProgramSpring 2008
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Procedural Sedation OverviewWinter 2008
Medicine, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Procedural Sedation Overview for Nursing StaffWinter 2008
Medicine, Lecture, Lecturer, Computer Tips and Tricks for ResidentsSummer 2007

Directed Student Learning

Supervised Teaching Activity, Advised: Matthew Boyte, Mike Robinson2015 - 2016
Supervised Teaching Activity, Advised: Jason Wheat, Matthew Jackson2014 - 2015
Supervised Teaching Activity, Advised: Victoria Purvis, Jared White2013 - 2014
Supervised Teaching Activity, Advised: Heather Hurdle, Mary O'Hear2012 - 2013
Supervised Teaching Activity, Advised: Travis Scharr, Josh Roark2011 - 2012
Supervised Teaching Activity, Advised: Joseph Verzwyvelt, Matthew Smith2008 - 2009
Supervised Teaching Activity, Advised: Brett Bennett, John Tullos2007 - 2008

Residency Training

Emergency Medicine, Training Faculty2007 - Present