Osayande Agbonlahor, MD, PhD, MPH

Osayande Agbonlahor, MD, PhD, MPH

Assistant Professor-Research

SPH-Dept Preventive Medicine


Work Phone:
(601) 984-2704


Dr. Osayande Agbonlahor is an assistant professor in the Department of Preventive Medicine at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. Dr. Agbonlahor received his medical degree in the Caribbean, his Master of Public Health degree from Central Michigan University, and his doctoral degree in public health sciences specializing in health promotion and behavioral sciences from the University of Louisville. His research areas of interest focus on addressing cardiometabolic disease morbidity and mortality among structurally marginalized communities, health and health care equity, community-based participatory research, and substance use control. He joined the University of Mississippi Medical Center faculty in September 2024


University of Louisville, PhD, Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences2024
Central Michigan University, MPH, Public Health2020
All Saints University College of Medicine, MD, Medicine2017

Current Positions

Assistant Professor, School of Population Health, Department of Preventive Medicine09/2024 - Present
The University of Mississippi Medical Center
Jackson, Mississippi 39216

Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments

Instructor, University of Louisville, Department of Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences01/2024 - 04/2024


Journal Article

Agbonlahor O, Gamble A, Compretta C, Mann JR, Bidwell J, Williams BD. Provider Lifestyle Counseling among Adults with Cardiometabolic Disease Diagnosis differs by Sociodemographic Characteristics and Lifestyle Modification: NHANES 2017-2020. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine. 2025; 28:15598276251316850.2025
Richardson MK, Mattingly DT, Agbonlahor O, Hart JL, McLeish AC, Walker KL Disparities in daily anxiety symptoms and current exclusive and dual cigarette and electronic vaping product use among U.S adults. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. 2025.2025
Mattingly DT, Booty MD, Agbonlahor O, Fleischer NL. Racial and ethnic discrimination and DSM-5 substance use disorders among U.S. adults. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. 2025; 15.2025
Mattingly DT, Agbonlahor O, Hart JL. Sociodemographic Disparities in Everyday Discrimination among a National Sample of Adults in the United States, 2023. Preventive Medicine Reports 2024; 22(49):102956.2024
Agbonlahor O, Mattingly DT, Richardson, MK, Hart JL, McLeish AC, Walker KL. Lifestyle Factors and Associations with Individual and Comorbid Cardiometabolic and Pulmonary Disease among U.S. Adults. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2024; 21(12):1674.2024
Agbonlahor O, Mattingly DT, Hart JL, McLeish AC, Walker KL. Health Care Provider E-Cigarette-Related Advice and E-Cigarette Harm Perceptions Among Youth. American Journal of Health Promotion. 2024; 20:8901171241301971.2024
Tomlinson MM, Kerstiens S, Smith C, Agbonlahor O, Clarke J, Vincent K, Walker KL, McLeish AC, Keith RJ, Smith T, Yeager RA, Wood LA, Bhatnagar A, Hart JL. The association between perceived neighborhood safety and cardiovascular disease risk factors. Psychology, Health and Medicine. 2024; 3:1-12.2024
Richardson, MK, Agbonlahor O, Hart JL, Mattingly DT. Extensive social media use and frequency of current e-cigarette use among U.S Youth. Drug and Alcohol Dependence Reports. 2024,12:100266.2024
Mattingly DT, Agbonlahor O, Richardson, MK, Rayens MK, Rose SW, Hart JL. Factors Associated with Disposable Electronic Cigarette Use among US Youth: A National Repeated Cross-sectional Study, 2021-2022. Addiction 2024 July 23.2024
Mattingly DT, Agbonlahor O, Hart JL, McLeish AC, Walker KL. Psychological Distress and Cannabis Vaping among U.S Adolescents. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2023; 66(3):534-539.2023
Agbonlahor O, Mattingly DT, Rai J, Hart JL, McLeish AC, Walker KL. Differences in Health Care Provider Screening for Tobacco Use among Youth in the United States: The National Youth Tobacco Survey, 2021. Preventive Medicine 2023; 175:107718.2023
Agbonlahor O, Mattingly DT, Hart JL, Rai J, McLeish AC, Walker KL. Differences in Health Care Provider Advice on Abstaining from Tobacco Product Use: Findings from the 2020 National Youth Tobacco Survey. Addictive Behaviors 2023; 144:107726.2023
Agbonlahor O, DeJarnett N, Hart JL, Bhatnagar A, McLeish AC, Walker KL. Racial/Ethnic Discrimination and Cardiometabolic Diseases: A Systematic Review. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities 2023; 28:1-25.2023
Mattingly DT, Agbonlahor O, Rai J, McLeish AC, Walker KL, Hart JL. Harm Perceptions of Secondhand E-Cigarette Aerosol among Youth in the United States. Addictive Behaviors 2023; 137:107535.2023
Agbonlahor O, Osasuyi O, Mustapha T. Health Care Provider Lifestyle Modification Advice for Adults with Hypertension in the United States. European Journal of Environment and Public Health 2023;7(3): em0133.2023
Agbonlahor O, Vincent K, Wood LA, Tomlinson MM, Kerstiens S, Clarke J, McLeish AC, Walker KL, Hart JL. Readability of Online Information on Nature and Mental Health. Population Medicine 2022; 4(November):30.2022
Wood LA, Agbonlahor O, Tomlinson MM, Kerstiens S, Vincent K, McLeish AC, Walker KL, Hart JL. Readability of Online E-cigarette Cessation Information. Tobacco Induced Diseases 2022; 20(June):53.2022
Agbonlahor O, Rai J, Mattingly DT, Walker KL, Hart JL Cardiovascular Disease Risk Perceptions and Tobacco Use among Appalachian Youth Population Medicine 2021; 3(November):32.2021
Agbonlahor O, Osasuyi O Gender and Racial Differences in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Twin Study. Journal of Health, Medicine, and Nursing 2021; 91(1):1-10.2021
Mattingly DT, Rai J, Agbonlahor O, Walker KL, Hart JL Tobacco Use Status and Temptation to Try E-Cigarettes among a Sample of Appalachian Youth International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021, 18, 6755.2021


Walker K.L, McLeish A.C, Agbonlahor O., Tomlinson M.M., Wood L.A., Vincent K., Kerstiens S., Clarke J., Garfinkle Plymesser E., & Hart J.L. Vaping realities: Views from youth. Circulation 2022; 146: A13408.


Agbonlahor O, Wendel ML, Williams KA, Kerr J, Karimi SM. Assessing the relationship between racism in medicine, medical mistrust and cardiovascular disease among Black Americans

Book Chapter

Agbonlahor O, Ameh G, and Inungu J. Chapter 21: Program Planning Models and Theories. In J.Inungu and M.Minelli (Eds). Foundations of Rural Public Health in America (1st Ed., pp 397-422), 2021. Jones and Bartlett Learning, Burlington, MA, U.S.A2021


Poster Presentation, Post-traumatic stress disorder and risks of chronic fatigue syndrome, A twin study., Annual research symposium of the Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow College of Health Professions
Poster Presentation, Sex discordance and risks of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults, A twin study, Annual research symposium of the Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow College of Health Professions
Poster Presentation, An exploratory investigation of fibromyalgia diagnosis among adults with depression, A twin study., Annual research symposium of the Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow College of Health Professions
Poster Presentation, Infectious mononucleosis and risks of multiple sclerosis, A twin study., Annual research symposium of the Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow College of Health Professions
Paper presentation, Youth engagement to stop vaping: Hope in action., Annual meeting of the Southern States Communication Association
Paper presentation, Youth Vaping: Seeing through the Clouds, Annual meeting of the Kentucky Communication Association
Paper Presentation, Communication and Community Engagement: Green Heart Louisvilleā€™s Youth Art and Literature Showcase, Annual meeting of the Kentucky Communication Association
Paper Presentation, Readability of Online Vaping Information: Gobbledygook or Great?, Annual meeting of the Tobacco Regulatory Science
Poster Presentation, Readability of vaping information on the web, 28th annual meeting of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, Baltimore, MD.
Poster Presentation, An end to ENDS: Youth-led initiatives, 28th annual meeting of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, Baltimore, MD
Oral Presentation, Community engagement and research translation: VapeRace Youth Advisory Council, Annual meeting of the American Heart Association Tobacco Center for Regulatory Science
Paper presentation, The race to embrace: Engaging youth, employees, and community members., Annual meeting of the Kentucky Communication Association, Louisville, Kentucky
Paper presentation, Citizen science and youth vaping, Annual meeting of the Kentucky Communication Association, Louisville, Kentucky
Poster Presentation, Vaping realities: Views from youth, Annual scientific sessions of the American Heart Association, Chicago, Illinois
Poster Presentation, Community engagement and research translation at the ULSRC., Superfund Research Program 35th anniversary annual meeting, Raleigh, North Carolina
Poster Presentation, Green Heart Louisville Community Engagement, University of Louisville Community Engagement Academy, Louisville, Kentucky
Poster Presentation, Community engagement and research translation at the ULSRC., 7th Annual Environmental Justice Conference, West Jefferson County Community Task Force/NAACP, Louisville, Kentucky
Poster Presentation, Youth engagement to confront the vaping epidemic and discourage electronic cigarette use., Research! Louisville annual conference
Poster Presentation, Sex and racial/ethnic disparities in associations between daily depression and daily cigarette use among US adults, Annual American Public Health Association Meeting and Expo, Atlanta, Georgia
Poster Presentation, Associations between health care provider advice to abstain from using e-cigarettes and e-cigarette harm perceptions among youth in the United States, Annual meeting of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, Edinburgh, Scotland
Poster Presentation, Substance use and cardiovascular disease among U.S adults: Findings from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2017-2018, Annual meeting of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, Edinburgh, Scotland
Poster Presentation, Racial/ethnic disparities in daily anxiety and daily ENDS use among US adults: The National Health Interview Survey, 2020-2022., Annual meeting of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, Edinburgh, Scotland
Poster Presentation, Perceived racism and discrimination and current and daily tobacco use outcomes among US adolescents, American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Poster Presentation, Factors associated with dual and polytobacco use among US adults, 2020-2022., American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Honors, Awards, and Recognition

Graduate Research Assistantship, Christina Lee Brown Envirome Institute2020
Graduate Research Assistantship, American Heart Association VapeRace Center2020

Professional Membership and Service

American Public Health Association, Member
Royal Society for Public Health, Member

Committee Service

School of Population Health Honors and Awards Committee, Member
Preventive Medicine Residency Admissions Committee, Member

Community Service

South Louisville Community Ministries, Volunteer07/2022 - 06/2023
Cloverleaf Neighborhood Association, Member, Volunteer08/2020 - 01/2024
Mid-Michigan Community Action Agency, Volunteer10/2018 - 10/2018
Ponders End Rural Clinic, Volunteer09/2016 - 09/2016

Other Service

BMC Public Health
Frontiers in Public Health
American Journal of Health Promotion

Teaching Experience

Medicine, Course, Instructor, Lifestyle Medicine Residency CurriculumSpring 2025
Population Health, Course, Course Director, Population Health Research Methods (PHS 750)Spring 2025
Medicine, Course, Instructor, Lifestyle Medicine Residency CurriculumFall 2024
Medicine, Small Group, Facilitator, Introduction to the Medical Profession IIIFall 2024

Directed Student Learning

Supervised Research, Advised: Mcking Amedari2024 - Present