Thomas H. Adair, PhD

Thomas H. Adair, PhD


SOM-Physiology & Biophysics



University of Texas Medical Branch, PhD, Biomedical Sciences1980
Western Michigan University, MA, Biology1976
Michigan State University, BS, Biology1973

Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments

Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Physiology And Biophysics


Journal Article

Pryor JS, Montani JP, Adair TH Angiogenic growth factor responses to long-term treadmill exercise in mice IJPP 54(4): 309-317, 20102010
George EM, Cockrell K, Adair TH, Granger JP Regulation of sFlt-1 and VEGF secretion by adenosine under hypoxic conditions in rat placental villous explants Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 299: R1629-33, 2010.2010


George EM, Granger JP, Adair TH Regulation of sFlt-1 and VEGF secretion by adenosine receptor signaling in rat placental villous explants. FASEB J 24: 1041.11, 2010.2010
Adair TH, Drummond HA. A role for βENaC protein in microvessel formation. FASEB J 24: 1031.5, 2010.2010
Adair TH, Horton WB Adenosine antagonist 8-SPT decreases rate of microvessel growth in mouse left ventricular angiogenesis assay in vitro. FASEB J 23: 625.10, 2009.2009
Adair TH, Drummond HA Benzamil decreases microvessel growth in rat aortic rings in vitro. FASEB J 23: 625.3, 2009.2009
Montani JP, Adair TH, Van Vliet BN Modelling volume-loading hypertension with Guyton’s model: role of whole body blood flow autoregulation. FASEB J 23: 1019.24, 2009.2009


Adair TH, Montani JP Angiogenesis Colloquium Series on Integrated Systems Physiology: From Molecule to Function. Eds. DN Granger, J Granger. Morgan & Claypool Life Sciences, 2011.2010


State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Angiogenesis Overview, Physiology Summer Seminar Series, UMMC, Jackson, MS07/2010
Poster Presentation, A role for βENaC in microvessel formation, Experimental Biology 2010, Anaheim , CA04/2010
National and International Invited Seminars/Lectures, A role for βENaC in microvessel formation, Experimental Biology 2010, Anaheim , CA04/2010
Poster Presentation, Adenosine antagonist 8-SPT decreases rate of microvessel growth in mouse left ventricular angiogenesis assay in vitro., Experimental Biology 2009, New Orleans04/2009
Poster Presentation, Benzamil decreases microvessel growth in rat aortic rings in vitro., Experimental Biology 2009, New Orleans04/2009
State/Local Invited Seminars/Lectures, Growth regulation of the vascular system: role of oxygen and adenosine, Physiology Seminar Series, UMMC, Jackson MS07/2008

Honors, Awards, and Recognition

NBME Physiology Step 1 Item Writer, National Board of Medical Examiners2004
Carl G. Evers Teaching Award, Evers Society
Carl G. Evers Teaching Award, Evers Society
Carl G. Evers Teaching Award, Evers Society
Physiology Step 1 Exam Reviewer, National Board of Medical Examiners

Professional Membership and Service

American Physiological Society - CV Awards, Committee Member, APS, Cardiovascular section - Awards Committee2010 - 2013
Frontiers in Integrative Physiology, Editorial Review Board Member2010 - Present
American Heart Association, Committee Member, R4VBBP2 Peer Review Study Group2008
American Heart Association, Committee Member, R4VBBP2 Peer Review Study Group2008
Circulation Research, Reviewer, Journal Article2008 - Present
National Board of Medical Examiners, Committee Member, Step 1 Physiology TMDC Meeting2005 - 2008
American Journal of Physiology, Reviewer, Journal Article2005 - Present
Experimental Physiology, Reviewer, Journal Article2005 - Present
Hypertension, Reviewer, Journal Article2005 - Present
Microvascular Research, Reviewer, Journal Article2005 - Present
High Altitude Medicine and Biology, Reviewer, Journal Article2008

Committee Service

School Of Dentistry - Curriculum, Member2007 - Present
School Of Dentistry - Admissions, Member2005 - 2008

Community Service

Stew Pot, Facilitator2010

Other Service

SOD Self Study, member2008 - 2009
SOD Ad Hoc Student Appeals Board, member2008
SOM SACS Audit Subcommittee, member2008

Teaching Experience

611, Medicine, Lecture, Course Presenter, Medical PhysiologySpring 2012
725, Graduate, Course, Course Director, Fundamental principles of physiologyWinter 2012
625, Dentistry, Course, Course Director, PhysiologyWinter 2012
Graduate, Lecture, Guest Presenter, Professional skillsWinter 2012
625, Dentistry, Course, Course Director, Physiology 2011
Graduate, Lecture, Course Presenter, Professional SkillsWinter 2011
611, Medicine, Course, Lecturer, Medical PhysiologyFall 2010
625, Dentistry, Course, Lecturer, PhysiologyFall 2010
625, Dentistry, Course, Course Director, Physiology 2010
611, Medicine, Course, Lecturer, Medical PhysiologyFall 2009
625, Dentistry, Course, Lecturer, PhysiologyFall 2009
625, Dentistry, Course, Course Director, Physiology 2009
611, Medicine, Course, Lecturer, Medical PhysiologyFall 2008
625, Dentistry, Course, Lecturer, PhysiologyFall 2008
625, Dentistry, Course, Course Director, Physiology 2008
611, Medicine, Course, Lecturer, Medical PhysiologyFall 2007
625, Dentistry, Course, Lecturer, PhysiologyFall 2007
625, Dentistry, Course, Course Director, Physiology 2007

Directed Student Learning

Advised: Janelle Pryor
2003 - 2010