Procurement Opportunities

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Business Opportunities

UMMC posts current solicitations for Requests for Proposals (RFP), Requests for Qualifications (RFQ), Requests for Quotes (RFQ), Requests for Information (RFI), and Invitations for Bids (IFB or Bid) (collectively, "Solicitations") on the following pages and on the MS Procurement Technical Assistance program website. UMMC does not maintain a bidder's list, and vendors do not have to prequalify to respond to UMMC Solicitations. 

You may respond to any solicitation for which your company has the requisite expertise. If you would like to submit a proposal to any Solicitation, you may contact UMMC for a copy of the document. The individual from whom to request a Solicitation is identified within the advertisements found on the pages below.

How UMMC publicizes upcoming acquisitions

UMMC posts current solicitations for Requests for Proposals (RFP), Requests for Qualifications (RFQ), Requests for Quotes (RFQ), Requests for Information (RFI), and Invitations for Bids (IFB or Bid) (collectively, "Solicitations") on the UMMC Contracts Administration website. UMMC does not maintain a bidder's list, and vendors do not have to pre-qualify to respond to UMMC Solicitations. Solicitations for upcoming acquisitions are also currently advertised in The Clarion-Ledger newspaper and on the Mississippi Procurement Technical Assistance Program website. Links to UMMC solicitations may also be found on the website of the Institutions of Higher Learning.

Watch for UMMC advertisements in the newspaper or check the Internet listings.  Newspaper ads and new listings on the website typically appear on Mondays and/or Thursdays. You may respond to any Solicitation for which your company has the requisite expertise. If you would like to submit a proposal to any Solicitation and are unable to download the Solicitation from the Internet, you may contact UMMC for a copy of the document. We will e-mail you a copy of the requested Solicitation.

Charges for requests for proposals

The vast majority of solicitations issued by UMMC are available for download in Adobe and Word format at no cost.

Instructions for responding to solicitations

Read and follow all instructions in the solicitation. The proposal becomes part of the contract with the awarded vendor and a non-responsive proposal will be removed from further consideration.

If you take exception to an item, it's best to clearly outline an alternative, what you CAN do or offer, because the option might be acceptable to UMMC or at least allow UMMC to identify the level of risk.

Tab the response and insert a table of contents, showing where the signed cover sheet, proposal bond, exception summary, response to technical specifications, cost proposal, response to exhibits, etc., are found.

Don't include "brochure" type language - vendors sometimes make the mistake of marketing themselves rather than just responding to the requirements directly.

Another issue for some proposals is providing the right level of information in response to technical requirements - enough information vs. not enough or too much. For most items, the evaluators want to see how the vendor will meet the requirement, not just "will comply." But too much information, especially when it doesn't directly respond to the requirement, is also negative, because the answer gets lost in all the excess verbiage.