eCV Newsletter, published by the University of Mississippi Medical Center
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Dental Mission Week participants care for state’s underserved

Dental Mission Week participants care for state’s underserved

Dedicating one's life to serving others doesn't always come with a full benefits package: medical, dental, life and paid vacation. That's why Melissa Smith and her husband Joshua were thrilled to hear that free dental care would be available to them at the University of Mississippi School of Dentistry's inaugural Dental Mission Week.

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These RNs have nursing careers as doctors

These RNs have nursing careers as doctors

Caring for a patient without nurses is like trying to run a race without legs, or like trying to fix a car without hands. Of the 593 students seeking medical degrees here now, at least nine know that better than anyone. Here are the stories of three of them.

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Sickle cell trait could alter diabetes test results

Researchers from Brown University and the Jackson Heart Study say that physicians should be aware of new findings about a blood test used to monitor diabetes. The results could mean missed chances to treat diabetes in African-Americans with a common genetic trait.

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Sickle cell trait could alter diabetes test results

Audiologist, nursing instructor join UMMC faculty

Audiologist, nursing instructor join UMMC faculty

The Medical Center is proud to announce the following additions to its faculty and leadership staff.

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