eCV Newsletter, published by the University of Mississippi Medical Center
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New pediatric clinic: Simple solution to coordinate complex cases

New pediatric clinic: Simple solution to coordinate complex cases

Parents juggling multiple medical appointments for a child seeing several subspecialists get hit with needs of other family members, job demands and, for some, the challenges of making a lengthy trip to Jackson if home is hours away.

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FIXing genes: a first at UMMC

FIXing genes: a first at UMMC

This spring, Ryan Hallock helped bulldoze 10 acres of land. He felt sore afterwards, the usual aches and pains that come from hard labor, but otherwise fine.

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#AskTheHIVDoc campaign taps Mena’s STD expertise

Dr. Leandro Mena considers himself a shy person. He doesn't do Facebook, and he barely tweets. But his international reputation as an expert in the field of sexually transmitted infections has placed him in a sweeping social media spotlight. He's one of three “smart and sexy docs” answering questions on an array of topics in #AskTheHIVDoc, a YouTube-based series of short-form, question-and-answer videos in English and Spanish produced through the initiative Greater Than AIDS.

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#AskTheHIVDoc campaign taps Mena’s STD expertise

Andy Research Lecture, grad studies dean's talk top week's slate

Andy Research Lecture, grad studies dean's talk top week's slate

A number of interesting events is scheduled for the upcoming weeks at the Medical Center.

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