VC Notes Archive Office of the Vice Chancellor
Friday, October 6, 2023

Compliance Reliance

Good morning! 

As you can see, today’s VC Notes is a little shorter than most, but the message is as important as any others.

I want to extend my congratulations and appreciation to each of you who completed your annual compliance training by the due date. In a meeting this past Monday, Stacy Baldwin, chief integrity officer, who oversees facilitating the Medical Center’s annual compliance training program, reported that 98.37 percent of faculty and staff had completed all steps in HealthStream by the Sept. 30 deadline.  

That’s less than 2 percent away from full compliance! This is, at least in my memory, the highest completion percentage by the due date in history and a magnificent accomplishment.

Additionally, she said that 100 percent of residents and fellows completed the training by the due date, which is also fantastic news. I know our Office of Graduate Medical Education went above and beyond to make this happen this year and their efforts paid off.

Since Monday, Stacy’s team has been going through each instance where the training wasn’t completed to see if there was some procedural issue or something else that can be easily remedied. And, as of yesterday afternoon, the completion figure was up to 98.81 percent. Once a review of the people who still have not completed the training has been completed, Human Resources will be initiating suspensions for employees who remain on that list. I appreciate the work they do each year to prepare for annual compliance training and especially this year to get us this close to full compliance – on time! 

Completing annual compliance is important for all of us, and for our institution. Not only is it necessary for some of our accreditation standards, but it also gives each of us a yearly reminder of vital information that can protect us and/or the Medical Center. The time it takes to watch the videos and read the documents is worth it.

We are all working toward making progress on our goals and overall mission, and when you get to that last step and attest that you’ve completed your annual compliance training, that, too, gets us one step closer to A Healthier Mississippi.

Signed, Lou Ann Woodward, M.D.

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