UMMC Revenue: I'm Showing You the Money
That brings me to patient-care revenue. Clearly it represents the lion's share of our funding and is driving the recent growth of the Medical Center. All of our other revenue sources have basically stayed flat during this time period.
We're happy about the recent growth in patient-care revenue, but we can't take it for granted. We can't assume the high volume of patients we've experienced recently to continue indefinitely. That's why our efforts to deliver higher-quality care more efficiently must continue. Better informed consumers, more transparency in health-care pricing, reductions in the growth of Medicare spending, and more efficient models of health-care delivery are all transforming the economics of health care. And we are responding to all of these trends.
We're also actively engaged in growing all our revenue streams, to keep this mix as diversified as possible. We have exciting plans to expand our traditional strength in basic science research to encompass clinical research and population studies, partly fueled by our collaboration with the Mayo Clinic. And while we're thrilled to receive comparatively strong support from the state, we're going to continue to tell our story that UMMC is one of the best investments our state can make in terms of economic impact.
Even though our revenue comes to us in different streams, when it's possible to do so, we may allocate it for another purpose. This cross-subsidization is part of our management philosophy that "all money is blue." (UMMC blue, that is.)
We have to be good stewards of the money we are fortunate enough to receive. We don't have, and will never have, all the money we need to do everything we want to do. So we have to stretch it as far as we possibly can and be accountable for how it's used.
Finally, today's column has been about the sources of our money. On another day, I'll talk about how we use the money we receive, and the difference between the restricted-use money we spend for capital projects like the School of Medicine (state bond funds) and the Translational Science Center (mostly federal funds) and what we are able to spend on operating costs like salaries and benefits.
During the last 10 years, UMMC has just about doubled its revenue from all sources. That's amazing, and it should be a source of pride for all of us. But the pride comes in knowing what that growth represents -- more students gaining access to an education, more and better health-care services for more patients, and more discoveries that expand our capacity to help others. That's our mission, the one we live every day, on our path to A Healthier Mississippi.