eCV Newsletter, published by the University of Mississippi Medical Center
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UMMC hears hospital patients' voices through survey

UMMC hears hospital patients' voices through survey

Patients at the University of Mississippi Medical Center are the most important people in the hospital system - and without patients, most of the 10,000 UMMC employees wouldn't be working here.

Leaders in quality, safety and performance at the Medical Center want patients' voices heard, both during their hospital stay and when they go home. It's a federal requirement that hospitals seek out their input through a standardized patient satisfaction survey mailed after discharge.

But only 18 percent of UMMC hospital patients return the survey, much lower than the national average of 30 percent. Chief Medical Officer Dr. Michael Henderson and his staff are taking measures to bring up that percentage, including changing the vendor used for surveys and educating front-line caregivers on encouraging patients to fill out the survey form after it's mailed to them.

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Radiothon to tell Children's Hospital stories, encourage donations

Radiothon to tell Children's Hospital stories, encourage donations

The Mississippi Miracles Radiothon will celebrate 15 years of helping children by teaming up with 11 radio stations for three days of broadcasting the stories of Batson Children's Hospital.

The Radio People stations US 96.3, Mix 98.7, Y101.7 and 100.9 The Legend from Jackson, River 101.3, K104.5 and 92.7 The Touch of Vicksburg, and 97 OKK, Q 101, 105.7 The Beat and Kiss 104.1 of Meridian will broadcast from the lobby of the state's only children's hospital March 2-4.

The broadcasting will include interviews with current and former Batson Children's Hospital patients and their families. Listeners will be asked to call in pledges to benefit the hospital, funding equipment purchases, research and programs to ensure the hospital is able to provide the most advanced level of medical care for Mississippi's children.

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'Affluent Affair' is roaring '20s success

The Great Gatsby era wasn't known for any famous duels, but one was in the making Saturday at the University of Mississippi Medical Center Alliance's Roaring 20s Affluent Affair.

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'Affluent Affair' is roaring '20s success

Florida surgeon, Indiana radiologist's talks highlight week's docket

Florida surgeon, Indiana radiologist's talks highlight week's docket

A number of interesting events is scheduled for the upcoming week at the Medical Center:

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