eCV Newsletter, published by the University of Mississippi Medical Center
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Patients benefit from GI testing technology enhancements

Patients benefit from GI testing technology enhancements

Those who suffer from gastrointestinal disorders - including acid reflux, intestinal bugs, diarrhea, bloating and unexplained bleeding - often find themselves managing those problems without knowing their cause.

But outpatient tests now available at UMMC mean getting to the root of such GI issues can be as simple as breathing into a small plastic bag or swallowing a tiny camera that looks like a pill.

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Enchanted Evening gala celebrates state, raises funds for Children’s Hospital

Enchanted Evening gala celebrates state, raises funds for Children’s Hospital

A downtown Jackson soiree's centerpiece Saturday was raising funds to improve the health care of Mississippi's children while saluting where they call home.

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Chancellor's town hall meeting highlights week's activities

A number of interesting events is scheduled for the upcoming week at the Medical Center.

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Chancellor's town hall meeting highlights week's activities
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