Most people walking the halls of the University of Mississippi Medical Center's hospitals know what it means when they hear Code Blue on an overhead speaker and see employees in scrubs or white coats running to a medical emergency.
University of Mississippi Medical Center employees will have the opportunity to support any institutional enterprise of their choosing during the Office of Development's annual "Giving Starts Here" campaign, scheduled Monday-Friday, Oct. 12-16. The theme of this year's drive, "UMMC . . . A League of Our Own," lends a fun, baseball-themed twist to employee giving. Once again, faculty and staff will have the opportunity to indicate where their pledges of single or biweekly payroll deductions will be distributed among the many existing UMMC "funds." According to Travis Bradburn, interim executive director in the Office of Development, the campaign provides an opportunity for employees who feel passionately about specific institutional missions to directly support those funds.
A number of interesting events is scheduled for the upcoming week at the Medical Center.
The Medical Center is proud to acknowledge those employees who will celebrate service anniversaries this week.