eCV Newsletter, published by the University of Mississippi Medical Center
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Faculty, staff recognized for research excellence

Faculty, staff recognized for research excellence

It was standing room only at the 2015 Excellence in Research Awards Nov. 4 in the Norman C. Nelson Student Union at the University of Mississippi Medical Center, where the UMMC Department of Research recognized the accomplishments of 27 faculty and staff.

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Physiology still matters, says Mayo Clinic’s Joyner

Physiology still matters, says Mayo Clinic’s Joyner

Will advances in genomics and targeted therapies be the silver bullet to treating and curing human disease? Dr. Michael Joyner thinks we need a second opinion. 

Joyner, a professor of anesthesiology at the Mayo Medical School in Rochester, Minnesota, gave the Physiologists in Training (PIT) Distinguished Research Lecture Nov. 5 in Classroom Wing 308. His talk, “Our Physiological Future,” addressed some of the shortcomings of the genetic revolution and why traditional clinical physiology is still needed to solve research problems. 

The PIT distinguished lecture has been happening for several years, said Dr. Carolina Dalmasso, a postdoctoral fellow in physiology at UMMC and a leader of PIT. Trainees select a speaker and organize the event, giving themselves the opportunity to learn from renowned researchers outside of UMMC.

“Dr. Joyner has an excellent history of mentorship, with over 100 mentees during his career, from undergraduates to residents,” said John Henry Dasinger, a fourth-year PhD student in physiology and a student leader in PIT. Joyner also is an accomplished researcher, known for his work in exercise physiology, cardiovascular function and blood transfusion practices. His wide-ranging experience is another reason PIT invited him to give the 2015 lecture.

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UMMC family to get first crack at Meridian apartments

University of Mississippi Medical Center students and employees have a new option for luxury living, literally across the street from campus and complete with coveted parking. 

And they have first dibs.

Developers of the Meridian at Fondren, a 241-unit apartment building under construction at 800 Lakeland Drive across from UMMC's Peachtree Street entrance, will take reservations for summer 2016 when they visit campus Nov. 16-19. The UMMC community will get a first peek at plans and architectural renderings for the Meridian, the first luxury apartment home offering in the Fondren area, and the chance to talk to its creators, Stewart Speed and Tyler Kassinger of SKD Development.

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UMMC family to get first crack at Meridian apartments

Dentistry dean candidate, visiting professors to speak this week

Dentistry dean candidate, visiting professors to speak this week

A number of interesting events is scheduled for the upcoming week at the Medical Center.

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