eCV Newsletter, published by the University of Mississippi Medical Center
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Integrative medicine: body, mind and soul

Integrative medicine: body, mind and soul

As if her severe asthma, chronic bronchitis, complicated migraines and allergic rhinitis weren't enough, single mom Ella Robinson found herself barely able to manage the side issues wrought by a long list of often-disabling diseases and the merry-go-round of failed treatment.

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Front and Center: Dr. Larry Creswell

Front and Center: Dr. Larry Creswell

In 2005, Dr. Larry Creswell gave his own cardiovascular system a jolt. "I decided to get up off the couch and be healthy," said Creswell, associate professor of surgery and an adult heart surgeon.

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Edelman lecture, chancellor listening session highlight events on UMMC's horizon

A number of interesting events is scheduled in the upcoming weeks at the Medical Center.

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Edelman lecture, chancellor listening session highlight events on UMMC's horizon

Emergency med, peds departments swell ranks

Emergency med, peds departments swell ranks

The Medical Center is proud to announce the following additions to its faculty and leadership staff:

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Campus News
New Faculty
New Faculty
Campus Menus
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