eCV Newsletter, published by the University of Mississippi Medical Center
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Dr. Aaron Shirley: Champion of health care and social justice

Dr. Aaron Shirley: Champion of health care and social justice

A pioneer in Mississippi rural and urban health care, Dr. Aaron Shirley was so much more than an excellent physician. Shirley, who in 1965 became the first African-American learner at UMMC when he became a pediatrics resident in the School of Medicine, dedicated his life to bringing medical care and health education services to those most in need. He died Wednesday, Nov. 26, at UMMC at the age of 81.

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Cancer-drug delivery patent could lead to shorter chemotherapy treatments

Cancer-drug delivery patent could lead to shorter chemotherapy treatments

Two University of Mississippi Medical Center researchers were awarded a patent that could revolutionize how cancer drugs are delivered. The new approach is one that could cut down on the number of chemotherapy treatments required, a measure that could save patients from some of the side effects that come with the aggressive treatment.

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Art donation is one for the books

For more than two decades at UMMC, Ada Seltzer made the Rowland Medical Library hospitable to everyone from computer users to coffee lovers.

Her mission was to ensure that the library remained relevant and welcoming; and now, six years after retiring, she’s still at it.

Seltzer, who gave the Medical Center more than 20 years of her life, has given it some of her art, donating four works by paper sculptor Blanche Batson.

“I believe they belong here,” Seltzer said.

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Art donation is one for the books

UMMC staff receive service recognition

UMMC staff receive service recognition

Medical Center leadership is proud to acknowledge those employees who will celebrate service anniversaries this week.

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Guest presentations highlight UMMC calendar

A number of interesting events is scheduled for the upcoming week at the Medical Center.

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Guest presentations highlight UMMC calendar
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