A scientist looks into a microscope.
UMMC scientists Dr. Ashley Robinson, back, and Dr. Michael Garrett, front, prepare COVID-19 samples for genomic sequencing, a tool that allows researchers to distinguish between virus variants in order to determine which are more or less prevalent in the population.
A scientist reviews test tubes.
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Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology

Welcome to the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology. Our mission is to perform basic and translational pharmacological research and to train new scientists and health sciences professionals. To accomplish this mission, the department has 18 full-time faculty, support staff, well-equipped laboratories and core facilities.

We use a range of multidisciplinary approaches to conduct our research. Our scientists have developed unique genetic animal models. We can measure pharmacological and physiological variable ranging in scale from molecular to whole-animal. Core facilities for tissue culture, genomics, mass spectrometry, imaging and electrophysiology support these research efforts. These resources and skills allow us to conduct state-of-the-art basic translational research on metabolic, cardiovascular, renal and cancer-related diseases. 

The department has eight to 12 PhD students in any given year. In addition to training graduate students, the department teaches pharmacology and therapeutics to medical and dental students and maintains outreach efforts to local high schools, colleges and universities.