Bert “Bo” Sullivan rolled together his experiences as a flight nurse in the Mississippi Air National Guard and as a registered nurse in the Medical Center’s Adult Emergency Department and took them to AirCare, UMMC’s medical helicopter transport. That was more than a quarter-century ago. Sullivan has earned his second retirement, the first from the Guard, but leaves a rich legacy with AirCare and emergency services statewide.
UMMC’s participation in the National Institutes of Health-led All of Us Research Program will help the study create one of the largest databases of health information, allowing scientists to find ways to prevent, treat and cure diseases both common and rare.
With temperatures setting the stage for sweltering, Mississippians can find themselves in danger of suffering heat illnesses. A Medical Center emergency medicine expert says taking steps to protect yourself through keeping hydrated and taking rest breaks will help keep you out of the emergency room.
Knowing the difference between urgent care and emergency care is essential to getting children the most appropriate care for their condition. Children’s of Mississippi care is available for urgent care from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday at UMMC’s Grants Ferry location in Flowood.
Several interesting events are scheduled for the upcoming week at the Medical Center.
Medical Center leadership is proud to acknowledge those employees who will celebrate service anniversaries during the week of June 20 – 26.