eCV Newsletter, published by the University of Mississippi Medical Center
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UMMC psychiatrist: Agape love key to relationship success

UMMC psychiatrist: Agape love key to relationship success

Roses, a ring, candlelit dinners – those are all well and good when it comes to sparking, and doing maintenance on, an intimate relationship. But what’s left when the roses wither, the ring “shrinks,” and the flame goes out? Nurturing a long-term relationship requires more than the trappings of romance, as these experts point out.

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School of Nursing moving, growing in Oxford

School of Nursing moving, growing in Oxford

The School of Nursing’s accelerated nursing program at the University of Mississippi in Oxford is growing and changing locations. The eventual goal is to double the number of students per class, and students will start in a new location this fall.

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Speech pathologist, scientist, neuro onc fellow join faculty

Medical Center leadership is proud to announce the following additions to its faculty and leadership staff.

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Speech pathologist, scientist, neuro onc fellow join faculty

Talks by MIND Center director, faith understanding group cap busy week

Talks by MIND Center director, faith understanding group cap busy week

Several interesting events are scheduled for the upcoming weeks at the Medical Center.

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New Faculty
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