The Medical Center’s second-oldest school will celebrate its 70th anniversary on Friday with remarks from School of Nursing graduates, a reception and tours of the school. While the school has undergone many changes in the last 70 years, the work being done today was built “on the shoulders of those who came before us,” said Dr. Kim Hoover, SON dean.
A drug derived from marijuana is now the subject of a six-month clinical trial being conducted by UMMC and the UM School of Pharmacy. Researchers hope children participating in the trial will get relief from epileptic seizures with the drug made with cannabidiol extracted from marijuana grown by the UM School of Pharmacy’s National Center for Natural Products Research.
Nearly 200 researchers from three states met in the School of Medicine Nov. 2-3 for the American Society for Microbiology South Central Branch meeting. Hosted by UMMC for the first time since 2002, the meeting featured talks from the national organization’s CEO and faculty and trainees, who presented their research in the microbial sciences.
A helicopter emergency transport manager receives a national patient advocacy award, a state college association taps a UMMC associate professor of anesthesiology for its advisory board, and an NICU nurse's actions garner a Good Catch Award,
Several interesting events are scheduled for the upcoming weeks at the Medical Center.
Medical Center leadership is proud to announce the following additions to its faculty and leadership staff.