eCV Newsletter, published by the University of Mississippi Medical Center
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Don’t fall prey to slips and trips

Don’t fall prey to slips and trips

Darlene Bryant did everything right - and she still fell down. It had been raining the day she took the shuttle bus to campus. “I had my umbrella, and I was getting off the bus. I was holding onto the rail. I had on flat shoes. I wasn't on my phone,” remembered Bryant, the Medical Center's director of risk management.

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The renal cost of tobacco

The renal cost of tobacco

The list of smoking-associated conditions continues to grow, according to UMMC researchers.

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Pre-Mat should issue spoiler alert for new dental, medical students

If getting through medical school or dental school is like a mystery that must be solved, then Kandice Bailey and Brian McDonnieal have already discovered a great big clue.

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Pre-Mat should issue spoiler alert for new dental, medical students

Retirement ceremony, Mayo experts' talks top week's slate

Retirement ceremony, Mayo experts' talks top week's slate

A number of interesting events is scheduled for the upcoming week at the Medical Center.

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CV caregivers, respiratory therapist, SHRP students, SOD alumna garner kudos

UMMC cardiovascular caregivers earn Mission: Lifeline recognition; respiratory therapist captures leadership award; radiologic sciences, magnetic resonance imaging and nuclear medicine technology students achieve a perfect score; and a School of Dentistry alum is listed as the area's top dentist by a local publication.

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CV caregivers, respiratory therapist, SHRP students, SOD alumna garner kudos
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