eCV Newsletter, published by the University of Mississippi Medical Center
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Pediatric trainees, legislators share information during AAP Capitol Day

Pediatric trainees, legislators share information during AAP Capitol Day

White-coated doctors, medical students, pediatric residents and fellows from the University of Mississippi Medical Center were getting a lesson in the inner workings of the Mississippi Legislature while sharing facts on health-related legislation Tuesday during the third annual Capitol Day, hosted by the Mississippi chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (MS-AAP).

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Nurses needed to fulfill calling at Medical Center

Nurses needed to fulfill calling at Medical Center

In her 20 years as a nurse, Angela Glass has cared for a variety of patients. But for the last four years, she's devoted her career to patients who allow her to make a difference: kids with psychiatric challenges at Batson Children's Hospital.

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Meeting of the minds: UMMC goes to Mississippi Academy of Sciences

As one academy prepares for a big meeting in Los Angeles, the Mississippi Academy of Sciences headed to Hattiesburg for their own last week.

University of Mississippi Medical Center faculty, staff and students attended the Academy's 80th annual meeting Feb. 18-19 in the Thad Cochran Center at the University of Southern Mississippi.

This year's meeting was a great success with record attendance, says Dr. Ham Benghuzzi, professor of clinical health sciences and executive director of MAS.

“There were more than 750 meeting attendees representing all universities and colleges in the state,” Benghuzzi said. “The increase in abstracts and attendance is a reflection of how hard each of the division chairs worked.”

The mission of MAS is three-fold: to foster communication among scientists, promote science education and provide expertise to the wider state community.

Researchers from across the state gathered to present their work through posters and talks, representing the sciences from agriculture to zoology.

UMMC brought its biomedical and health sciences expertise to the event, not only as workshop leaders and featured speakers, but also with award-winning student posters.

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Meeting of the minds: UMMC goes to Mississippi Academy of Sciences

2016 UM/UMMC Research Day preview

2016 UM/UMMC Research Day preview

The Medical Center will host the second-annual 2016 UM/UMMC Research Day on Thursday, March 3, in the second-floor conference center of the Norman C. Nelson Student Union. The event will feature three-minute lectures, a poster session and keynote speeches by UMMC and UM faculty, postdoctoral fellows, staff and students.

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Surgeon, physicist among new UMMC faculty

The Medical Center is proud to announce the following additions to its faculty and leadership staff:

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Surgeon, physicist among new UMMC faculty
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