eCV Newsletter, published by the University of Mississippi Medical Center
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SGSHS students place second in statewide IHL competition

SGSHS students place second in statewide IHL competition

Shaping teeth, minds and waistlines is how Mary Mabry describes the mission of Mississippi Wellness Group.

That's the business plan created by Mabry, Katie Cranston, Alex Himel and Scarlett Woods, master's in biomedical sciences students in the School of Graduate Studies, for the second annual Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Mississippi Social Business Challenge held Feb. 10.

Their project, “Addressing disparities in dental care access utilizing a school-based mobile dental home and nutrition education program in underserved communities in north Mississippi,” won second place.

“We were really excited and surprised when they announced our team,” Mabry said.

Eleven teams from Mississippi's public universities presented their ideas to a panel of health and business professionals in the Institutions of Higher Learning board room in Jackson. The teams from the University of Southern Mississippi placed first and Delta State University placed third.

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JPS students take a field trip to see the dentist

JPS students take a field trip to see the dentist

Row upon row of young children file off buses and into the School of Dentistry on the campus of the University of Mississippi Medical Center early Friday morning.

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Heart month talk, Schwartz Rounds top event calendar

A number of interesting events is scheduled for the upcoming week at the Medical Center.

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Heart month talk, Schwartz Rounds top event calendar
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