eCV Newsletter, published by the University of Mississippi Medical Center
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New wellness center empowers students to take care of mind, body

New wellness center empowers students to take care of mind, body

You might think that, at 291 pages, the UMMC Student Bulletin, with its mile-long lists of classes, could not possibly have left anything out.

But it did: introduction to eating less pizza and more vegetables, the basics of getting more than four hours of sleep, and the fundamentals of staying connected to the people you love.

While those lessons could improve any student's chances of survival, many fail them miserably.

“Students are experts at delayed gratification,” said Dr. Scott Rodgers, chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, “and that's not necessarily a good thing - they need to take care of their mind and body, their relationships; we need to help them take care of themselves.”

Looking for a way to fill that plot hole in the curriculum narrative, the department opened this month the Student Counseling & Wellness Center and brought in two mental health professionals to support students who could benefit from their services.

And there may be no shortage of those.

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Gift of friendship, gift of life

Gift of friendship, gift of life

A crisis situation often reveals who one's true friends are. University of Mississippi colleagues Charlotte Pegues and Leslie Banahan discovered the depths of their friendship recently when a health crisis for the former brought the latter to her rescue.

Three years ago, Pegues' kidneys began to fail, eventually placing her in dire need of a transplant. Soon after hearing the news, Banahan volunteered to donate one of her own kidneys. Physicians determined the two were a match and the successful operation was performed June 9 at the University of Mississippi Medical Center.

 “I feel like Leslie is my sister,” said Pegues, assistant provost for academic affairs and registrar. “I want to repay her in some way, but she said this was a gift. It's a God thing!”

Banahan, assistant vice chancellor for student affairs, said she is grateful and honored that she was able to be there for her friend.

“I wouldn't have done this for just anyone, but Charlotte is an amazing woman, someone I wanted to help so she could live a full, long, happy life with her husband, family and friends,” Banahan said. “We have a special connection now - sisters, really - as we have shared this journey together.”

Because becoming a living organ donor is a life-changing decision, Banahan said it was not a choice that she made quickly or without a great deal of research, prayer and consideration.

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CMN Champion’s big rig ride revs up excitement for Walmart drive

Jordan Morgan's ride to Walmart Tuesday carried an important cargo: To help kick off the retailer's annual drive for millions of dollars in donations to Children's Miracle Network Hospitals.

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CMN Champion’s big rig ride revs up excitement for Walmart drive

Dermatologist, anesthesiologist, pediatrician, surgeon join UMMC's ranks

Dermatologist, anesthesiologist, pediatrician, surgeon join UMMC's ranks

The Medical Center is proud to announce the following additions to its faculty and leadership staff.

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Future leaders gain credentials, scientists earn awards, University Heart sets 'Gold' standard

Grenada, Lexington graduate 14 leaders; Millsaps business program enrolls eight faculty; University Heart earns Joint Commission's top marks; a physiologist garners AHA hypertension council acclaim; and Ph.D. student's poster commands microbiology world's attention.     

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Future leaders gain credentials, scientists earn awards, University Heart sets 'Gold' standard
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