eCV Newsletter, published by the University of Mississippi Medical Center
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New grant to create one-stop shops for mental and physical health needs

New grant to create one-stop shops for mental and physical health needs

A nurse practitioner, an occupational therapist, a psychologist and a social worker walk into an exam room, and it's no joke. It is the future of better health care. Interprofessional collaboration has been shown to improve the quality of patient care and improve outcomes.

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Crowder shapes vision for ophthalmology

Crowder shapes vision for ophthalmology

When she agreed to take the reins of the University of Mississippi Medical Center's busy Department of Ophthalmology, Dr. Kimberly Crowder said she didn't have a lot of immediate questions - but her patients did.

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Suzan Thames surprised by tribute from Friends

Suzan B. Thames, whose name is synonymous with raising funds and nurturing Mississippi's children, was celebrated Wednesday at the Medical Center in a clandestine operation.

The homage was kept secret from Thames until she walked into the annual meeting of the Friends of Children's Hospital and some 60 voices yelled, "Surprise!"

Thames, the original president and chair of Friends, which promotes and raises funds for Batson Children's Hospital, proceeded to collect accolades and a memento as the namesake of the endowed chair now held by Dr. Rick Barr.

She received a shadow box-framed medal bearing the inscription, "The Suzan Brown Thames Chair of Pediatrics," which was fully endowed in 2010; the medal is a replica of the one awarded to Barr when he was named chair in 2011.

"When you see this I want you to remember how much we appreciate you," said Dr. LouAnn Woodward, vice chancellor for health affairs and dean of the School of Medicine, as she presented the medal to Thames.

"I want you to think about the friends you have raised and the millions of dollars you have raised. But most importantly, think of all the children and the children's families who are better off because of what you have done.

"You are one of our heroes."

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Suzan Thames surprised by tribute from Friends

Practice talks, liability counseling on tap next week

Practice talks, liability counseling on tap next week

A number of interesting events is scheduled for next week at the Medical Center.

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New peds, radiology, medicine faculty swell UMMC's ranks

The Medical Center is proud to announce the following additions to its faculty and leadership staff:

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New peds, radiology, medicine faculty swell UMMC's ranks
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