The University of Mississippi Medical Center will celebrate National Hospital Week May 11-15 with a slate of activities dubbed (One Team, One Goal #ahealthierMS" for UMMC faculty and employees. A "Blessing of the Hands" will kick off the scheduled events at noon on Monday, May 11, in the University Hospital Chapel. The following day, the Employee Assistance Program will host a work/life webinar, "Using Mindfulness to Combat Stress." Things really get rolling on Wednesday, May 13, when a free employee meal will be served from 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at the School of Medicine entrance, the University Physicians Pavilion and in the Winfred L. Wiser Hospital for Women and Infants courtyard (late shift employees will be served that evening from 11 p.m.-1 a.m. in the UMMC Cafeteria). Wednesday also will be "Jersey Day" at the Medical Center. On Thursday, May 14, the 2500 Toastmasters will present "Laugh at Work . . . Experience the Magic of 2500 Toastmasters" at noon in room CW 308 of the Classroom Wing. That night will be UMMC Night at Trustmark Park in Pearl for the Mississippi Braves baseball game, scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. Employees will be urged to participate in a UMMC "White Out" throughout the day and during the game. Friday, May 15, has been dubbed "Food Truck Friday" for the arrival of food trucks on campus that will offer a variety of lunchtime fare. Employees also will be encouraged to "Wear Blue" on Friday. Throughout the week, a drawing for free Mississippi Braves tickets will take place. To view a full list of hospital week activities, click here; for more information, call Cammie Breedlove at 4-4181 or email her at