eCV Newsletter, published by the University of Mississippi Medical Center
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UMMC honors distinguished faculty

UMMC honors distinguished faculty

University of Mississippi Medical Center administrators named five faculty members to receive Billy S. Guyton Distinguished Professorships, an honor recognizing significant research accomplishments and excellence in teaching. 

The honorees' fields spanned the gamut of UMMC's three primary missions: education, research and health care. 

"The University of Mississippi is indeed honored to pay tribute to the contributions of Dr. Billy S. Guyton to medical education in Mississippi by awarding these distinguished professorships in his name," said Dr. LouAnn Woodward, vice chancellor for health affairs and dean of the School of Medicine.

Though Guyton Professorships recognize outstanding scholarship, there's no threshold for number of grants or dollar amount of grants for faculty to be considered.

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Thanks to Chen, patients see the light

Thanks to Chen, patients see the light

Dr. C. J. Chen is an avid photographer and travel buff.  He has a room outfitted with an elaborate stereo system where he spends time outside work listening to classical music, and he and his wife Lin have enjoyed ballroom dancing, the symphony, ballet and opera for years. They love visiting with their three children, all physicians living out of state, and six grandchildren.

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Retiree ceremony, USC neuroscientist's talk top week's events

A number of interesting events is scheduled for the upcoming week at the Medical Center.


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Retiree ceremony, USC neuroscientist's talk top week's events

May grants, awards surpass $4.3 million

May grants, awards surpass $4.3 million

University of Mississippi Medical Center researchers garnered 22 grants - including 13 new, seven renewal and two startups for industry clinical trials - in May totaling $4,318,215.

The following faculty obtained the largest new awards during the month (note: award amounts are calculated as annual figures):

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