eCV Newsletter, published by the University of Mississippi Medical Center
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Friends of Children's Hospital celebrates 25 years of giving

Friends of Children's Hospital celebrates 25 years of giving

When Dr. Owen "Bev" Evans found out he would become chairman of the pediatrics department at the University of Mississippi Medical Center, he negotiated for just three things - the department's first computer, its first printer to go with it and permission to create a Friends of Children's Hospital fundraising group.

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Dan Jones will join UMMC to help lead obesity research efforts

Dan Jones will join UMMC to help lead obesity research efforts

For over two years, Dr. John Hall has conducted a national search for the right person to lead the development of clinical obesity research programs at the University of Mississippi Medical Center.

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Front and Center: Dean "Miranda" James

Dr. Dean James distinctly remembers what he said the day his editor called. He may have set a record for consecutive OMGs - an understandable reaction from a writer who has just made it to the best-seller list of The New York Times.

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Front and Center: Dean "Miranda" James

Invited speakers, faculty exchange highlight week's events

Invited speakers, faculty exchange highlight week's events

Several presentations by leading scientists and experts and a faculty scholarship exchange top the agenda for the upcoming week at the Medical Center.  

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