Penni P. Lowrey, NNP-BC

Penni P. Lowrey, NNP-BC




Work Phone:
(601) 815-7100


Born in Meridian, MS - divorced widow. Mother of a daughter who is nurse at UMMC


Mississippi University for Women, BSN, Nursing1991
University of Mississippi Medical Center, Neonatal Nurse Practitioner1983
Meridian Community College, Associated Degree of Nursing, Nursing1981

Specialty Certification Licensure

Certification, Neonatal Resuscitation Provider11/2012 - 11/2014
Certification, Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Certification 1984, Licensure BON 199707/1984 - 06/2014
DEA, Drug Enforcement Administration License11/2010 - 03/2013
Certification, Neonatal Resuscitation Regional Instructor, Americal Academy of Pediatrics06/1986 - 12/2011
Licensure, Registered Nurse1981 - 2011

Current Positions

Instructor, School of , Department of Pediatrics11/1998 - Present
The University of Mississippi Medical Center
Jackson, Mississippi 39216

Academic Appointments or Other Previous Appointments

School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics
Hospital Nurse Educator, Oktibbeha County Hospital, Starkville, MS, School of , Department of Nursing Administration1993 - 1996
Nursery Coordinator/Supervisor, Oktibbeha County Hospital, Starkville, MS, School of , Department of Nursery05/1984 - 1993
Staff Nurse, University of Mississippi Medical Center, School of , Department of Pediatrics05/1981 - 05/1984

Honors, Awards, and Recognition

MUW Honor Graduate, 1991
Outstanding Young Women of America, 1986
Sigma Theta Tau, Excellence in Nursing Research, Poster Presentation 1991

Professional Membership and Service

Academy of Neonatal Nurses, Member2001 - Present
Florida Association of Neonatal Practitioners, Member, Annual Meeting2012

Committee Service

The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative Committee, Member2013 - Present

Teaching Experience

12, Nursing, Course, Course Presenter, Neonatal ResusciationWinter
Medicine, Course, Course Presenter, Neonatal ResuscitationSummer 2010